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Regard whitespace Rev 889 → Rev 928

22,6 → 22,12
#define FSF_MAX_QUALITY 100
//// The definition of this types is in fsf_basic_types.h
//// Granularity of spare capacity requirements
54,32 → 60,51
//#define FSF_NULL_UTILIZATION_SET (fsf_utilization_set_t *)NULL
//fsf_set_contract_reclamation_parameters: The operation updates the
//specified contract parameters object by setting its maximum usable
//budget, minimum period, granularity, utilization set, quality, and
//importance to the specified input parameters.
FSF_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT : if contract is NULL or
(budget_max value is grater than period_max or smaller than budget_min) or
(period_min is smaller than budget_mint or larger than period_max) or
(granularity is neither FSF_CONTINUOUS nor FSF_DISCRETE) or
(granularity is FSF_CONTINUOUS and
utilization_set is not FSF_NULL_UTILIZATION_SET) or
(granularity is FSF_DISCRETE and
utilization_set is FSF_NULL_UTILIZATION_SET) or
(utilization_set is not FSF_NULL_UTILIZATION_SET and
\ingroup sparemodule
The operation updates the specified contract parameters object by
setting its maximum usable budget, minimum period, granularity,
utilization set, quality, and importance to the specified input
@param [in] contract pointer ot the contract
@param [in] budget_max maximum budget this contract can obtain
@param [in] period_min minimum period this contract can obtain
@param [in] granularity can be either FSF_CONTINUOUS or FSF_DISCRETE
@param [in] utilization_set in case the granularity is set to
FSF_DISCRETE it contains a list possible pairs (budget,period)
@param [in] quality a number between FSF_MIN_QUALITY and FSF_MAX_QUALITY,
to control how the spare capacity is shared between
contracts with the same importance. The higher
is this number, the more likely we get a large increase
in the capacity
@param [in] importance a numer between FSF_MIN_IMPORTANCE and
FSF_MAX_IMPORTANCE, used to control how the spare capacity
is shared. The higher the number, the more likely we get
some spare capacity.
@retval 0 if the call is succesful
@retval FSF_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT if contract is NULL or one of the
following conditions is true:
- (budget_max value is grater than period_max or smaller than
- (period_min is smaller than budget_mint or larger than period_max);
- (granularity is neither FSF_CONTINUOUS nor FSF_DISCRETE);
- (granularity is FSF_CONTINUOUS and
utilization_set is not FSF_NULL_UTILIZATION_SET)
- (granularity is FSF_DISCRETE and utilization_set is
- (utilization_set is not FSF_NULL_UTILIZATION_SET and
(size of utilization_set less than 2 or greater
(quality < 0) or
(importance is less than 1 or greater than FSF_N_IMPORTANCE_LEVELS) or
(the utilization_set elements are not in increasing utilization order) or
(the first utilization value in the utilization_set does not match
the pair (budget_min, period_max) of the contract) or
(the last utilization value in the utilization_set does not match
the pair (budget_max, period_min) of the contract)
- (quality < 0)
- (importance is less than 1 or greater than FSF_N_IMPORTANCE_LEVELS)
- (the utilization_set elements are not in increasing utilization order)
- (the first utilization value in the utilization_set does not match
the pair (budget_min, period_max) of the contract);
- (the last utilization value in the utilization_set does not match
the pair (budget_max, period_min) of the contract).
92,16 → 117,20
int importance);
//fsf_get_contract_reclamation_parameters: The operation obtains from
//the specified contract parameters object its granularity,
//utilization set, quality, and importance. Then copies them to the
//variables pointed to by the specified input parameters. Only the
//utilization_values of the utilization_set that are in use, are
//copied (according to its size field).
FSF_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT : if contract is NULL
\ingroup sparemodule
The operation obtains from the specified contract parameters
object its granularity, utilization set, quality, and
importance. Then copies them to the variables pointed to by the
specified input parameters. Only the utilization_values of the
utilization_set that are in use, are copied (according to its size
@retval 0 if the operation is succesful
@retval FSF_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT : if contract is NULL
@see fsf_set_contract_reclamation_parameters
114,22 → 143,29
int *importance);
//fsf_request_change_quality_and_importance: The operation enqueues a
//request to change the quality and importance parameters of the
//specified server, and returns immediately. The change operation is
//performed as soon as it is practical; meanwhile the system operation
//will continue normally.
FSF_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT : if the value of the server argument is not in range or
(quality < 0) or
(importance is less than 1 or greater than FSF_N_IMPORTANCE_LEVELS)
FSF_ERR_NOT_SCHEDULED_CALLING_THREAD : if the calling thread is not
\ingroup sparemodule
The operation enqueues a request to change the quality and
importance parameters of the specified server, and returns
immediately. The change operation is performed as soon as it is
practical; meanwhile the system operation will continue normally.
@param server server id
@param new_importance the new importance
@param new_quality the new requested quality
- the value of the server argument is not in range or
- (quality < 0)
- (importance is less than 1 or greater than FSF_N_IMPORTANCE_LEVELS).
@retval FSF_ERR_NOT_SCHEDULED_CALLING_THREAD if the calling thread is not
scheduled under the FSF
FSF_ERR_INVALID_SCHEDULER_REPLY : the scheduler is wrong or not running
FSF_ERR_NOT_CONTRACTED_SERVER : if the server has been cancelled or it
is not valid
@retval FSF_ERR_INVALID_SCHEDULER_REPLY the scheduler is wrong or
not running
@retval FSF_ERR_NOT_CONTRACTED_SERVER if the server has been cancelled
or it is not valid
138,47 → 174,54
int new_quality);
//fsf_get_total_quality: This operation calculates the sum of the
//quality parameters for all servers in the system of importance level
//equal to that of the specified server, and stores it in the variable
//pointed to by total_quality.
FSF_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT : if the value of the server argument is not in range or
total_quality is NULL
FSF_ERR_NOT_SCHEDULED_CALLING_THREAD : if the calling thread is not
\ingroup sparemodule
This operation calculates the sum of the quality parameters for all
servers in the system of importance level equal to that of the
specified server, and stores it in the variable pointed to by
@param [in] server server id
@param [out] total_quality the total quality in the system
@retval FSF_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT if the value of the server argument
is not in range or total_quality is NULL
@retval FSF_ERR_NOT_SCHEDULED_CALLING_THREAD if the calling thread is not
scheduled under the FSF
FSF_ERR_INVALID_SCHEDULER_REPLY : the scheduler is wrong or not running
FSF_ERR_NOT_CONTRACTED_SERVER : if the server has been cancelled or it
is not valid
@retval FSF_ERR_INVALID_SCHEDULER_REPLY the scheduler is wrong or
not running
@retval FSF_ERR_NOT_CONTRACTED_SERVER if the server has been
cancelled or it is not valid
(fsf_server_id_t server, int *total_quality);
//fsf_get_available_capacity: This operation stores in the variable
//pointed to by capacity the spare capacity currently assigned to the
//importance level of the specified server. The capacity is the number
//obtained divided by UINT32_MAX, and it represents the processor or
//network utilization.
FSF_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT : if the value of the server argument is not in range or
capacity is NULL
FSF_ERR_NOT_SCHEDULED_CALLING_THREAD : if the calling thread is not
\ingroup sparemodule
This operation stores in the variable pointed to by capacity the
spare capacity currently available for the importance level of the
specified server. The capacity is the utilization (of the
processor or of the network) and it is represented by an integer
number between 0 (no utilization) and UINT32_MAX (all
@retval FSF_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT if the value of the server argument is
not in range or capacity is NULL
@retval FSF_ERR_NOT_SCHEDULED_CALLING_THREAD if the calling thread is not
scheduled under the FSF
FSF_ERR_INVALID_SCHEDULER_REPLY : the scheduler is wrong or not running
FSF_ERR_NOT_CONTRACTED_SERVER : if the server has been cancelled or it
is not valid
@retval FSF_ERR_INVALID_SCHEDULER_REPLY the scheduler is wrong or
not running
@retval FSF_ERR_NOT_CONTRACTED_SERVER if the server has been cancelled
or it is not valid
fsf_get_available_capacity (
fsf_server_id_t server, uint32_t *capacity);
/* @} */