Subversion Repositories shark

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 1621 → Rev 1681

File deleted
File deleted
0,0 → 1,2
targets:= assert.o
File deleted
0,0 → 1,13
targets:= \
abort.o \
atexit.o \
calloc.o \
free.o \
malloc.o \
realloc.o \
strtod.o \
strtol.o \
strtoul.o \
qsort.o \
File deleted
0,0 → 1,2
targets:= getopt.o getopt1.o
File deleted
0,0 → 1,63
targets:= \
asprintf.o \
clrerr.o \
fclose.o \
fdopen.o \
feof.o \
ferror.o \
fflush.o \
fgetc.o \
fgetln.o \
fgetpos.o \
fgets.o \
fileno.o \
findfp.o \
flags.o \
fopen.o \
fprintf.o \
fpurge.o \
fputc.o \
fputs.o \
fread.o \
freopen.o \
fscanf.o \
fseek.o \
fsetpos.o \
ftell.o \
funopen.o \
fvwrite.o \
fwalk.o \
fwrite.o \
getc.o \
getchar.o \
gets.o \
getw.o \
makebuf.o \
mktemp.o \
printf.o \
putc.o \
putchar.o \
puts.o \
putw.o \
refill.o \
remove.o \
rewind.o \
rget.o \
scanf.o \
setbuf.o \
setbuffe.o \
setvbuf.o \
snprintf.o \
stdio.o \
tempnam.o \
tmpnam.o \
ungetc.o \
vasprint.o \
vfprintf.o \
vfscanf.o \
vprintf.o \
vscanf.o \
vsnprint.o \
wbuf.o \
File deleted
0,0 → 1,2
targets:= ctype.o
File deleted
0,0 → 1,2
targets:= strcasecmp.o
File deleted
0,0 → 1,5
targets:= \
fpathcon.o \
pathconf.o \
File deleted
0,0 → 1,28
targets:= \
adddi3.o \
anddi3.o \
ashldi3.o \
ashrdi3.o \
cmpdi2.o \
divdi3.o \
fixdfdi.o \
fixsfdi.o \
fixunsdf.o \
fixunssf.o \
floatdid.o \
floatdis.o \
floatuns.o \
iordi3.o \
lshldi3.o \
lshrdi3.o \
moddi3.o \
muldi3.o \
negdi2.o \
notdi2.o \
qdivrem.o \
subdi3.o \
ucmpdi2.o \
udivdi3.o \
umoddi3.o \
File deleted
0,0 → 1,62
# GNU-C 32 bit makefile
include $(HARTIK)/config/config.mak
# to remove
RM=rm -f
#C_INC += -I.
# Device driver files
C_SRCS= anddi3.c ashldi3.c ashrdi3.c cmpdi2.c divdi3.c fixdfdi.c \
fixsfdi.c fixunsdf.c fixunssf.c floatdid.c floatdis.c \
floatuns.c iordi3.c lshldi3.c lshrdi3.c moddi3.c \
muldi3.c negdi2.c notdi2.c subdi3.c adddi3.c qdivrem.c \
ucmpdi2.c udivdi3.c umoddi3.c xordi3.c
# Finally the dependency rules!
.PHONY : all install depend clean allclean
all install: ../lib$(LIBNAME).a
depend deps:
$(CC) $(C_OPT) -M $(C_SRCS) >deps
clean :
-del *.o
-del *.err
-del *.a
allclean : clean
include deps
../lib$(LIBNAME).a : $(SRCS:.c=.o)
ar rs ../lib$(LIBNAME).a $(SRCS:.c=.o)
File deleted
0,0 → 1,2
targets:= utsname.c
File deleted
0,0 → 1,8
targets:= \
ecvt.o \
fcvt.o \
gcvt.o \
sprintf.o \
ksprintf.o \
sscanf.o \
0,0 → 1,9
targets:= \
random.o \
stdlib.o \
strtod.o \
strtoi.o \
strtol.o \
strtou.o \
File deleted
0,0 → 1,26
targets:= \
e_acos.o \
e_asin.o \
e_atan2.o \
e_exp.o \
e_fmod.o \
e_log.o \
e_log10.o \
e_remain.o \
e_scalb.o \
e_sqrt.o \
s_atan.o \
s_ceil.o \
s_copysi.o \
s_cos.o \
s_finite.o \
s_floor.o \
s_ilogb.o \
s_log1p.o \
s_logb.o \
s_rint.o \
s_scalbn.o \
s_signif.o \
s_sin.o \
0,0 → 1,2
targets:= i387/ src/
0,0 → 1,2
targets:= infinity.o
0,0 → 1,5
targets:= msun/ machine/
exported-aflags:= -I$(curdir)
exported-cppflags:= -I$(curdir)
0,0 → 1,9
targets:= \
strncat.o \
strrchr.o \
strstr.o \
string.o \
special.o \
strnum.o \
0,0 → 1,5
targets:= modf.o reboot.o ioformat/ libm/ stdlib/ string/
exported-aflags:= -I.
exported-cppflags:= -I.
exported-cflags:= -Dwrite=glue_write -Dlint -Wno-uninitialized -Wno-parentheses
0,0 → 1,16
targets:= libc.a
libc.a-objs:= \
init.o \
libio/ \
quad/ \
stdio/ \
stdlib/ \
assert/ \
unistd/ \
utsname/ \
ctype/ \
string/ \
getopt/ \
File deleted
0,0 → 1,16
targets:= \
close.o \
dir.o \
dup.o \
dup2.o \
getcwd.o \
getumask.o \
getwd.o \
lseek.o \
read.o \
truncate.o \
umask.o \
unlink.o \
wrappers.o \