/***************************************************************************** * Filename: test_ec.c * * Author: Marco Ziglioli (Doctor Stein) * * Date: 20/06/2001 * * Description: Test program for gated event counting using PCI6025E board * *----------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Notes: FOUT are enabled to provide a frequency of 6250 Hz. You could * * connect PFI3 (pin 41) and PFI6 (pin 45) to this source for counting * * edges. Gated counting are enabled and PFI4 (pin 42) is gate pin for * * counter 0 and PFI5 (pin 44) is gate pin for counter 0. DIO 7 and 6 * * are als configured to switch between 0 and 5 V. Connect DIO 7 to * * gate 0 and DIO 6 to gate 1. Use 'g' (counter 0) and 'h' (counter 1) * * to change DIO lines value. On left area of the screen you should * * see counter while counting and on the right area you should lock * * counter values by pressing 's' key. * * Notice that line parameters are enabled and accept inital value * * for the two counters. If they aren't specified or they are wrong * * counters start from 0x00FFFFFF (counter 0 which counts down) and * * 0x00000000 (counter 1 which counts up). * * Last time addiction: TC Interrupts and Gate interrupts are enabled * * Bottom squares indicates when an interrupt is * * raised * *****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef INT_NO #define INT_NO NIDevice_info[0].InterruptLevel #endif BYTE sys = 0; PID show_aper_pid; BYTE out = 0x00; int black = rgb16(0, 0, 0), white = rgb16(255, 255, 255); void endfun(KEY_EVT *); void close_event(void *); void show_evt(KEY_EVT *k); void gate_change(KEY_EVT *k); void drawInterface(void); void int_evt(void); TASK show_per(int); TASK show_aper(int); int main(int argc, char **argv) { KEY_EVT k; SOFT_TASK_MODEL show_per_mod, show_aper_mod; PID show_per_pid; int result, modenum; DWORD init_val_c0, init_val_c1; if(argc >= 3){ if( (result = sscanf(argv[1], "%d", &init_val_c0)) != 1) init_val_c0 = 0x00FFFFFF; if( (result = sscanf(argv[2], "%d", &init_val_c1)) != 1) init_val_c1 = 0x00000000; } if(argc == 2){ if( (result = sscanf(argv[1], "%d", &init_val_c0)) != 1) init_val_c0 = 0x00FFFFFF; init_val_c1 = 0x00000000; } if(argc == 1){ init_val_c0 = 0x00FFFFFF; init_val_c1 = 0x00000000; } sys_atrunlevel(close_event, NULL, RUNLEVEL_BEFORE_EXIT); k.flag = CNTL_BIT; k.scan = KEY_X; k.ascii = 'x'; keyb_hook(k, endfun); k.flag = CNTR_BIT; keyb_hook(k, endfun); soft_task_default_model(show_aper_mod); soft_task_def_aperiodic(show_aper_mod); soft_task_def_level(show_aper_mod, 1); soft_task_def_period(show_aper_mod, 250000); soft_task_def_met(show_aper_mod, 30000); soft_task_def_wcet(show_aper_mod, 60000); if( (show_aper_pid = task_create("Show aperiodic task", show_aper, &show_aper_mod, NULL)) == NIL ){ sys = 10; sys_end(); } k.flag = 0; k.scan = KEY_S; k.ascii = 's'; keyb_hook(k, show_evt); k.flag = 0; k.scan = KEY_G; k.ascii = 'g'; keyb_hook(k, gate_change); k.scan = KEY_H; k.ascii = 'h'; keyb_hook(k, gate_change); soft_task_default_model(show_per_mod); soft_task_def_level(show_per_mod, 1); soft_task_def_met(show_per_mod, 1000); soft_task_def_period(show_per_mod, 10000); if( (show_per_pid = task_create("Show periodic task", show_per, &show_per_mod, NULL)) == NIL){ sys = 11; sys_end(); } if(pci_init()==-1){ sys = 20; sys_end(); } if(!reMap()){ sys = 21; sys_end(); } if(grx_init()==-1){ sys = 30; sys_end(); } if( (modenum = grx_getmode(800, 600, 16)) == -1){ sys = 31; sys_end(); } grx_setmode(modenum); drawInterface(); //Init DIO lines used to manage counters gates DIO_init(); DIO_setup(0xFF); DIO_write(out); //All PFI are configured as input PFIprogramming(0x0000); //FOUT enable; Slow TIMEBASE, divided by two; divided by 16 on FOUT pin setIntClock(1, 1, 0); TIM_reset(2); //Reset both two counters //Source PFI3(41); Gate PFI 4(42); Down counting; counts rising edge; TIM_eventCounting(C0, 0x04, 0x45, 0x03, init_val_c0); //Source PFI6(45); Gate PFI 5(44); Up counting; counts rising edge; TIM_eventCounting(C1, 0x87, 0x46, 0x03, init_val_c1); //Set up interrupt group A and B enabling and programming to assert a request //both on line 2 and 3 respectively INT_setup(0x0A, 0x0B); INT_personalize(0x03); //Interrupt request polarity low; IRQ driven on line 0 and 1 handler_set(INT_NO, int_evt, show_aper_pid); TIM_arm(2); //Arm both two counters task_activate(show_per_pid); } void drawInterface(void) { grx_rect(1, 1, 799, 99, rgb16(105, 0, 0)); grx_rect(2, 2, 798, 98, rgb16(155, 0, 0)); grx_rect(3, 3, 797, 97, rgb16(205, 0, 0)); grx_rect(4, 4, 796, 96, rgb16(255, 0, 0)); grx_text("Test program for Gated Event Counting capacity of PCI6025E timers", 7, 10, rgb16(50, 255, 50), black); grx_text("This program counting rise edges on counters source (PFI3 & PFI6) when releted gates", 7, 25, rgb16(0, 255, 255), black); grx_text("(PFI 42 & 44) are enabled. Frequency Out (FOUT) is enabled and provides a frequency of 6250 Hz", 7, 33, rgb16(0, 255, 255), black); grx_text("Instruction:",7, 43, rgb16(255, 0, 0), black); grx_text("Use 's' to lock counters value in right squares", 7, 51, rgb16(0, 255, 255), black); grx_text("Use 'g' to block or to release alternativly counter 0 (see top-left square)", 7, 58, rgb16(0, 255, 255), black); grx_text("Use 'h' to block or to release alternativly counter 1 (see bottom-left square)", 7, 65, rgb16(0, 255, 255), black); grx_text("Please connect DIO7 (pin 32) to PFI4 (pin 42) and DIO6 (pin 30) to PFI5 (pin 44)", 7, 78, rgb16(0, 255, 0), black); grx_text("CTRL-X for Exit", 7, 88, rgb16(200, 200, 0), black); grx_rect(1, 110, 355, 170, rgb16(0, 105, 0)); grx_rect(2, 111, 354, 169, rgb16(0, 155, 0)); grx_rect(3, 112, 353, 168, rgb16(0, 205, 0)); grx_rect(4, 113, 352, 167, rgb16(0, 255, 0)); grx_text("Counter 0 evolution", 7, 120, rgb16(255, 255, 0), black); grx_rect(455, 110, 799, 170, rgb16(0, 105, 0)); grx_rect(456, 111, 798, 169, rgb16(0, 155, 0)); grx_rect(457, 112, 797, 168, rgb16(0, 205, 0)); grx_rect(458, 113, 796, 167, rgb16(0, 255, 0)); grx_text("Counter 0 locked value", 461, 120, rgb16(255, 0, 255), black); grx_rect(360, 110, 450, 170, rgb16(0, 105, 0)); grx_rect(361, 111, 449, 169, rgb16(0, 155, 0)); grx_rect(362, 112, 448, 168, rgb16(0, 205, 0)); grx_rect(363, 113, 447, 167, rgb16(0, 255, 0)); grx_text("Gate0", 367, 120, rgb16(200, 255, 200), black); grx_text("0 V", 367, 145, rgb16(255, 0, 0), black); grx_rect(1, 190, 355, 260, rgb16(85, 85, 255)); grx_rect(2, 191, 354, 259, rgb16(135, 135, 255)); grx_rect(3, 192, 353, 258, rgb16(190, 190, 255)); grx_rect(4, 193, 352, 257, rgb16(230, 239, 255)); grx_text("Counter 1 evolution", 7, 200, white, black); grx_rect(455, 190, 799, 260, rgb16(85, 85, 255)); grx_rect(456, 191, 798, 259, rgb16(135, 135, 255)); grx_rect(457, 192, 797, 258, rgb16(190, 190, 255)); grx_rect(458, 193, 796, 257, rgb16(230, 230, 255)); grx_text("Counter 1 locked value", 461, 200, white, black); grx_rect(360, 190, 450, 260, rgb16(85, 85, 255)); grx_rect(361, 191, 449, 259, rgb16(135, 135, 255)); grx_rect(362, 192, 448, 258, rgb16(190, 190, 255)); grx_rect(363, 193, 447, 257, rgb16(230, 230, 255)); grx_text("Gate1", 367, 200, rgb16(255, 200, 255), black); grx_text("0 V", 367, 225, rgb16(255, 0, 0), black); grx_text("Counter 0 Interrupt events", 7, 340, rgb16(255, 200, 100), black); grx_text("Counter 1 Interrupt events", 461, 340, rgb16(255, 200, 100), black); grx_rect(1, 350, 355, 400, rgb16(105, 0, 0)); grx_rect(2, 351, 354, 399, rgb16(155, 0, 0)); grx_rect(3, 352, 353, 398, rgb16(205, 0, 0)); grx_rect(4, 353, 352, 397, rgb16(255, 0, 0)); grx_rect(455, 350, 799, 400, rgb16(105, 0, 0)); grx_rect(456, 351, 798, 399, rgb16(155, 0, 0)); grx_rect(457, 352, 797, 398, rgb16(205, 0, 0)); grx_rect(458, 353, 796, 397, rgb16(255, 0, 0)); } TASK show_per(int none) { DWORD val; char buf[30]; while(1){ val = TIM_readCounter(C0); //Read counter 0 value sprintf(buf, "HEX: %08x DEC: %08d", val ,val); grx_text(buf, 7, 145, rgb16(255, 0, 0), black); val = TIM_readCounter(C1); //Read counter 1 value sprintf(buf, "HEX: %08x DEC: %08d", val ,val); grx_text(buf, 7, 225, rgb16(255, 0, 0), black); task_endcycle(); } } TASK show_aper(int dummy) { DWORD val; char buf[30]; while(1){ val = TIM_readCounter(C0); sprintf(buf, "HEX: %08x DEC: %08d", val, val); grx_text(buf, 461, 145, rgb16(80, 80, 255), black); val = TIM_readCounter(C1); sprintf(buf, "HEX: %08x DEC: %08d", val, val); grx_text(buf, 461, 225, rgb16(80, 80, 255), black); task_endcycle(); } } void endfun(KEY_EVT *k) { sys_end(); } void show_evt(KEY_EVT *k) { task_activate(show_aper_pid); } void gate_change(KEY_EVT *k) { if(k->ascii == 'g'){ if( (out & 0x80) != 0){ out &= 0x7F; grx_text("0 V", 367, 145, rgb16(255, 0, 0), black); } else { out |= 0x80; grx_text("5 V", 367, 145, rgb16(0, 255, 0), black); } } else { if( (out & 0x40) != 0){ out &= 0xBF; grx_text("0 V", 367, 225, rgb16(255, 0, 0), black); } else { out |= 0x40; grx_text("5 V", 367, 225, rgb16(0, 255, 0), black); } } DIO_write(out); } void close_event(void *arg) { TIM_disarm(2); //Disable both two counters grx_close(); handler_remove(INT_NO); switch(sys){ case 0: cprintf("OK\n"); break; case 10: cprintf("Task down\n"); break; case 11: cprintf("Task down\n"); break; case 20: cprintf("No PCI bus\n"); break; case 21: cprintf("No National board on PCI bus\n"); break; case 30: cprintf("No graphic can be initialized\n"); break; case 31: cprintf("This graphic mode cannot be supported\n"); break; default: cprintf("???????????\n"); break; } } void int_evt(void) { WORD status; status = DAQ_STC_Windowed_Mode_Read(AI_STATUS_1); if( (status & 0x8000) != 0){ if( (status & 0x0008) != 0){ grx_text("INT Group A raised! G0 Rolls over", 7, 360, rgb16(0, 255, 0), black); set(interrupt_a_ack, 14); DAQ_STC_Windowed_Mode_Write(INTERRUPT_A_ACK, interrupt_a_ack); clr(interrupt_a_ack, 14); } if( (status & 0x0004) != 0){ grx_text("INT Group A raised! G0 gate pressed", 7, 380, rgb16(0, 255, 0), black); set(interrupt_a_ack, 15); DAQ_STC_Windowed_Mode_Write(INTERRUPT_A_ACK, interrupt_a_ack); clr(interrupt_a_ack, 15); } return; } status = DAQ_STC_Windowed_Mode_Read(AO_STATUS_1); if( (status & 0x8000) != 0){ if( (status & 0x0008) != 0){ grx_text("INT Group B raised! G1 Rolls over", 461, 360, rgb16(0, 255, 0), black); set(interrupt_b_ack, 14); DAQ_STC_Windowed_Mode_Write(INTERRUPT_B_ACK, interrupt_b_ack); clr(interrupt_b_ack, 14); } if( (status & 0x0004) != 0){ grx_text("INT Group B raised! G1 gate pressed", 461, 380, rgb16(0, 255, 0), black); set(interrupt_b_ack, 15); DAQ_STC_Windowed_Mode_Write(INTERRUPT_B_ACK, interrupt_b_ack); clr(interrupt_b_ack, 15); } return; } } /* End of file: Test_ec.c */