Subversion Repositories shark

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 476 → Rev 477

55,6 → 55,8
/* TSS optional section */
static BYTE vm86_stack0[VM86_STACK_SIZE];
static BYTE init = 0;
static struct {
TSS t;
DWORD io_map[2048];
117,6 → 119,9
int register i;
if (init != 0) return;
init = 1;
/* First of all, we need to setup a GDT entries to
* allow vm86 task execution. We just need a free 386 TSS, which
* will be used to store the execution context of the virtual 8086
0,0 → 1,93
#include "ll/sys/cdefs.h"
typedef struct { /* Questa struttura ci serve per definire */
BYTE red, green, blue; /* la nostra palette. */
typedef TYPE_PALETTE palette[256];
Tipo VbeInfoBlock: in esso sono contenute tutte le caratteristiche del
display grafico a nostra disposizione.
typedef struct {
unsigned char VbeSignature[4]; /* Deve essere 'VBE2' */
unsigned short int VbeVersion; /* Versione del driver */
unsigned short int OemNameOffset; /* Nome della scheda grafica */
unsigned short int OemNameSegment;
unsigned char Capabilities[4]; /* Caratt. display grafico */
unsigned short int SupportedModesOffset; /* Puntatore alla lista dei modi */
unsigned short int SupportedModesSegment; /* supportati */
unsigned short int TotalMemory; /* Memoria a bordo della scheda*/
unsigned short int OemSoftwareRev; /* Livello revisione VBE */
unsigned short int OemVendorNameOffset; /* Nome del produttore */
unsigned short int OemVendorNameSegment;
unsigned short int OemProductNameOffset; /* Nome del prodotto */
unsigned short int OemProductNameSegment;
unsigned short int OemProductRevOffset; /* Livello revisione display */
unsigned short int OemProductRevSegment;
unsigned char reserved[222]; /* Riservato */
unsigned char OemData[256];
} VbeInfoBlock;
Tipo ModeInfoBlock: in esso sono contenute tutte le caratteristiche
del modo grafico che vogliamo attivare.
typedef struct {
unsigned short int ModeAttributes; /* Specifiche del modo */
unsigned char WinAAttributes; /* Caratt. della window A */
unsigned char WinBAttributes; /* Caratt. della window B */
unsigned short int WinGranularity; /* GranularitÂ… -> window */
unsigned short int WinSize; /* Dimensione -> window */
unsigned short int WinASegment; /* Indirizzo window A */
unsigned short int WinBSegment; /* Indirizzo window B */
void (*WPF) (signed long int page); /* Indirizzo funzione */
unsigned short int BytesPerScanLine;
unsigned short int XResolution; /* Larghezza in pixel */
unsigned short int YResolution; /* Altezza in pixel */
unsigned char XCharSize; /* Larghezza carattere */
unsigned char YCharSize; /* Altezza carattere */
unsigned char NumberOfPlanes; /* Numero dei planes disponibili*/
unsigned char BitsPerPixel; /* Num. bit per ogni pixel */
unsigned char NumberOfBanks; /* Num. dei banchi presenti*/
unsigned char MemoryModel; /* Tipo di memoria utilizzato*/
unsigned char BankSize; /* Dimensione di ogni banco*/
unsigned char NumberOfImagePages; /* Num. -1 di schermate */
unsigned char Reserved; /* Riservato */
unsigned char RedMaskSize; /* Maschera per rosso */
unsigned char RedFieldPosition; /* Posizione bit rosso */
unsigned char GreenMaskSize; /* Maschera per verde */
unsigned char GreenFieldPosition; /* Posizione bit verde */
unsigned char BlueMaskSize; /* Maschera per blu */
unsigned char BlueFieldPosition; /* Posizione bit blu */
unsigned char RsvdMaskSize;
unsigned char RsvdFieldPosition;
unsigned char DirectColorModeInfo; /* Caratt. colori modo diretto*/
unsigned long int PhysBasePtr; /* Linear Frame Buffer */
unsigned long int OffScreenMemoryOffset; /* Offset mem. "fuori schermo"*/
unsigned long int OffScreenMemSize; /* Mem. disponibile "" ""*/
unsigned char Reserved2 [206]; /* Riservato */
} ModeInfoBlock;
int vbe_getinfo(void);
int vbe_check_id(void);
void vbe_showinfo(void);
DWORD vbe_getmodeinfo(ModeInfoBlock *ModeInfo, WORD Vbe_Mode);
int vbe_setmode (WORD Vbe_Mode);
WORD vbe_getbpr(ModeInfoBlock *ModeInfo);
DWORD vbe_getflb(void);
int vbe_setbank(ModeInfoBlock *ModeInfo, BYTE bank);
void vbe_showmodeinfo (ModeInfoBlock *ModeInfo);
int vbe_checkmode(WORD mode);
DWORD vbe_getmem(void);
30,6 → 30,10
#define dac_reg (0x3c8)
#define dac_val (0x3c9)
#include <vesa.h>
#define INIT_MODE 0x4101
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static struct fb_var_screeninfo vesafb_defined __initdata = {
216,14 → 220,51
return 0;
extern VbeInfoBlock VbeInfo;
extern int vbe_getifo(void);
extern void vm86_init(void);
int __init vesafb_init(void)
ModeInfoBlock ModeInfo;
int video_cmap_len;
int i;
if (vbe_getinfo())
return -EIO;
printk(KERN_INFO "VBE Extension Found.\n");
screen_info.lfb_base = vbe_getmodeinfo(&ModeInfo,INIT_MODE);
screen_info.orig_video_isVGA = VIDEO_TYPE_VLFB;
if (screen_info.orig_video_isVGA != VIDEO_TYPE_VLFB)
return -ENXIO;
screen_info.lfb_depth = ModeInfo.BitsPerPixel;
screen_info.lfb_width = ModeInfo.XResolution;
screen_info.lfb_height = ModeInfo.YResolution;
screen_info.lfb_linelength = ModeInfo.BytesPerScanLine;
screen_info.lfb_size = VbeInfo.TotalMemory;
screen_info.pages = ModeInfo.NumberOfImagePages;
screen_info.vesapm_seg = 0;
screen_info.vesapm_off = 0;
screen_info.red_pos = ModeInfo.RedFieldPosition;
screen_info.red_size = ModeInfo.RedMaskSize;
screen_info.green_pos = ModeInfo.GreenFieldPosition;
screen_info.green_size = ModeInfo.GreenMaskSize;
screen_info.blue_pos = ModeInfo.BlueFieldPosition;
screen_info.blue_size = ModeInfo.BlueMaskSize;
screen_info.rsvd_pos = ModeInfo.RsvdFieldPosition;
screen_info.rsvd_size = ModeInfo.RsvdMaskSize;
vesafb_fix.smem_start = screen_info.lfb_base;
vesafb_defined.bits_per_pixel = screen_info.lfb_depth;
if (15 == vesafb_defined.bits_per_pixel)
231,7 → 272,7
vesafb_defined.xres = screen_info.lfb_width;
vesafb_defined.yres = screen_info.lfb_height;
vesafb_fix.line_length = screen_info.lfb_linelength;
vesafb_fix.smem_len = screen_info.lfb_size * 65536;
vesafb_fix.smem_len = screen_info.lfb_size;
vesafb_fix.visual = (vesafb_defined.bits_per_pixel == 8) ?
285,6 → 326,7
for (i = pmi_base[3]/2; pmi_base[i] != 0xffff; i++)
printk("%x ",pmi_base[i]);
if (pmi_base[i] != 0xffff) {
* memory areas not supported (yet?)
0,0 → 1,248
#include <ll/i386/hw-data.h>
#include <ll/i386/mem.h>
#include <ll/i386/string.h>
#include <ll/i386/x-dos.h>
#include <ll/i386/x-dosmem.h>
#include <ll/i386/cons.h>
#include <ll/sys/ll/ll-func.h>
#include "vesa.h"
VbeInfoBlock VbeInfo; /* VBE 2.0 Informations */
DWORD vbe_screen; /* Frame Linear Buffer Address */
char VideoModeNames [96][40] = {
"100 - 640x400 256 colors", "101 - 640x480 256 colors", "102 - 800x600 16 colors",
"103 - 800x600 256 colors", "104 - 1024x768 16 colors", "105 - 1024x768 256 colors",
"106 - 1280x1024 16 colors", "107 - 1280x1024 256 colors", "108 - 80x60 Text Mode",
"109 - 132x25 Text Mode", "10A - 132x43 Text Mode", "10B - 132x50 Text Mode",
"10C - 132x60 Text Mode", "10D - 320x200 32,768 colors", "10E - 320x200 65,536 colors",
"10F - 320x200 16m colors", "110 - 640x480 32,768 colors", "111 - 640x480 65,536 colors",
"112 - 640x480 16m colors", "113 - 800x600 32,768 colors", "114 - 800x600 65,536 colors",
"115 - 800x600 16m colors", "116 - 1024x768 32,768 colors", "117 - 1024x768 65,536 colors",
"118 - 1024x768 16m colors", "119 - 1280x1024 32,768 colors", "11A - 1280x1024 65,536 colors",
"11B - 1280x1024 16m colors", "11C - 640x350 256 colors", "11D - 640x350 32,768 colors",
"11E - 640x400 32,768 colors", "11F - 640x350 65,536 colors", "120 - 640x400 65,536 colors",
"121 - 640x350 16m colors", "122 - 640x400 16m colors", "123 - 1600x1200 16 colors",
"124 - 1600x1200 256 colors", "125 - 1600x1200 32,768 colors", "126 - 1600x1200 65,536 colors",
"127 - 1600x1200 16m colors", "128 - 640x480 16m colors(*)", "129 - 800x600 16m colors(*)",
"12A - 1024x768 16m colors(*)", "12B - 1280x1024 16m colors(*)", "12C - 1600x1200 16m colors(*)",
"12D - 320x240 32,768 colors", "12E - 320x400 32,768 colors", "12F - 360x200 32,768 colors",
"130 - 360x240 32,768 colors", "131 - 360x400 32,768 colors", "132 - 320x240 65,536 colors",
"133 - 320x400 65,536 colors", "134 - 360x200 65,536 colors", "135 - 360x240 65,536 colors",
"136 - 360x400 65,536 colors", "137 - 320x240 16m colors", "138 - 320x400 16m colors",
"139 - name n/a", "13A - name n/a", "13B - name n/a",
"13C - name n/a", "13D - name n/a", "13E - name n/a",
"13F - name n/a", "140 - name n/a", "141 - name n/a",
"142 - 640x350 16m colors(*)", "143 - 640x400 16m colors(*)", "144 - name n/a",
"145 - name n/a", "146 - name n/a", "147 - name n/a",
"148 - name n/a", "149 - name n/a", "14A - name n/a",
"14B - name n/a", "14C - name n/a", "14D - name n/a",
"14E - name n/a", "14F - name n/a", "150 - 640x350 16 colors",
"151 - 640x400 16 colors", "152 - 640x480 16 colors", "153 - 320x200 256 colors",
"154 - 320x240 256 colors", "155 - 320x400 256 colors", "156 - 360x200 256 colors",
"157 - 360x240 256 colors", "158 - 360x400 256 colors", "159 - name n/a",
"15A - name n/a", "15B - name n/a", "15C - name n/a",
"15D - name n/a", "15E - name n/a", "15F - name n/a"
int vbe_check_status (WORD vbe_function_result)
if (vbe_function_result != 0x004f) {
switch (vbe_function_result) {
case 0x014f : return -1; /* VBE Generic error */
case 0x024f : return -2; /* Hardware incompatibility error */
case 0x034f : return -3; /* Unvalid function requested */
default : return -4; /* Unknown error */
return 1;
int vbe_getinfo(void)
X_REGS16 inregs, outregs; /* registri normali */
X_SREGS16 sregs; /* registri estesi */
DWORD linearaddr;
#ifndef VM86
BYTE p1, p2;
/* Allochiamo mem per il nostro blocco */
if ((DOSaddr = DOS_alloc(sizeof(VbeInfoBlock))) == 0) {
/* set_text_mode ();*/
return -1;
} else {
/* linearaddr = appl2linear(DOSaddr);*/
linearaddr = (DWORD) DOSaddr;
/* 0x00 = Get Vbe2.0 Info */ = 0x4f00;
/* Indirizzo reale del nostro blocco */
inregs.x.di = linearaddr & 0x000F; = ((linearaddr & 0xFFFF0) >> 4);
sregs.ds = ((linearaddr & 0xFFFF0) >> 4);
/* Settiamo il VbeSignature correttamente */
VbeInfo.VbeSignature[0] = 'V';
VbeInfo.VbeSignature[1] = 'B';
VbeInfo.VbeSignature[2] = 'E';
VbeInfo.VbeSignature[3] = '2';
memcpy((void *)linearaddr, &VbeInfo, sizeof(VbeInfo));
#ifndef VM86
p1 = inp(0x21);
p2 = inp(0xA1);
X_callBIOS(0x10, &inregs, &outregs, &sregs);
vm86_callBIOS(0x10, &inregs, &outregs, &sregs);
if (vbe_check_status( < 0)
return -1;
memcpy(&VbeInfo, (void *)linearaddr, sizeof(VbeInfo));
return 0;
void vbe_showmodes(void)
short int modec;
WORD list;
LIN_ADDR VideoModeaddr;
VideoModeaddr = (LIN_ADDR)((VbeInfo.SupportedModesSegment<<4) + VbeInfo.SupportedModesOffset);
cprintf ("\nList of modes supported:\n");
do {
memcpy(&modec, VideoModeaddr, 2);
VideoModeaddr += 2;
if (modec != -1) cprintf (" %s ", VideoModeNames[modec - 0x100]);
if (list % 2 == 0) cprintf ("\n");
} while ((modec != -1) && (list < 40));
cprintf ("\nToal modes supported: %d", list);
DWORD vbe_getmodeinfo(ModeInfoBlock *ModeInfo, WORD Vbe_Mode)
X_REGS16 inregs, outregs;
X_SREGS16 sregs;
LIN_ADDR dosaddr;
#ifndef VM86
BYTE p1, p2;
if ((dosaddr = DOS_alloc(sizeof(ModeInfoBlock))) == 0) {
/* 0x01 = Get Vbe Mode Info */ = 0x4f01; = Vbe_Mode;
inregs.x.di = (DWORD)dosaddr & 0x000F; = (((DWORD)dosaddr & 0xFFFF0) >> 4);
sregs.ds = (((DWORD)dosaddr & 0xFFFF0) >> 4);
#ifndef VM86
p1 = inp(0x21);
p2 = inp(0xA1);
X_callBIOS(0x10, &inregs, &outregs, &sregs);
vm86_callBIOS(0x10, &inregs, &outregs, &sregs);
if (vbe_check_status ( < 0) {
return -1;
memcpy(ModeInfo, dosaddr, sizeof(ModeInfoBlock));
vbe_screen = ModeInfo->PhysBasePtr;
if(vbe_screen == -1) {
return -1;
return vbe_screen;
DWORD vbe_getflb(void)
return vbe_screen;
int vbe_setmode (WORD Vbe_Mode)
X_REGS16 inregs, outregs;
X_SREGS16 sregs;
#ifndef VM86
BYTE p1, p2;
memset (&inregs, 0, sizeof(inregs));
/* Set Vesa Vbe mode */ = 0x4f02;
inregs.x.bx = Vbe_Mode;
#ifndef VM86
p1 = inp(0x21);
p2 = inp(0xA1);
X_callBIOS(0x10, &inregs, &outregs, &sregs);
vm86_callBIOS(0x10, &inregs, &outregs, &sregs);
return 1; //vbe_check_status (;
WORD vbe_getbpr(ModeInfoBlock *ModeInfo)
return ModeInfo->BytesPerScanLine;
int vbe_setbank(ModeInfoBlock *ModeInfo, BYTE bank)
X_REGS16 inregs, outregs;
X_SREGS16 sregs;
#ifndef VM86
BYTE p1, p2;
memset (&inregs, 0, sizeof(inregs));
memset (&sregs, 0, sizeof(sregs));
/* Set Window */ = 0x4f05; = 0x00; = 0x00;
inregs.x.dx = (64 / ModeInfo->WinGranularity) * bank;
#ifndef VM86
p1 = inp(0x21);
p2 = inp(0xA1);
X_callBIOS(0x10, &inregs, &outregs, &sregs);
vm86_callBIOS(0x10, &inregs, &outregs, &sregs);
return vbe_check_status (;
DWORD vbe_getmem(void)
return (VbeInfo.TotalMemory<<6) * 1024;
63,7 → 63,7
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#define DPRINTK(fmt, args...) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: " fmt, __FUNCTION__ , ## args)
1886,7 → 1886,7
info->fix.smem_len / (1024 * 1024),
return 0;
1153,6 → 1153,7
int fbidx = iminor(inode);
struct fb_info *info;
struct fb_fillrect rect;
int res = 0;
if (fbidx >= FB_MAX)
1174,6 → 1175,15
fb_pan_display(info, &info->var);
rect.dx = 0;
rect.dy = 0;
rect.width = info->var.xres;
rect.height = info->var.yres;
rect.color = 0;
rect.rop = ROP_COPY;
if (info->var.bits_per_pixel >= 8) {
11,12 → 11,12
OBJS_PATH = $(BASE)/drivers/fb
OBJS = fbmem.o fbcmap.o cfbfillrect.o softcursor.o cfbcopyarea.o cfbimgblt.o\
modedb.o vga16fb.o vgastate.o vesafb.o radeonfb.o shark_fb26.o\
modedb.o vga16fb.o vgastate.o vesafb.o radeonfb.o shark_fb26.o gdvesa.o\
logo.o logo_bmp.o ./riva/fbdev.o ./riva/nv_driver.o ./riva/riva_hw.o
OTHERINCL += -I$(BASE)/drivers/linuxc26/include
OTHERINCL += -I$(BASE)/drivers/linuxc26/include -I.
include $(BASE)/config/