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Ignore whitespace Rev 881 → Rev 889

55,26 → 55,20
\ingroup shobjmodule
Initialization of shared objects. If the object identified by
obj_id does not yet exist it is created, a handle to the object is
returned in the variable pointed to by obj_handle, and the
specified mutex is initialized with the appropriate attributes
necessary for the current implementation. If the object already
exists, the function fails.
@param [in] obj_id shared object id
@param [out] obj_handle pointer to a shared object handle
@param [out] mutex pointer to a mutex variable
@retval 0 if the operation is succesful
@retval FSF_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT if obj_id, obj_handle, or mutex are NULL
@retval FSF_ERR_SHARED_OBJ_ALREADY_INITIALIZED if the object identified
// fsf_init_shared_object: Initialization of shared objects. If the
// object identified by obj_id does not yet exist it is created, a
// handle to the object is returned in the variable pointed to by
// obj_handle, and the specified mutex is initialized with the
// appropriate attributes necessary for the current implementation.
// If the object already exists, the function fails.
FSF_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT : if obj_id, obj_handle, or mutex are NULL
by obj_id already exists
@retval others It may also return any of the error codes that are
returned by the pthread_mutex_init() POSIX function call
It may also return any of the error codes that are returned by the
pthread_mutex_init() POSIX function call
int fsf_init_shared_object
(fsf_shared_obj_id_t obj_id,
82,53 → 76,43
pthread_mutex_t *mutex);
\ingroup shobjmodule
Getting the handle of shared
objects. If the object already exists a handle to the object is
returned in the variable pointed to by obj_handle. Otherwise, an
error code is returned by the function.
@param [in] obj_id shared object id
@param [out] obj_handle pointer to a shared object handle
@retval 0 if the operation is succesful
@retval FSF_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT if obj_id or obj_handle are NULL
@retval FSF_ERR_SHARED_OBJ_NOT_INITIALIZED if the shared object identified
// fsf_get_shared_object_handle: getting the handle of shared
// objects. If the object already exists a handle to the object is
// returned in the variable pointed to by obj_handle. Otherwise, an
// error code is returned by the function.
FSF_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT : if obj_id or obj_handle are NULL
FSF_ERR_SHARED_OBJ_NOT_INITIALIZED : if the shared object identified
by obj_id does not exist
@retval FSF_ERR_NOT_SCHEDULED_CALLING_THREAD : if the calling thread is not
FSF_ERR_NOT_SCHEDULED_CALLING_THREAD : if the calling thread is not
scheduled under the FSF
@retval FSF_ERR_INVALID_SCHEDULER_REPLY the scheduler is wrong or not
@retval FSF_ERR_NOT_CONTRACTED_SERVER : if the server of the calling
thread has been cancelled or it is not valid
FSF_ERR_INVALID_SCHEDULER_REPLY : the scheduler is wrong or not running
FSF_ERR_NOT_CONTRACTED_SERVER : if the server of the calling thread
has been cancelled or it is not valid
It may also return any of the error codes that are returned by the
pthread_mutex_init() POSIX function call
int fsf_get_shared_object_handle
(fsf_shared_obj_id_t obj_id,
fsf_shared_obj_handle_t *obj_handle);
\ingroup shobjmodule
Getting the mutex of shared objects. If the object exists, a
pointer to its associated mutex is returned in the variable pointed
to by mutex. Otherwise, an error code is returned by the function.
@param [in] obj_handle shared object handle
@param [out] mutex pointer to a pointer to a mutex variable,
(remember that the function give back a pointer to a mutex!)
@retval 0 if the operation is succesful
@retval FSF_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT if obj_handle or mutex are NULL
@retval FSF_ERR_SHARED_OBJ_NOT_INITIALIZED if the shared object identified
// fsf_get_shared_object_mutex: getting the mutex of shared
// objects. If the object exists, a pointer to its associated mutex is
// returned in the variable pointed to by mutex. Otherwise, an error
// code is returned by the function.
FSF_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT : if obj_handle or mutex are NULL
FSF_ERR_SHARED_OBJ_NOT_INITIALIZED : if the shared object identified
by obj_id does not exist
@retval FSF_ERR_NOT_SCHEDULED_CALLING_THREAD : if the calling thread is not
FSF_ERR_NOT_SCHEDULED_CALLING_THREAD : if the calling thread is not
scheduled under the FSF
@retval FSF_ERR_INVALID_SCHEDULER_REPLY the scheduler is wrong or not
@retval FSF_ERR_NOT_CONTRACTED_SERVER if the server of the calling thread
FSF_ERR_INVALID_SCHEDULER_REPLY : the scheduler is wrong or not running
FSF_ERR_NOT_CONTRACTED_SERVER : if the server of the calling thread
has been cancelled or it is not valid
int fsf_get_shared_object_mutex
(fsf_shared_obj_handle_t obj_handle,
139,21 → 123,15
\ingroup shobjmodule
The operation updates the specified contract parameters object by
setting its critical sections to the specified input parameter.
@param[in] contract the service contract
@param[in] critical_sections list of critical sections accessed by tasks
belonging to the contract
@retval 0 if the operation is succesful
@retval FSF_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT :if any of the pointers is NULL or
//fsf_set_contract_synchronization_parameters: The operation updates
//the specified contract parameters object by setting its critical
//sections to the specified input parameter.
FSF_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT : if any of the pointers is NULL or
the size of the critical_sections structure is less than zero
161,21 → 139,18
const fsf_critical_sections_t *critical_sections);
\ingroup shobjmodule
//fsf_get_contract_synchronization_parameters: The operation obtains
//from the specified contract parameters object its critical sections,
//and copies them to the places pointed to by the specified input
//parameter. Only those critical_section_data records that are in use
//in the critical_sections structure are copied (according to its size
FSF_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT : if any of the pointers is NULL
The operation obtains from the specified contract parameters object
its critical sections, and copies them to the places pointed to by
the specified input parameter. Only those critical_section_data
records that are in use in the critical_sections structure are
copied (according to its size field).
@param[in] contract pointer to a contract
@param[out] critical_sections list of critical sections to be filled
@retval 0 if the operation is succesful
@retval FSF_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT if any of the pointers is NULL
(const fsf_contract_parameters_t *contract,