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Ignore whitespace Rev 929 → Rev 986

35,8 → 35,14
server must not be changed due to the negotiation or renegotiation
of any other contract in the system. The period can change, though,
if a renegotiation or a change of quality and importance is
requested for the corresponding server It fails with
FSF_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT if contract is NULL. */
requested for the corresponding server.
@param contract the pointer to the contract object
@param[in] granted_capacity_flag boolean value set to true to
avoid the change in the period due to changes in other servers
@retval FSF_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT : if contract is NULL
(fsf_contract_parameters_t *contract,
48,8 → 54,14
This operation returns in the place pointed to by
granted_capacity_flag the value of the corresponding flag in the
contract parameters object pointed to by contract. It fails with
FSF_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT if any of the pointers is NULL */
contract parameters object pointed to by contract.
@param[in] contract the pointer to the contract object
@param[in] granted_capacity_flag pointer to the variable that
will contain the boolean value of the granted_capacity_flag
@retval FSF_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT : if any of the pointers is NULL
(fsf_contract_parameters_t *contract,
63,17 → 75,23
to a server but that cannot be used due to restrictions in other
servers of a distributed transaction. This operation changes the
cycle period and budget of the given server to the values given in
new_period and new_budget, respectively. It fails with
FSF_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT if the server does not have the
granted_capacity flag set, if the new period is less than the
current one, or if the new budget is larger than the current
one. It also fails with the same error number if the new period is
greater than the maximum period currently specified in the contract
associated to the server or, similarly, if the new budget is
smaller than the minimum budget in the contract. It also fails
with the same number if the granularity is discrete and the new
period and budget do not match any of the period-budget pairs in
the utilization set of the server */
new_period and new_budget, respectively.
@param [in] server server id
@param [in] new_period pointer to the new period value
@param [in] new_budget pointer to the new budget value
@retval FSF_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT : if (the server does not have
the granted_capacity flag set) or
(the new period is less than the current one), or
(the new budget is larger than the current one), or
(the new period is greater than the maximum period currently
specified in the contract associated to the server), or
(the new budget is smaller than the minimum budget in the contract) or
(if the granularity is discrete and the new period and budget
do not match any of the period-budget pairs in the utilization
set of the server).
(fsf_server_id_t server,