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Ignore whitespace Rev 985 → Rev 993

59,15 → 59,19
\ingroup hiermodule
This call has the following effects:
- FP: none
- FP: none
- EDF: none
Records the schedule duration, and starts the
schedule at the time of the call. After the
schedule duration has elapsed, the schedule in
the table is repeated.
- TABLE_DRIVEN : Records the schedule duration, and starts the
schedule at the time of the call. After the schedule duration
has elapsed, the schedule in the table is repeated.
- RR : TBD
@param [in] server server id
@param [in] info TBD
@retval FSF_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT if the value of the server argument
136,7 → 140,7
\ingroup hiermodule
This operation creates a thread and binds it to the specified
server, which must have a policy different than FSF_NONE. The new
server that has a local scheduler, i.e. policy different than FSF_NONE. The new
thread is created with the arguments thread, attr, thread_code and
arg as they are defined for the pthread_create() POSIX function
call, and its local scheduling parameters are set to the value
180,20 → 184,21
\ingroup hiermodule
This operation associates a thread with a server, which must have a
policy different than FSF_NONE. The thread's local scheduling
parameters are set to the value stored in the variable pointed to
by sched_params, which must be compatible with the server's
scheduling policy. After the call the thread starts consuming the
server's budget and is executed according to the contract
established for that server and to its scheduling policy. If the
thread was already bound to another server, it is effectively
unbound from it and bound to the specified one.
This operation associates a thread with a server that has a local
scheduler, i.e. with a policy different than FSF_NONE. The thread's
local scheduling parameters are set to the value stored in the
variable pointed to by sched_params, which must be compatible with
the server's scheduling policy. After the call the thread starts
consuming the server's budget and is executed according to the
contract established for that server and to its scheduling
policy. If the thread was already bound to another server, it is
effectively unbound from it and bound to the specified one.
Implementation dependent issue: In order to allow the usage of
application defined schedulers, the given thread must not have the
scheduling policy SCHED_APP and at the same time be attached to an
application scheduler different than the fsf scheduler.
<i>Implementation dependent issue for MARTE OS: In order to allow the
usage of application defined schedulers, the given thread must not
have the scheduling policy SCHED_APP and at the same time be
attached to an application scheduler different than the fsf
@param [in] server server id
@param [in] thread thread id
200,7 → 205,7
@param [in] sched_params scheduling parameters for the thread
@retval 0 if the operation is succesful
@retval FSF_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT if the server argument does not complain with
@retval FSF_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT if the server argument does not comply with
the expected format or valid range, the given thread does not exist,
or sched_params is NULL
@retval FSF_ERR_SCHED_POLICY_NOT_COMPATIBLE if the scheduling policy
229,6 → 234,7
thread is bound.
@param [in] thread thread id
@param [in] sched_params scheduling parameters
@retval 0 if the operation is succesful