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Ignore whitespace Rev 38 → Rev 37

21,11 → 21,11
CVS : $Id: func.h,v 1.3 2003-01-07 17:12:19 pj Exp $
CVS : $Id: func.h,v 1.2 2002-11-11 08:36:01 pj Exp $
File: $File$
Revision: $Revision: 1.3 $
Last update: $Date: 2003-01-07 17:12:19 $
Revision: $Revision: 1.2 $
Last update: $Date: 2002-11-11 08:36:01 $
Kernel functions:
98,39 → 98,11
TIME __kernel_register_levels__(void *arg);
/*+ This function returns a level_des **. the value returned shall be
used to register a level module.
used to register a level module. The function shall be called only at
module registration time. It assume that the system is not yet
initialized, so we shall not call sys_abort... +*/
LEVEL level_alloc_descriptor();
The function is usually called at module registration time. The
function can also be called when the system is already started, to
allow the implementation of dynamic module registration.
The argument must be the size of the data block that have to be allocated
The function returns the number of the descriptor allocated for the module
or -1 in case there are no free descriptors.
The function also reserves a descriptor with size s, initialized
with default function pointers.
LEVEL level_alloc_descriptor(size_t s);
/*+ This function release a level descriptor previously allocated using
The function returns 0 if the level has been freed, or -1 if someone is
using it, -2 if the level has never been registered.
int level_free_descriptor(LEVEL l);
/* Call this if you want to say that your module is using module l
(e.g., for calling its private functions) */
int level_use_descriptor(LEVEL l);
/* Call this when you no more need the module l */
int level_unuse_descriptor(LEVEL l);
/*+ This function returns a resource_des **. the value returned shall be
used to register a resource module. The function shall be called only at
module registration time. It assume that the system is not yet
156,6 → 128,13
(when uses some defines contained in const.h) +*/
int sys_atrunlevel(void (*func_code)(void *),void *parm, BYTE when);
/*+ These functions can be used to set a nice (I hope) default
signal handler. If not used, they are not linked.
They returns -1 if an error occurred, as done by the
sigaction primitive. +*/
int set_exchandler_grx();
int set_exchandler_text();
/* Kernel global functions: scheduler, */
174,8 → 153,6
int guarantee();
void levels_init(void); /* see init.c */
void runlevel_init();
void call_runlevel_func(int runlevel, int aborting);
257,8 → 234,6
return e;
#define kern_event_delete event_delete
/*+ the default capacity timer used by the kernel... +*/
void capacity_timer(void *arg);
265,17 → 240,17
#define kern_printf message
extern __inline__ TIME kern_gettime(struct timespec *t)
return ll_gettime(TIME_EXACT, t);
/* Kernel global functions: IRQ, errors and exception handling */
/*+ Generic exception trapping routine +*/
void act_exc(int code);
* User level interrupt/exception primitives
/* Kernel global functions: IRQ handling */
/*+ Interrupt handler installation +*/
int handler_set(int no, void (*fast)(int), PID pi);
313,6 → 288,18
/*+ prints an error message (see perror.c) +*/
void perror (const char *s);
/*+ Convert a status in a string. Useful for sys_status and level_status +*/
char *status_to_a(WORD status);
/*+ this primitive prints the status of the system. cw contains a set of
the statuses to be prompted... see const.h +*/
void sys_status(DWORD cw);
/*+ sys_status flags +*/
#define CLOCK_STATUS 1
#define SCHED_STATUS 2
#define MEM_STATUS 4
/*+ this primitive returns the time read from the system timer +*/
TIME sys_gettime(struct timespec *t);
358,34 → 345,6
void jet_update_endcycle();
/* Internal Macros */
extern __inline__ void kern_epilogue_macro(void)
TIME tx; /* a dummy used for time computation */
struct timespec ty; /* a dummy used for time computation */
/* manage the capacity event */
SUBTIMESPEC(&schedule_time, &cap_lasttime, &ty);
tx = TIMESPEC2USEC(&ty);
proc_table[exec_shadow].avail_time -= tx;
/* if the event didn't fire before, we delete it. */
if (cap_timer != NIL) {
cap_timer = NIL;
/* This function is called by the kernel into kern.c to register a default
exception handler */
int set_default_exception_handler(void);
/* Task management primitives */
528,18 → 487,16
/*+ Enable the preemption mechanism on the task. +*/
void task_preempt(void);
/*+ sends a message to the scheduling module that is handling the task +*/
int task_message(void *m, int reschedule);
/*+ This function signals to the kernel that the current istance of
the task (periodic or aperiodic) is ended; so the task can be
suspended until it is activated again. Pending activations may be saved
depending on the task model +*/
extern __inline__ void task_endcycle(void)
task_message(NULL, 1);
void task_endcycle(void);
/*+ This function suspend the actual task until an explicit activation
Pending activations are discarded +*/
void task_sleep(void);
/*+ This primitives refers the group id which is supplied
by the application, not by the kernel +*/
int group_activate(WORD g);
21,11 → 21,11
CVS : $Id: descr.h,v 1.3 2003-01-07 17:12:19 pj Exp $
CVS : $Id: descr.h,v 1.2 2002-11-11 08:36:01 pj Exp $
File: $File$
Revision: $Revision: 1.3 $
Last update: $Date: 2003-01-07 17:12:19 $
Revision: $Revision: 1.2 $
Last update: $Date: 2002-11-11 08:36:01 $
Kernel main data structures
130,6 → 130,8
int sigpending; /*+ The signal pending mask +*/
int sigwaiting; /*+ The signal waiting mask +*/
struct timespec request_time;
/*+ Last request time for the task +*/
int avail_time; /*+ the time the task can execute before a
timer fire. see also the control field
and bits related in model.h +*/
191,107 → 193,133
All the informations that depends on the particular module are put
in the level module files.
Here a small description of the various functions:
The initialization of a level is splitted in two parts:
- the registration -> called before the system initialization, typically
AFTER the resource registration
- the level_init -> called during the system initialization,
BEFORE the resource_init(s)
- PUBLIC Functions:
on one side, a module should export an interface to the Generic
Kernel, giving a set of functions that the Generic Kernel can use
to ask a service to the module. That is, the Public Functions are
called ONLY by the Generic Kernel.
- PRIVATE Functions: on the other side, a module can export an
interface to the public part of the same or of another
module. That is, Private Functions are called ONLY by Public and
Private Functions.
int (*private_insert )(LEVEL l, PID p, TASK_MODEL *m);
Inserts a task into the internal module data structure.
void (*private_extract )(LEVEL l, PID p);
Removes a task from the internal module data structure.
typedef struct {
char level_name[MAX_LEVELNAME]; /*+ for statistical pourposes +*/
WORD level_code; /*+ level identification code +*/
BYTE level_version; /*+ level version +*/
int (*private_eligible)(LEVEL l, PID p);
A task inserted into the internal module data structure needs to be
scheduled. returns 0 if it can be scheduled, -1 if not.
int (*level_accept_task_model)(LEVEL l, TASK_MODEL *m);
/*+ models that a task can manage. returns
0 if the level can manage the model,
-1 if not +*/
void (*private_dispatch)(LEVEL l, PID p, int nostop);
A task inserted into the internal module data structure has been dispatched.
int (*level_accept_guest_model)(LEVEL l, TASK_MODEL *m);
/*+ models that a task can manage as guest
tasks. returns
0 if the level can manage the model,
-1 if not +*/
void (*private_epilogue)(LEVEL l, PID p);
A task inserted into the internal module data structure has been preempted.
void (*level_status)(LEVEL l);/*+ print level statistics... +*/
PID (*level_scheduler)(LEVEL l);
/*+ the level scheduler returns a task
chosen among those belonging to the
level +*/
int (*level_guarantee)(LEVEL l, bandwidth_t *freebandwidth);
/*+ 0 if the level is guaranteed, -1 if not
no guarantee if (*f)()=null
the function updates the parameter
(see guarantee() ) +*/
PID (*public_scheduler)(LEVEL l);
returns a task to schedule, or -1 if no tasks are ready
int (*task_create)(LEVEL l, PID p, TASK_MODEL *m);
/*+ the task p is created into the level
returns 0->ok, -1->error +*/
void (*task_detach)(LEVEL l, PID p);
/*+ there is an error in the task_create
after the task call task_create.
The function delete all the informations
about the task in the level.
For the resources levels there is the
res_detach: res_detach is called also
when killing a task +*/
int (*task_eligible)(LEVEL l, PID p);
/*+ correctness control when a task is
chosen by a level scheduler (used with
aperiodic servers) 0->ok, -1->no +*/
void (*task_dispatch)(LEVEL l, PID p, int nostop);
/*+ a task go in the EXEC status (called
by dispatch() ) +*/
void (*task_epilogue)(LEVEL l, PID p);
/*+ a task has finished the current slice+*/
int (*public_guarantee)(LEVEL l, bandwidth_t *freebandwidth);
returns 0 if the level is guaranteed, -1 if not
no guarantee if (*f)()=null
the function updates the parameter freebandwidth (see guarantee() )
int (*public_create )(LEVEL l, PID p, TASK_MODEL *m);
the task p is created into the module
returns 0->ok, -1->error
void (*task_activate)(LEVEL l, PID p);
/*+ the task is activated... +*/
void (*public_detach )(LEVEL l, PID p);
there is an error in the public_create. The function removes all the
informations about the task in the module.
void (*task_insert)(LEVEL l, PID p);
/*+ opposite to task_extract +*/
void (*task_extract)(LEVEL l, PID p);
/*+ remove the task from the "ready" (if any)
queue +*/
void (*public_end )(LEVEL l, PID p);
the task has been killed, or it ended regularly
void (*task_endcycle)(LEVEL l, PID p);
/*+ the (periodic) task finish the cycle +*/
void (*task_end)(LEVEL l, PID p);
/*+ the task is killed; we have to remove
it from the level queues, test if it
is in the exec state, etc... it can
modify the state of the task (-> FREE,
ZOMBIE...), but
cannot call the scheduler directly (it
is called by the task_makefree.
Note: the task can be in a state
different from those managed by the
level because the task may be blocked.
the res_detach is in any case called
AFTER the task_end. +*/
int (*public_eligible )(LEVEL l, PID p);
A task needs to be scheduled. returns 0 if it can be scheduled, -1 if not.
void (*public_dispatch )(LEVEL l, PID p, int nostop);
A task has been dispatched.
void (*task_sleep)(LEVEL l, PID p);
/*+ this function will fall asleep the
task in the EXE state. +*/
void (*public_epilogue )(LEVEL l, PID p);
A task has been preempted (or its capacity is exausted).
void (*public_activate )(LEVEL l, PID p);
A task has been activated.
/* guest CALLS:
these functions are called from an Aperiodic Server Level for the task
that are inserted in the local queues */
int (*guest_create)(LEVEL l, PID p, TASK_MODEL *m);
/*+ the task is already created in another
level and it is inserted in the current
level; returns 0->ok, -1->error +*/
void (*guest_detach)(LEVEL l, PID p);
/*+ there is an error in a task creation
of a task made by an aperiodic server
The function delete all the informations
about the task in the level. +*/
void (*guest_dispatch)(LEVEL l, PID p, int nostop);
/*+ a task belonging to another level but
inserted in the current level go in the
EXEC status (called by dispatch() ) +*/
void (*guest_epilogue)(LEVEL l, PID p);
/*+ a task has finished the current slice+*/
void (*public_unblock )(LEVEL l, PID p);
void (*public_block )(LEVEL l, PID p);
A task has been unblocked/blocked on a synchronization point
(e.g. a semaphore, a mailbox, a nanosleep).
void (*guest_activate)(LEVEL l, PID p);
/*+ the task is activated... +*/
int (*public_message )(LEVEL l, PID p, void *m);
A task sent a message m to the module.
void (*guest_insert)(LEVEL l, PID p);
/*+ remove the task from the "ready" (if any)
queue +*/
void (*guest_extract)(LEVEL l, PID p);
/*+ opposite to guest_insert +*/
If the message has value NULL the
behavior should be the task_endcycle primitive behavior.
The function returns an integer to the user.
void (*guest_endcycle)(LEVEL l, PID p);
/*+ the task finish the cycle +*/
void (*guest_end)(LEVEL l, PID p);
/*+ the task is killed +*/
If you want to avoid the call to public_epilogue, after public_message,
just write exec = exec_shadow = -1; in your public_message code.
void (*guest_sleep)(LEVEL l, PID p);
typedef struct {
void (*private_insert )(LEVEL l, PID p, TASK_MODEL *m);
void (*private_extract )(LEVEL l, PID p);
int (*private_eligible)(LEVEL l, PID p);
void (*private_dispatch)(LEVEL l, PID p, int nostop);
void (*private_epilogue)(LEVEL l, PID p);
PID (*public_scheduler)(LEVEL l);
int (*public_guarantee)(LEVEL l, bandwidth_t *freebandwidth);
int (*public_create )(LEVEL l, PID p, TASK_MODEL *m);
void (*public_detach )(LEVEL l, PID p);
void (*public_end )(LEVEL l, PID p);
int (*public_eligible )(LEVEL l, PID p);
void (*public_dispatch )(LEVEL l, PID p, int nostop);
void (*public_epilogue )(LEVEL l, PID p);
void (*public_activate )(LEVEL l, PID p);
void (*public_unblock )(LEVEL l, PID p);
void (*public_block )(LEVEL l, PID p);
int (*public_message )(LEVEL l, PID p, void *m);
} level_des;
316,18 → 344,27
typedef struct {
char res_name[MAX_MODULENAME];/*+ for statistical pourposes +*/
WORD res_code; /*+ resource module identification code +*/
BYTE res_version; /*+ resource module version +*/
int rtype; /*+ resource module extented interface
code (see model.h) +*/
int (*res_register)(RLEVEL l, PID p, RES_MODEL *r);
/*+ When the system knows that a
resource model can be registered
by a level, it calls this
function. It registers all the
information about the task and the
model. returns 0 if the model
can be handled, -1 otherwise+*/
void (*resource_status)(); /*+ print resource protocol statistics...+*/
int (*level_accept_resource_model)(RLEVEL l, RES_MODEL *r);
/*+ this function is called when the process
is created. it returns 0 if the RES_MODEL
can be managed by the level,-1 if not+*/
void (*res_register)(RLEVEL l, PID p, RES_MODEL *r);
/*+ When the system knows that a resource
model can be registered by a level,
it calls this function. It registers all
the information about the task and the
model. +*/
void (*res_detach)(RLEVEL l, PID p);
/*+ this function is called when the task
is killed or some error is occurred
374,10 → 411,13
typedef struct {
resource_des r;
int (*level_accept_mutexattr)(RLEVEL l, const mutexattr_t *a);
/*+ this function is called when a mutex
is created. it returns 0 if the
can be managed by the level,-1 if not+*/
int (*init) (RLEVEL l, mutex_t *m, const mutexattr_t *a);
/*+ this function is called when a mutex is created. it returns
>=0 if the mutexattr_t can be managed by the level (=0 Ok, an
error otherwise), -1 otherwise +*/
int (*destroy)(RLEVEL l, mutex_t *m);
int (*lock) (RLEVEL l, mutex_t *m);
int (*trylock)(RLEVEL l, mutex_t *m);
21,11 → 21,11
CVS : $Id: var.h,v 1.3 2003-01-07 17:12:19 pj Exp $
CVS : $Id: var.h,v 1.2 2002-11-11 08:36:01 pj Exp $
File: $File$
Revision: $Revision: 1.3 $
Last update: $Date: 2003-01-07 17:12:19 $
Revision: $Revision: 1.2 $
Last update: $Date: 2002-11-11 08:36:01 $
Kernel global variables
63,17 → 63,7
extern proc_des proc_table[]; /*+ Process descriptor table +*/
extern level_des *level_table[]; /*+ Level descriptor table +*/
/* for a description of the following fields, look in kernel/kern.c */
extern size_t level_size[];
extern int level_used[];
extern int level_first;
extern int level_last;
extern int level_free;
extern int level_next[];
extern int level_prev[];
extern resource_des *resource_table[]; /*+ Resource descriptor table +*/
94,6 → 84,7
event is posted. Normally, it is
equal to schedule_time +*/
extern DWORD sched_levels; /*+ Schedule levels active in the system +*/
extern DWORD res_levels; /*+ Resource levels active in the system +*/
extern int task_counter; /*+ Application task counter. It represent
21,11 → 21,11
CVS : $Id: model.h,v 1.2 2003-01-07 17:12:19 pj Exp $
CVS : $Id: model.h,v 2002-03-29 14:12:51 pj Exp $
File: $File$
Revision: $Revision: 1.2 $
Last update: $Date: 2003-01-07 17:12:19 $
Revision: $Revision: $
Last update: $Date: 2002-03-29 14:12:51 $
This file contains the definitions of the task and resource models.
55,8 → 55,8
#define __KERNEL_MODEL_H__
#include "ll/ll.h"
#include "kernel/types.h"
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
165,7 → 165,6
typedef struct {
WORD pclass;
LEVEL level;
size_t stacksize;
void *stackaddr;
WORD group;
211,13 → 210,13
/* Some macros to set various task-model parameters */
#define task_default_model(m,p) (m).pclass = (p), \
(m).level = 0; \
(m).stacksize = 4096, \
(m).stackaddr = NULL, \
(m).group = 0, \
(m).arg = NULL,\
(m).control = 0
#define task_def_level(m,l) (m).level = (l)
#define task_def_level(m,l) (m).pclass = ((m).pclass & 0xFF00) | \
((l) & 0xFF)
#define task_def_arg(m,a) (m).arg = (a)
#define task_def_stack(m,s) (m).stacksize = (s)
#define task_def_stackaddr(m,s) (m).stackaddr = (s)
238,13 → 237,16
PCLASS values
----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* These are the value for the pclass field */
/*+ These are the value for the pclass field;
a level l that accept a task model with pclass p
accept also the alias pclass (p | l)
=> the LSByte MUST be 0 (256 levels maximum) +*/
#define DUMMY_PCLASS 0
#define HARD_PCLASS 1
#define SOFT_PCLASS 2
#define NRT_PCLASS 3
#define JOB_PCLASS 4
#define DUMMY_PCLASS 0x0000
#define HARD_PCLASS 0x0100
#define SOFT_PCLASS 0x0200
#define NRT_PCLASS 0x0300
#define JOB_PCLASS 0x0400
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
557,12 → 559,11
typedef struct {
int rclass; /* protocol */
RLEVEL level; /* level */
int rclass; // protocollo a cui si riferisce il modello di task
#define res_default_model(r, p) (r).rclass = (p), (r).level = 0
#define res_def_level(r,l) (r).level = (l)
#define res_default_model(r, p) (r).rclass = (p)
#define res_def_level(r,l) (r).rclass = ((r).rclass & 0xFF00) | (l)
16,11 → 16,11
CVS : $Id: const.h,v 1.2 2003-01-07 17:12:19 pj Exp $
CVS : $Id: const.h,v 2002-03-29 14:12:51 pj Exp $
File: $File$
Revision: $Revision: 1.2 $
Last update: $Date: 2003-01-07 17:12:19 $
Revision: $Revision: $
Last update: $Date: 2002-03-29 14:12:51 $
System constants:
156,13 → 156,17
/*+ sys_atrunlevel status bit values: used to signal that the function
has to be called +*/
#define RUNLEVEL_STARTUP 0 /*+ startup in real mode +*/
#define RUNLEVEL_INIT 1 /*+ init time +*/
#define RUNLEVEL_RUNNING 2 /*+ system is running!!! +*/
#define RUNLEVEL_SHUTDOWN 3 /*+ shutting down the system +*/
#define RUNLEVEL_BEFORE_EXIT 4 /*+ before the kernel has been terminated +*/
#define RUNLEVEL_AFTER_EXIT 5 /*+ after the kernel has been terminated +*/
#define RUNLEVEL_SHUTDOWN 2 /*+ shutting down the system +*/
#define RUNLEVEL_BEFORE_EXIT 3 /*+ before the kernel has been terminated +*/
#define RUNLEVEL_AFTER_EXIT 4 /*+ after the kernel has been terminated +*/
#define NO_AT_ABORT 8 /*+ only when sys_end is called +*/
#define EXC_CLEAR 0
#define EXC_ACTIVE 2
#define EXC_MASKED 4
#endif /* __CONST_H__ */
20,11 → 20,11
CVS : $Id: errno.h,v 1.3 2003-01-07 17:12:19 pj Exp $
CVS : $Id: errno.h,v 1.2 2002-10-28 07:53:00 pj Exp $
File: $File$
Revision: $Revision: 1.3 $
Last update: $Date: 2003-01-07 17:12:19 $
Revision: $Revision: 1.2 $
Last update: $Date: 2002-10-28 07:53:00 $
- error codes used as values for errno
104,11 → 104,11
#define LAST_EXC_NUMBER 19
#define XDOUBLE_EXCEPTION 1 /* in act_exc */
#define XINVALID_KILL_SHADOW 2 /* task_makefree */
#define XNOMORE_CLEANUPS 3 /* task_cleanup_push */
#define XINVALID_TASK 4 /* invalid operation for a task */
// NOW UNUSED: XINVALID_GUEST 5 /* invalid operation for a guest task */
#define XINVALID_GUEST 5 /* invalid operation for a guest task */
#define XNOMORE_EVENTS 6 /* too many events posted... */
149,7 → 149,7
#define ETOOMUCH_EXITFUNC (5 + LAST_STDERRNO) /* sys_atexit */
#define ENO_AVAIL_TASK (6 + LAST_STDERRNO) /* task_create */
#define ENO_AVAIL_SCHEDLEVEL (7 + LAST_STDERRNO) /* task_create */
#define ETASK_CREATE (8 + LAST_STDERRNO) /* task_create */
#define ENO_AVAIL_RESLEVEL (9 + LAST_STDERRNO) /* task_create */
#define ENO_GUARANTEE (10 + LAST_STDERRNO) /* task_create */
#define ENO_AVAIL_STACK_MEM (11 + LAST_STDERRNO) /* task_create */
21,11 → 21,11
CVS : $Id: dummy.h,v 1.2 2003-01-07 17:12:20 pj Exp $
CVS : $Id: dummy.h,v 2002-03-29 14:12:51 pj Exp $
File: $File$
Revision: $Revision: 1.2 $
Last update: $Date: 2003-01-07 17:12:20 $
Revision: $Revision: $
Last update: $Date: 2002-03-29 14:12:51 $
This file contains the scheduling module RR (Round Robin)
78,8 → 78,6
#ifndef __DUMMY_H__
#define __DUMMY_H__
#include <kernel/types.h>
On upper Intel CPUs it is possible to avoid CPU power consumption
when the system is idle issuing the hlt instruction.
88,10 → 86,7
#define __HLT_WORKS__
/*+ Registration function
/*+ Registration function +*/
void dummy_register_level();
returns the level number at which the module has been registered.
LEVEL dummy_register_level();
21,11 → 21,11
CVS : $Id: nop.h,v 1.2 2003-01-07 17:12:20 pj Exp $
CVS : $Id: nop.h,v 2002-03-29 14:12:51 pj Exp $
File: $File$
Revision: $Revision: 1.2 $
Last update: $Date: 2003-01-07 17:12:20 $
Revision: $Revision: $
Last update: $Date: 2002-03-29 14:12:51 $
This file contains the No Protocol (NOP) implementation of mutexes
79,8 → 79,6
#ifndef __NOP_H__
#define __NOP_H__
#include <kernel/types.h>
void NOP_register_module(void);
RLEVEL NOP_register_module(void);
0,0 → 1,156
* Project: S.Ha.R.K.
* Coordinators:
* Giorgio Buttazzo <>
* Paolo Gai <>
* Authors :
* Paolo Gai <>
* Massimiliano Giorgi <>
* Luca Abeni <>
* (see the web pages for full authors list)
* ReTiS Lab (Scuola Superiore S.Anna - Pisa - Italy)
CVS : $Id: codes.h,v 2002-03-29 14:12:51 pj Exp $
File: $File$
Revision: $Revision: $
Last update: $Date: 2002-03-29 14:12:51 $
This file contains the defines of the codes used by the modules
Each module has a name, a code and a version
* Copyright (C) 2000 Paolo Gai
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#ifndef __CODES_H__
#define __CODES_H__
/* Scheduling Modules */
#define DUMMY_LEVELNAME "Dummy (RR)"
#define RR_LEVELNAME "Round Robin (RR)"
#define RR_LEVEL_CODE 2
#define RR2_LEVELNAME "Round Robin v2 (RR2)"
#define RR2_LEVEL_CODE 2
#define EDF_LEVELNAME "EDF base"
#define EDF_LEVEL_CODE 3
#define RM_LEVELNAME "RM base"
#define RM_LEVEL_CODE 4
#define POSIX_LEVELNAME "POSIX scheduler"
#define RRSOFT_LEVELNAME "RR,Soft/Hard Models"
/* Aperiodic Servers */
#define CBS_LEVELNAME "CBS base"
#define CBS_LEVEL_CODE 101
#define TBS_LEVELNAME "TBS base"
#define TBS_LEVEL_CODE 102
#define PS_LEVELNAME "PS base"
#define PS_LEVEL_CODE 103
#define DS_LEVELNAME "DS base"
#define DS_LEVEL_CODE 104
#define SS_LEVELNAME "SS base"
#define SS_LEVEL_CODE 105
/* Resource Modules */
#define NOP_MODULENAME "BSEM module"
#define NOP_MODULE_CODE 201
#define SRP_MODULENAME "SRP module"
#define SRP_MODULE_CODE 202
#define NPP_MODULENAME "NPP module"
#define NPP_MODULE_CODE 203
#define PC_MODULENAME "PC module"
#define PC_MODULE_CODE 204
#define PI_MODULENAME "PI module"
#define PI_MODULE_CODE 205
#define NOPM_MODULENAME "NOPM module"
#define NOPM_MODULE_CODE 206
#define BDEDF_MODULENAME "BD_EDF module"
21,11 → 21,11
CVS : $Id: edf.h,v 1.2 2003-01-07 17:12:20 pj Exp $
CVS : $Id: edf.h,v 2002-03-29 14:12:51 pj Exp $
File: $File$
Revision: $Revision: 1.2 $
Last update: $Date: 2003-01-07 17:12:20 $
Revision: $Revision: $
Last update: $Date: 2002-03-29 14:12:51 $
This file contains the scheduling module EDF (Earliest Deadline First)
123,6 → 123,7
#include <kernel/config.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <kernel/types.h>
#include <modules/codes.h>
/*+ flags... +*/
136,12 → 137,9
/*+ Registration function:
int flag Options to be used in this level instance...
int flag Options to be used in this level instance... +*/
void EDF_register_level(int flag);
returns the level number at which the module has been registered.
LEVEL EDF_register_level(int flag);
/*+ Returns the used bandwidth of a level +*/
bandwidth_t EDF_usedbandwidth(LEVEL l);
21,11 → 21,11
CVS : $Id: pc.h,v 1.2 2003-01-07 17:12:20 pj Exp $
CVS : $Id: pc.h,v 2002-03-29 14:12:51 pj Exp $
File: $File$
Revision: $Revision: 1.2 $
Last update: $Date: 2003-01-07 17:12:20 $
Revision: $Revision: $
Last update: $Date: 2002-03-29 14:12:51 $
This file contains the Priority Ceiling (PC) Protocol
93,7 → 93,7
#include <kernel/types.h>
#include <kernel/descr.h>
RLEVEL PC_register_module(void);
void PC_register_module(void);
/*+ This function gets the ceiling of a PC mutex, and it have to be called
only by a task that owns the mutex.
21,11 → 21,11
CVS : $Id: posix.h,v 1.2 2003-01-07 17:12:20 pj Exp $
CVS : $Id: posix.h,v 2002-03-29 14:12:51 pj Exp $
File: $File$
Revision: $Revision: 1.2 $
Last update: $Date: 2003-01-07 17:12:20 $
Revision: $Revision: $
Last update: $Date: 2002-03-29 14:12:51 $
This file contains the scheduling module compatible with POSIX
96,6 → 96,7
#include <kernel/config.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <kernel/types.h>
#include <modules/codes.h>
extern TASK __init__(void *arg);
111,11 → 112,8
/*+ Registration function:
TIME slice the slice for the Round Robin queue
int createmain 1 if the level creates the main task 0 otherwise
struct multiboot_info *mb used if createmain specified
returns the level number at which the module has been registered.
LEVEL POSIX_register_level(TIME slice,
struct multiboot_info *mb used if createmain specified +*/
void POSIX_register_level(TIME slice,
int createmain,
struct multiboot_info *mb,
int prioritylevels);
38,11 → 38,11
* CVS : $Id: bd_edf.h,v 1.2 2003-01-07 17:12:19 pj Exp $
* CVS : $Id: bd_edf.h,v 2002-03-29 14:12:51 pj Exp $
* File: $File$
* Revision: $Revision: 1.2 $
* Last update: $Date: 2003-01-07 17:12:19 $
* Revision: $Revision: $
* Last update: $Date: 2002-03-29 14:12:51 $
#ifndef __BD_EDF_H__
51,7 → 51,7
#include <kernel/types.h>
#include <kernel/descr.h>
RLEVEL BD_EDF_register_module(void);
void BD_EDF_register_module(void);
TIME bd_edf_getdl(void);
21,11 → 21,11
CVS : $Id: srp.h,v 1.2 2003-01-07 17:12:20 pj Exp $
CVS : $Id: srp.h,v 2002-03-29 14:12:51 pj Exp $
File: $File$
Revision: $Revision: 1.2 $
Last update: $Date: 2003-01-07 17:12:20 $
Revision: $Revision: $
Last update: $Date: 2002-03-29 14:12:51 $
This file contains the Stack Resource Policy (SRP) Protocol
108,7 → 108,7
#include <kernel/model.h>
#include <kernel/descr.h>
RLEVEL SRP_register_module(void);
void SRP_register_module(void);
extern __inline__ RES_MODEL *SRP_usemutex(mutex_t *m) {
return (RES_MODEL *)m->opt;
21,11 → 21,11
CVS : $Id: rr2.h,v 1.2 2003-01-07 17:12:20 pj Exp $
CVS : $Id: rr2.h,v 2002-03-29 14:12:51 pj Exp $
File: $File$
Revision: $Revision: 1.2 $
Last update: $Date: 2003-01-07 17:12:20 $
Revision: $Revision: $
Last update: $Date: 2002-03-29 14:12:51 $
This file contains the scheduling module RR (Round Robin)
94,6 → 94,7
#include <kernel/config.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <kernel/types.h>
#include <modules/codes.h>
extern TASK __init__(void *arg);
109,11 → 110,8
/*+ Registration function:
TIME slice the slice for the Round Robin queue
int createmain 1 if the level creates the main task 0 otherwise
struct multiboot_info *b used if createmain specified
returns the level number at which the module has been registered.
LEVEL RR2_register_level(TIME slice,
struct multiboot_info *mb used if createmain specified +*/
void RR2_register_level(TIME slice,
int createmain,
struct multiboot_info *mb);
21,11 → 21,11
CVS : $Id: ds.h,v 1.2 2003-01-07 17:12:19 pj Exp $
CVS : $Id: ds.h,v 2002-03-29 14:12:51 pj Exp $
File: $File$
Revision: $Revision: 1.2 $
Last update: $Date: 2003-01-07 17:12:19 $
Revision: $Revision: $
Last update: $Date: 2002-03-29 14:12:51 $
This file contains the aperiodic server DS (Polling Server)
92,6 → 92,7
#include <kernel/config.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <kernel/types.h>
#include <modules/codes.h>
/*+ 1 - ln(2) +*/
118,12 → 119,9
int flags Options to be used in this level instance...
LEVEL master the level that must be used as master level for the
TBS tasks
int num,den used to compute the TBS bandwidth
int num,den used to compute the TBS bandwidth +*/
void DS_register_level(int flags, LEVEL master, int Cs, int per);
returns the level number at which the module has been registered.
LEVEL DS_register_level(int flags, LEVEL master, int Cs, int per);
/*+ Returns the used bandwidth of a level +*/
bandwidth_t DS_usedbandwidth(LEVEL l);
21,11 → 21,11
CVS : $Id: cbs.h,v 1.2 2003-01-07 17:12:19 pj Exp $
CVS : $Id: cbs.h,v 2002-03-29 14:12:51 pj Exp $
File: $File$
Revision: $Revision: 1.2 $
Last update: $Date: 2003-01-07 17:12:19 $
Revision: $Revision: $
Last update: $Date: 2002-03-29 14:12:51 $
This file contains the aperiodic server CBS (Total Bandwidth Server)
103,6 → 103,7
#include <kernel/config.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <kernel/types.h>
#include <modules/codes.h>
/*+ flags... +*/
#define CBS_DISABLE_ALL 0 /*+ Task Guarantee enabled +*/
116,10 → 117,8
int flags Options to be used in this level instance...
LEVEL master the level that must be used as master level for the
CBS tasks
returns the level number at which the module has been registered.
LEVEL CBS_register_level(int flags, LEVEL master);
void CBS_register_level(int flags, LEVEL master);
/*+ Returns the used bandwidth of a level +*/
bandwidth_t CBS_usedbandwidth(LEVEL l);
21,11 → 21,11
CVS : $Id: pi.h,v 1.2 2003-01-07 17:12:20 pj Exp $
CVS : $Id: pi.h,v 2002-03-29 14:12:51 pj Exp $
File: $File$
Revision: $Revision: 1.2 $
Last update: $Date: 2003-01-07 17:12:20 $
Revision: $Revision: $
Last update: $Date: 2002-03-29 14:12:51 $
This file contains the Priority Inheritance (PI) Protocol
89,8 → 89,6
#ifndef __PI_H__
#define __PI_H__
#include <kernel/types.h>
void PI_register_module(void);
RLEVEL PI_register_module(void);
39,11 → 39,11
* CVS : $Id: bd_pscan.h,v 1.2 2003-01-07 17:12:19 pj Exp $
* CVS : $Id: bd_pscan.h,v 2002-03-29 14:12:51 pj Exp $
* File: $File$
* Revision: $Revision: 1.2 $
* Last update: $Date: 2003-01-07 17:12:19 $
* Revision: $Revision: $
* Last update: $Date: 2002-03-29 14:12:51 $
#ifndef __BD_PSCAN_H__
52,7 → 52,7
#include <kernel/types.h>
#include <kernel/descr.h>
RLEVEL BD_PSCAN_register_module(void);
void BD_PSCAN_register_module(void);
int bd_pscan_getpriority(void);
21,11 → 21,11
CVS : $Id: rm.h,v 1.2 2003-01-07 17:12:20 pj Exp $
CVS : $Id: rm.h,v 2002-03-29 14:12:51 pj Exp $
File: $File$
Revision: $Revision: 1.2 $
Last update: $Date: 2003-01-07 17:12:20 $
Revision: $Revision: $
Last update: $Date: 2002-03-29 14:12:51 $
This file contains the scheduling module RM (Rate Monotonic)
122,6 → 122,7
#include <kernel/config.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <kernel/types.h>
#include <modules/codes.h>
/*+ 1 - ln(2) +*/
142,12 → 143,9
/*+ Registration function:
int flag Options to be used in this level instance...
int flag Options to be used in this level instance... +*/
void RM_register_level(int flag);
returns the level number at which the module has been registered.
LEVEL RM_register_level(int flag);
/*+ Returns the used bandwidth of a level +*/
bandwidth_t RM_usedbandwidth(LEVEL l);
21,11 → 21,11
CVS : $Id: rrsoft.h,v 1.2 2003-01-07 17:12:20 pj Exp $
CVS : $Id: rrsoft.h,v 2002-03-29 14:12:51 pj Exp $
File: $File$
Revision: $Revision: 1.2 $
Last update: $Date: 2003-01-07 17:12:20 $
Revision: $Revision: $
Last update: $Date: 2002-03-29 14:12:51 $
This file contains the scheduling module RRSOFT (Round Robin for
103,6 → 103,7
#include <kernel/config.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <kernel/types.h>
#include <modules/codes.h>
extern TASK __init__(void *arg);
123,12 → 124,8
/*+ Registration function:
TIME slice the slice for the Round Robin queue
int createmain 1 if the level creates the main task 0 otherwise
struct multiboot_info *mb used if createmain specified
returns the level number at which the module has been registered.
LEVEL RRSOFT_register_level(TIME slice,
struct multiboot_info *mb used if createmain specified +*/
void RRSOFT_register_level(TIME slice,
int createmain,
struct multiboot_info *mb,
BYTE models);
21,11 → 21,11
CVS : $Id: ps.h,v 1.2 2003-01-07 17:12:20 pj Exp $
CVS : $Id: ps.h,v 2002-03-29 14:12:51 pj Exp $
File: $File$
Revision: $Revision: 1.2 $
Last update: $Date: 2003-01-07 17:12:20 $
Revision: $Revision: $
Last update: $Date: 2002-03-29 14:12:51 $
This file contains the aperiodic server PS (Polling Server)
93,6 → 93,7
#include <kernel/config.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <kernel/types.h>
#include <modules/codes.h>
/*+ 1 - ln(2) +*/
119,12 → 120,9
int flags Options to be used in this level instance...
LEVEL master the level that must be used as master level for the
TBS tasks
int num,den used to compute the TBS bandwidth
int num,den used to compute the TBS bandwidth +*/
void PS_register_level(int flags, LEVEL master, int Cs, int per);
returns the level number at which the module has been registered.
LEVEL PS_register_level(int flags, LEVEL master, int Cs, int per);
/*+ Returns the used bandwidth of a level +*/
bandwidth_t PS_usedbandwidth(LEVEL l);
21,11 → 21,11
CVS : $Id: rr.h,v 1.2 2003-01-07 17:12:20 pj Exp $
CVS : $Id: rr.h,v 2002-03-29 14:12:51 pj Exp $
File: $File$
Revision: $Revision: 1.2 $
Last update: $Date: 2003-01-07 17:12:20 $
Revision: $Revision: $
Last update: $Date: 2002-03-29 14:12:51 $
This file contains the scheduling module RR (Round Robin)
95,6 → 95,7
#include <kernel/config.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <kernel/types.h>
#include <modules/codes.h>
extern TASK __init__(void *arg);
110,11 → 111,8
/*+ Registration function:
TIME slice the slice for the Round Robin queue
int createmain 1 if the level creates the main task 0 otherwise
struct multiboot_info *mb used if createmain specified
returns the level number at which the module has been registered.
LEVEL RR_register_level(TIME slice,
struct multiboot_info *mb used if createmain specified +*/
void RR_register_level(TIME slice,
int createmain,
struct multiboot_info *mb);
21,11 → 21,11
CVS : $Id: ss.h,v 1.2 2003-01-07 17:12:20 pj Exp $
CVS : $Id: ss.h,v 2002-03-29 14:12:51 pj Exp $
File: $File$
Revision: $Revision: 1.2 $
Last update: $Date: 2003-01-07 17:12:20 $
Revision: $Revision: $
Last update: $Date: 2002-03-29 14:12:51 $
This file contains the aperiodic server SS (Sporadic Server)
103,6 → 103,7
#include <kernel/config.h>
#include <kernel/types.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <modules/codes.h>
/*+ 1 - ln(2) +*/
150,12 → 151,9
int flags Options to be used in this level instance...
LEVEL master The level that must be used as master level
int Cs Server capacity
int per Server period
int per Server period +*/
void SS_register_level(int flags, LEVEL master, int Cs, int per);
returns the level number at which the module has been registered.
LEVEL SS_register_level(int flags, LEVEL master, int Cs, int per);
/*+ Returns the used bandwidth of a level +*/
bandwidth_t SS_usedbandwidth(LEVEL l);
21,11 → 21,11
CVS : $Id: tbs.h,v 1.2 2003-01-07 17:12:20 pj Exp $
CVS : $Id: tbs.h,v 2002-03-29 14:12:51 pj Exp $
File: $File$
Revision: $Revision: 1.2 $
Last update: $Date: 2003-01-07 17:12:20 $
Revision: $Revision: $
Last update: $Date: 2002-03-29 14:12:51 $
This file contains the aperiodic server TBS (Total Bandwidth Server)
126,6 → 126,7
#include <kernel/config.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <kernel/types.h>
#include <modules/codes.h>
/*+ flags... +*/