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    lm85.c - Part of lm_sensors, Linux kernel modules for hardware
    Copyright (c) 1998, 1999  Frodo Looijaard <>
    Copyright (c) 2002, 2003  Philip Pokorny <>
    Copyright (c) 2003        Margit Schubert-While <>

    Chip details at           <>

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>
#include <linux/i2c.h>
#include <linux/i2c-sensor.h>
#include <linux/i2c-vid.h>
#include <asm/io.h>

#undef  LM85EXTENDEDFUNC        /* Extended functionality */

/* Addresses to scan */
static unsigned short normal_i2c[] = { 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, I2C_CLIENT_END };
static unsigned short normal_i2c_range[] = { I2C_CLIENT_END };
static unsigned int normal_isa[] = { I2C_CLIENT_ISA_END };
static unsigned int normal_isa_range[] = { I2C_CLIENT_ISA_END };

/* Insmod parameters */
SENSORS_INSMOD_4(lm85b, lm85c, adm1027, adt7463);

/* Enable debug if true */
static int      lm85debug = 0;

/* The LM85 registers */

#define LM85_REG_IN(nr)                 (0x20 + (nr))
#define LM85_REG_IN_MIN(nr)             (0x44 + (nr) * 2)
#define LM85_REG_IN_MAX(nr)             (0x45 + (nr) * 2)

#define LM85_REG_TEMP(nr)               (0x25 + (nr))
#define LM85_REG_TEMP_MIN(nr)           (0x4e + (nr) * 2)
#define LM85_REG_TEMP_MAX(nr)           (0x4f + (nr) * 2)

/* Fan speeds are LSB, MSB (2 bytes) */
#define LM85_REG_FAN(nr)                (0x28 + (nr) *2)
#define LM85_REG_FAN_MIN(nr)            (0x54 + (nr) *2)

#define LM85_REG_PWM(nr)                (0x30 + (nr))

#define ADT7463_REG_OPPOINT(nr)         (0x33 + (nr))

#define ADT7463_REG_TMIN_CTL1           0x36
#define ADT7463_REG_TMIN_CTL2           0x37

#define LM85_REG_DEVICE                 0x3d
#define LM85_REG_COMPANY                0x3e
#define LM85_REG_VERSTEP                0x3f
/* These are the recognized values for the above regs */
#define LM85_DEVICE_ADX                 0x27
#define LM85_COMPANY_NATIONAL           0x01
#define LM85_COMPANY_ANALOG_DEV         0x41
#define LM85_VERSTEP_GENERIC            0x60
#define LM85_VERSTEP_LM85C              0x60
#define LM85_VERSTEP_LM85B              0x62
#define LM85_VERSTEP_ADM1027            0x60
#define LM85_VERSTEP_ADT7463            0x62

#define LM85_REG_CONFIG                 0x40

#define LM85_REG_ALARM1                 0x41
#define LM85_REG_ALARM2                 0x42

#define LM85_REG_VID                    0x43

/* Automated FAN control */
#define LM85_REG_AFAN_CONFIG(nr)        (0x5c + (nr))
#define LM85_REG_AFAN_RANGE(nr)         (0x5f + (nr))
#define LM85_REG_AFAN_SPIKE1            0x62
#define LM85_REG_AFAN_SPIKE2            0x63
#define LM85_REG_AFAN_MINPWM(nr)        (0x64 + (nr))
#define LM85_REG_AFAN_LIMIT(nr)         (0x67 + (nr))
#define LM85_REG_AFAN_CRITICAL(nr)      (0x6a + (nr))
#define LM85_REG_AFAN_HYST1             0x6d
#define LM85_REG_AFAN_HYST2             0x6e

#define LM85_REG_TACH_MODE              0x74
#define LM85_REG_SPINUP_CTL             0x75

#define ADM1027_REG_TEMP_OFFSET(nr)     (0x70 + (nr))
#define ADM1027_REG_CONFIG2             0x73
#define ADM1027_REG_INTMASK1            0x74
#define ADM1027_REG_INTMASK2            0x75
#define ADM1027_REG_EXTEND_ADC1         0x76
#define ADM1027_REG_EXTEND_ADC2         0x77
#define ADM1027_REG_CONFIG3             0x78
#define ADM1027_REG_FAN_PPR             0x7b

#define ADT7463_REG_THERM               0x79
#define ADT7463_REG_THERM_LIMIT         0x7A

#define LM85_ALARM_IN0                  0x0001
#define LM85_ALARM_IN1                  0x0002
#define LM85_ALARM_IN2                  0x0004
#define LM85_ALARM_IN3                  0x0008
#define LM85_ALARM_TEMP1                0x0010
#define LM85_ALARM_TEMP2                0x0020
#define LM85_ALARM_TEMP3                0x0040
#define LM85_ALARM_ALARM2               0x0080
#define LM85_ALARM_IN4                  0x0100
#define LM85_ALARM_RESERVED             0x0200
#define LM85_ALARM_FAN1                 0x0400
#define LM85_ALARM_FAN2                 0x0800
#define LM85_ALARM_FAN3                 0x1000
#define LM85_ALARM_FAN4                 0x2000
#define LM85_ALARM_TEMP1_FAULT          0x4000
#define LM85_ALARM_TEMP3_FAULT          0x8000

/* Conversions. Rounding and limit checking is only done on the TO_REG
   variants. Note that you should be a bit careful with which arguments
   these macros are called: arguments may be evaluated more than once.

/* IN are scaled 1.000 == 0xc0, mag = 3 */
#define IN_TO_REG(val)          (SENSORS_LIMIT((((val)*0xc0+500)/1000),0,255))
#define INEXT_FROM_REG(val,ext) (((val)*1000 + (ext)*250 + 96)/0xc0)
#define IN_FROM_REG(val)        (INEXT_FROM_REG(val,0))

/* IN are scaled acording to built-in resistors */
static int lm85_scaling[] = {  /* .001 Volts */
                2500, 2250, 3300, 5000, 12000
#define SCALE(val,from,to)              (((val)*(to) + ((from)/2))/(from))
#define INS_TO_REG(n,val)               (SENSORS_LIMIT(SCALE(val,lm85_scaling[n],192),0,255))
#define INSEXT_FROM_REG(n,val,ext)      (SCALE((val)*4 + (ext),192*4,lm85_scaling[n]))
#define INS_FROM_REG(n,val)             (INSEXT_FROM_REG(n,val,0))

/* FAN speed is measured using 90kHz clock */
#define FAN_TO_REG(val)         (SENSORS_LIMIT( (val)<=0?0: 5400000/(val),0,65534))
#define FAN_FROM_REG(val)       ((val)==0?-1:(val)==0xffff?0:5400000/(val))

/* Temperature is reported in .001 degC increments */
#define TEMP_TO_REG(val)                (SENSORS_LIMIT(((val)+500)/1000,-127,127))
#define TEMPEXT_FROM_REG(val,ext)       ((val)*1000 + (ext)*250)
#define TEMP_FROM_REG(val)              (TEMPEXT_FROM_REG(val,0))
#define EXTTEMP_TO_REG(val)             (SENSORS_LIMIT((val)/250,-127,127))

#define PWM_TO_REG(val)                 (SENSORS_LIMIT(val,0,255))
#define PWM_FROM_REG(val)               (val)

#define EXT_FROM_REG(val,sensor)        (((val)>>(sensor * 2))&0x03)

#ifdef  LM85EXTENDEDFUNC        /* Extended functionality */

/* ZONEs have the following parameters:
 *    Limit (low) temp,           1. degC
 *    Hysteresis (below limit),   1. degC (0-15)
 *    Range of speed control,     .1 degC (2-80)
 *    Critical (high) temp,       1. degC
 * FAN PWMs have the following parameters:
 *    Reference Zone,                 1, 2, 3, etc.
 *    Spinup time,                    .05 sec
 *    PWM value at limit/low temp,    1 count
 *    PWM Frequency,                  1. Hz
 *    PWM is Min or OFF below limit,  flag
 *    Invert PWM output,              flag
 * Some chips filter the temp, others the fan.
 *    Filter constant (or disabled)   .1 seconds

/* These are the zone temperature range encodings */
static int lm85_range_map[] = {   /* .1 degC */
                 20,  25,  33,  40,  50,  66,
                 80, 100, 133, 160, 200, 266,
                320, 400, 533, 800
static int RANGE_TO_REG( int range )
        int i;

        if( range >= lm85_range_map[15] ) { return 15 ; }
        for( i = 0 ; i < 15 ; ++i )
                if( range <= lm85_range_map[i] )
                        break ;
        return( i & 0x0f );
#define RANGE_FROM_REG(val) (lm85_range_map[(val)&0x0f])

/* These are the Acoustic Enhancement, or Temperature smoothing encodings
 * NOTE: The enable/disable bit is INCLUDED in these encodings as the
 *       MSB (bit 3, value 8).  If the enable bit is 0, the encoded value
 *       is ignored, or set to 0.

static int lm85_smooth_map[] = {  /* .1 sec */
                350, 176, 118,  70,  44,   30,   16,    8
/*    35.4 *    1/1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/5, 1/8, 1/12, 1/24, 1/48  */
static int SMOOTH_TO_REG( int smooth )
        int i;

        if( smooth <= 0 ) { return 0 ; }  /* Disabled */
        for( i = 0 ; i < 7 ; ++i )
                if( smooth >= lm85_smooth_map[i] )
                        break ;
        return( (i & 0x07) | 0x08 );
#define SMOOTH_FROM_REG(val) ((val)&0x08?lm85_smooth_map[(val)&0x07]:0)

/* These are the fan spinup delay time encodings */
static int lm85_spinup_map[] = {  /* .1 sec */
                0, 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 20, 40
static int SPINUP_TO_REG( int spinup )
        int i;

        if( spinup >= lm85_spinup_map[7] ) { return 7 ; }
        for( i = 0 ; i < 7 ; ++i )
                if( spinup <= lm85_spinup_map[i] )
                        break ;
        return( i & 0x07 );
#define SPINUP_FROM_REG(val) (lm85_spinup_map[(val)&0x07])

/* These are the PWM frequency encodings */
static int lm85_freq_map[] = { /* .1 Hz */
                100, 150, 230, 300, 380, 470, 620, 980
static int FREQ_TO_REG( int freq )
        int i;

        if( freq >= lm85_freq_map[7] ) { return 7 ; }
        for( i = 0 ; i < 7 ; ++i )
                if( freq <= lm85_freq_map[i] )
                        break ;
        return( i & 0x07 );
#define FREQ_FROM_REG(val) (lm85_freq_map[(val)&0x07])

/* Since we can't use strings, I'm abusing these numbers
 *   to stand in for the following meanings:
 *      1 -- PWM responds to Zone 1
 *      2 -- PWM responds to Zone 2
 *      3 -- PWM responds to Zone 3
 *     23 -- PWM responds to the higher temp of Zone 2 or 3
 *    123 -- PWM responds to highest of Zone 1, 2, or 3
 *      0 -- PWM is always at 0% (ie, off)
 *     -1 -- PWM is always at 100%
 *     -2 -- PWM responds to manual control

#endif          /* Extended functionality */

static int lm85_zone_map[] = { 1, 2, 3, -1, 0, 23, 123, -2 };
#define ZONE_FROM_REG(val) (lm85_zone_map[((val)>>5)&0x07])

#ifdef  LM85EXTENDEDFUNC        /* Extended functionality */

static int ZONE_TO_REG( int zone )
        int i;

        for( i = 0 ; i <= 7 ; ++i )
                if( zone == lm85_zone_map[i] )
                        break ;
        if( i > 7 )   /* Not found. */
                i = 3;  /* Always 100% */
        return( (i & 0x07)<<5 );

#endif          /* Extended functionality */

#define HYST_TO_REG(val) (SENSORS_LIMIT((-(val)+5)/10,0,15))
#define HYST_FROM_REG(val) (-(val)*10)

#define OFFSET_TO_REG(val) (SENSORS_LIMIT((val)/25,-127,127))
#define OFFSET_FROM_REG(val) ((val)*25)

#define PPR_MASK(fan) (0x03<<(fan *2))
#define PPR_TO_REG(val,fan) (SENSORS_LIMIT((val)-1,0,3)<<(fan *2))
#define PPR_FROM_REG(val,fan) ((((val)>>(fan * 2))&0x03)+1)

/* i2c-vid.h defines vid_from_reg() */
#define VID_FROM_REG(val,vrm) (vid_from_reg((val),(vrm)))

#define ALARMS_FROM_REG(val) (val)

/* Unlike some other drivers we DO NOT set initial limits.  Use
 * the config file to set limits.  Some users have reported
 * motherboards shutting down when we set limits in a previous
 * version of the driver.

/* Typically used with Pentium 4 systems v9.1 VRM spec */
#define LM85_INIT_VRM  91

/* Chip sampling rates
 * Some sensors are not updated more frequently than once per second
 *    so it doesn't make sense to read them more often than that.
 *    We cache the results and return the saved data if the driver
 *    is called again before a second has elapsed.
 * Also, there is significant configuration data for this chip
 *    given the automatic PWM fan control that is possible.  There
 *    are about 47 bytes of config data to only 22 bytes of actual
 *    readings.  So, we keep the config data up to date in the cache
 *    when it is written and only sample it once every 1 *minute*

#define LM85_DATA_INTERVAL  (HZ + HZ / 2)
#define LM85_CONFIG_INTERVAL  (1 * 60 * HZ)

/* For each registered LM85, we need to keep some data in memory. That
   data is pointed to by lm85_list[NR]->data. The structure itself is
   dynamically allocated, at the same time when a new lm85 client is
   allocated. */

/* LM85 can automatically adjust fan speeds based on temperature
 * This structure encapsulates an entire Zone config.  There are
 * three zones (one for each temperature input) on the lm85

struct lm85_zone {
        s8 limit;       /* Low temp limit */
        u8 hyst;        /* Low limit hysteresis. (0-15) */
        u8 range;       /* Temp range, encoded */
        s8 critical;    /* "All fans ON" temp limit */

struct lm85_autofan {
        u8 config;      /* Register value */
        u8 freq;        /* PWM frequency, encoded */
        u8 min_pwm;     /* Minimum PWM value, encoded */
        u8 min_off;     /* Min PWM or OFF below "limit", flag */

struct lm85_data {
        struct semaphore lock;
        enum chips type;

        struct semaphore update_lock;
        int valid;              /* !=0 if following fields are valid */
        unsigned long last_reading;     /* In jiffies */
        unsigned long last_config;      /* In jiffies */

        u8 in[5];               /* Register value */
        u8 in_max[5];           /* Register value */
        u8 in_min[5];           /* Register value */
        s8 temp[3];             /* Register value */
        s8 temp_min[3];         /* Register value */
        s8 temp_max[3];         /* Register value */
        s8 temp_offset[3];      /* Register value */
        u16 fan[4];             /* Register value */
        u16 fan_min[4];         /* Register value */
        u8 pwm[3];              /* Register value */
        u8 spinup_ctl;          /* Register encoding, combined */
        u8 tach_mode;           /* Register encoding, combined */
        u16 extend_adc;         /* Register value */
        u8 fan_ppr;             /* Register value */
        u8 smooth[3];           /* Register encoding */
        u8 vid;                 /* Register value */
        u8 vrm;                 /* VRM version */
        u8 syncpwm3;            /* Saved PWM3 for TACH 2,3,4 config */
        u8 oppoint[3];          /* Register value */
        u16 tmin_ctl;           /* Register value */
        u32 therm_total;        /* Cummulative therm count */
        u8 therm_limit;         /* Register value */
        u16 alarms;             /* Register encoding, combined */
        struct lm85_autofan autofan[3];
        struct lm85_zone zone[3];

static int lm85_attach_adapter(struct i2c_adapter *adapter);
static int lm85_detect(struct i2c_adapter *adapter, int address,
                        int kind);
static int lm85_detach_client(struct i2c_client *client);

static int lm85_read_value(struct i2c_client *client, u8 register);
static int lm85_write_value(struct i2c_client *client, u8 register, int value);
static void lm85_update_client(struct i2c_client *client);
static void lm85_init_client(struct i2c_client *client);

static struct i2c_driver lm85_driver = {
        .owner          = THIS_MODULE,
        .name           = "lm85",
        .id             = I2C_DRIVERID_LM85,
        .flags          = I2C_DF_NOTIFY,
        .attach_adapter = lm85_attach_adapter,
        .detach_client  = lm85_detach_client,

/* Unique ID assigned to each LM85 detected */
static int lm85_id = 0;

/* 4 Fans */
static ssize_t show_fan(struct device *dev, char *buf, int nr)
        struct i2c_client *client = to_i2c_client(dev);
        struct lm85_data *data = i2c_get_clientdata(client);

        return sprintf(buf,"%d\n", FAN_FROM_REG(data->fan[nr]) );
static ssize_t show_fan_min(struct device *dev, char *buf, int nr)
        struct i2c_client *client = to_i2c_client(dev);
        struct lm85_data *data = i2c_get_clientdata(client);

        return sprintf(buf,"%d\n", FAN_FROM_REG(data->fan_min[nr]) );
static ssize_t set_fan_min(struct device *dev, const char *buf,
                size_t count, int nr)
        struct i2c_client *client = to_i2c_client(dev);
        struct lm85_data *data = i2c_get_clientdata(client);
        int     val;

        val = simple_strtol(buf, NULL, 10);
        data->fan_min[nr] = FAN_TO_REG(val);
        lm85_write_value(client, LM85_REG_FAN_MIN(nr), data->fan_min[nr]);
        return count;

#define show_fan_offset(offset)                                         \
static ssize_t show_fan_##offset (struct device *dev, char *buf)        \
{                                                                       \
        return show_fan(dev, buf, 0x##offset - 1);                      \
}                                                                       \
static ssize_t show_fan_##offset##_min (struct device *dev, char *buf)  \
{                                                                       \
        return show_fan_min(dev, buf, 0x##offset - 1);                  \
}                                                                       \
static ssize_t set_fan_##offset##_min (struct device *dev,              \
        const char *buf, size_t count)                                  \
{                                                                       \
        return set_fan_min(dev, buf, count, 0x##offset - 1);            \
}                                                                       \
static DEVICE_ATTR(fan_input##offset, S_IRUGO, show_fan_##offset, NULL) \
static DEVICE_ATTR(fan_min##offset, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR,                  \
                show_fan_##offset##_min, set_fan_##offset##_min)


/* vid, vrm, alarms */

static ssize_t show_vid_reg(struct device *dev, char *buf)
        struct i2c_client *client = to_i2c_client(dev);
        struct lm85_data *data = i2c_get_clientdata(client);

        return sprintf(buf, "%ld\n", (long) vid_from_reg(data->vid, data->vrm));

static DEVICE_ATTR(vid, S_IRUGO, show_vid_reg, NULL)

static ssize_t show_vrm_reg(struct device *dev, char *buf)
        struct i2c_client *client = to_i2c_client(dev);
        struct lm85_data *data = i2c_get_clientdata(client);

        return sprintf(buf, "%ld\n", (long) data->vrm);

static ssize_t store_vrm_reg(struct device *dev, const char *buf, size_t count)
        struct i2c_client *client = to_i2c_client(dev);
        struct lm85_data *data = i2c_get_clientdata(client);
        u32 val;

        val = simple_strtoul(buf, NULL, 10);
        data->vrm = val;
        return count;

static DEVICE_ATTR(vrm, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR, show_vrm_reg, store_vrm_reg)

static ssize_t show_alarms_reg(struct device *dev, char *buf)
        struct i2c_client *client = to_i2c_client(dev);
        struct lm85_data *data = i2c_get_clientdata(client);

        return sprintf(buf, "%ld\n", (long) ALARMS_FROM_REG(data->alarms));

static DEVICE_ATTR(alarms, S_IRUGO, show_alarms_reg, NULL)

/* pwm */

static ssize_t show_pwm(struct device *dev, char *buf, int nr)
        struct i2c_client *client = to_i2c_client(dev);
        struct lm85_data *data = i2c_get_clientdata(client);

        return sprintf(buf,"%d\n", PWM_FROM_REG(data->pwm[nr]) );
static ssize_t set_pwm(struct device *dev, const char *buf,
                size_t count, int nr)
        struct i2c_client *client = to_i2c_client(dev);
        struct lm85_data *data = i2c_get_clientdata(client);
        int     val;

        val = simple_strtol(buf, NULL, 10);
        data->pwm[nr] = PWM_TO_REG(val);
        lm85_write_value(client, LM85_REG_PWM(nr), data->pwm[nr]);
        return count;
static ssize_t show_pwm_enable(struct device *dev, char *buf, int nr)
        struct i2c_client *client = to_i2c_client(dev);
        struct lm85_data *data = i2c_get_clientdata(client);
        int     pwm_zone;

        pwm_zone = ZONE_FROM_REG(data->autofan[nr].config);
        return sprintf(buf,"%d\n", (pwm_zone != 0 && pwm_zone != -1) );

#define show_pwm_reg(offset)                                            \
static ssize_t show_pwm_##offset (struct device *dev, char *buf)        \
{                                                                       \
        return show_pwm(dev, buf, 0x##offset - 1);                      \
}                                                                       \
static ssize_t set_pwm_##offset (struct device *dev,                    \
                                 const char *buf, size_t count)         \
{                                                                       \
        return set_pwm(dev, buf, count, 0x##offset - 1);                \
}                                                                       \
static ssize_t show_pwm_enable##offset (struct device *dev, char *buf)  \
{                                                                       \
        return show_pwm_enable(dev, buf, 0x##offset - 1);                       \
}                                                                       \
static DEVICE_ATTR(pwm##offset, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR,                      \
                show_pwm_##offset, set_pwm_##offset)                    \
static DEVICE_ATTR(pwm_enable##offset, S_IRUGO, show_pwm_enable##offset, NULL)


/* Voltages */

static ssize_t show_in(struct device *dev, char *buf, int nr)
        struct i2c_client *client = to_i2c_client(dev);
        struct lm85_data *data = i2c_get_clientdata(client);

        return sprintf(buf,"%d\n", INS_FROM_REG(nr, data->in[nr]) );
static ssize_t show_in_min(struct device *dev, char *buf, int nr)
        struct i2c_client *client = to_i2c_client(dev);
        struct lm85_data *data = i2c_get_clientdata(client);

        return sprintf(buf,"%d\n", INS_FROM_REG(nr, data->in_min[nr]) );
static ssize_t set_in_min(struct device *dev, const char *buf,
                size_t count, int nr)
        struct i2c_client *client = to_i2c_client(dev);
        struct lm85_data *data = i2c_get_clientdata(client);
        int     val;

        val = simple_strtol(buf, NULL, 10);
        data->in_min[nr] = INS_TO_REG(nr, val);
        lm85_write_value(client, LM85_REG_IN_MIN(nr), data->in_min[nr]);
        return count;
static ssize_t show_in_max(struct device *dev, char *buf, int nr)
        struct i2c_client *client = to_i2c_client(dev);
        struct lm85_data *data = i2c_get_clientdata(client);

        return sprintf(buf,"%d\n", INS_FROM_REG(nr, data->in_max[nr]) );
static ssize_t set_in_max(struct device *dev, const char *buf,
                size_t count, int nr)
        struct i2c_client *client = to_i2c_client(dev);
        struct lm85_data *data = i2c_get_clientdata(client);
        int     val;

        val = simple_strtol(buf, NULL, 10);
        data->in_max[nr] = INS_TO_REG(nr, val);
        lm85_write_value(client, LM85_REG_IN_MAX(nr), data->in_max[nr]);
        return count;
#define show_in_reg(offset)                                             \
static ssize_t show_in_##offset (struct device *dev, char *buf)         \
{                                                                       \
        return show_in(dev, buf, 0x##offset);                           \
}                                                                       \
static ssize_t show_in_##offset##_min (struct device *dev, char *buf)   \
{                                                                       \
        return show_in_min(dev, buf, 0x##offset);                       \
}                                                                       \
static ssize_t show_in_##offset##_max (struct device *dev, char *buf)   \
{                                                                       \
        return show_in_max(dev, buf, 0x##offset);                       \
}                                                                       \
static ssize_t set_in_##offset##_min (struct device *dev,               \
        const char *buf, size_t count)                                  \
{                                                                       \
        return set_in_min(dev, buf, count, 0x##offset);                 \
}                                                                       \
static ssize_t set_in_##offset##_max (struct device *dev,               \
        const char *buf, size_t count)                                  \
{                                                                       \
        return set_in_max(dev, buf, count, 0x##offset);                 \
}                                                                       \
static DEVICE_ATTR(in_input##offset, S_IRUGO, show_in_##offset, NULL)   \
static DEVICE_ATTR(in_min##offset, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR,                   \
                show_in_##offset##_min, set_in_##offset##_min)          \
static DEVICE_ATTR(in_max##offset, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR,                   \
                show_in_##offset##_max, set_in_##offset##_max)


/* Temps */

static ssize_t show_temp(struct device *dev, char *buf, int nr)
        struct i2c_client *client = to_i2c_client(dev);
        struct lm85_data *data = i2c_get_clientdata(client);

        return sprintf(buf,"%d\n", TEMP_FROM_REG(data->temp[nr]) );
static ssize_t show_temp_min(struct device *dev, char *buf, int nr)
        struct i2c_client *client = to_i2c_client(dev);
        struct lm85_data *data = i2c_get_clientdata(client);

        return sprintf(buf,"%d\n", TEMP_FROM_REG(data->temp_min[nr]) );
static ssize_t set_temp_min(struct device *dev, const char *buf,
                size_t count, int nr)
        struct i2c_client *client = to_i2c_client(dev);
        struct lm85_data *data = i2c_get_clientdata(client);
        int     val;

        val = simple_strtol(buf, NULL, 10);
        data->temp_min[nr] = TEMP_TO_REG(val);
        lm85_write_value(client, LM85_REG_TEMP_MIN(nr), data->temp_min[nr]);
        return count;
static ssize_t show_temp_max(struct device *dev, char *buf, int nr)
        struct i2c_client *client = to_i2c_client(dev);
        struct lm85_data *data = i2c_get_clientdata(client);

        return sprintf(buf,"%d\n", TEMP_FROM_REG(data->temp_max[nr]) );
static ssize_t set_temp_max(struct device *dev, const char *buf,
                size_t count, int nr)
        struct i2c_client *client = to_i2c_client(dev);
        struct lm85_data *data = i2c_get_clientdata(client);
        int     val;

        val = simple_strtol(buf, NULL, 10);
        data->temp_max[nr] = TEMP_TO_REG(val);
        lm85_write_value(client, LM85_REG_TEMP_MAX(nr), data->temp_max[nr]);
        return count;
#define show_temp_reg(offset)                                           \
static ssize_t show_temp_##offset (struct device *dev, char *buf)       \
{                                                                       \
        return show_temp(dev, buf, 0x##offset - 1);                     \
}                                                                       \
static ssize_t show_temp_##offset##_min (struct device *dev, char *buf) \
{                                                                       \
        return show_temp_min(dev, buf, 0x##offset - 1);                 \
}                                                                       \
static ssize_t show_temp_##offset##_max (struct device *dev, char *buf) \
{                                                                       \
        return show_temp_max(dev, buf, 0x##offset - 1);                 \
}                                                                       \
static ssize_t set_temp_##offset##_min (struct device *dev,             \
        const char *buf, size_t count)                                  \
{                                                                       \
        return set_temp_min(dev, buf, count, 0x##offset - 1);           \
}                                                                       \
static ssize_t set_temp_##offset##_max (struct device *dev,             \
        const char *buf, size_t count)                                  \
{                                                                       \
        return set_temp_max(dev, buf, count, 0x##offset - 1);           \
}                                                                       \
static DEVICE_ATTR(temp_input##offset, S_IRUGO, show_temp_##offset, NULL)       \
static DEVICE_ATTR(temp_min##offset, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR,                 \
                show_temp_##offset##_min, set_temp_##offset##_min)      \
static DEVICE_ATTR(temp_max##offset, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR,                 \
                show_temp_##offset##_max, set_temp_##offset##_max)


int lm85_attach_adapter(struct i2c_adapter *adapter)
        return i2c_detect(adapter, &addr_data, lm85_detect);

int lm85_detect(struct i2c_adapter *adapter, int address,
                int kind)
        int company, verstep ;
        struct i2c_client *new_client = NULL;
        struct lm85_data *data;
        int err = 0;
        const char *type_name = "";

        if (i2c_is_isa_adapter(adapter)) {
                /* This chip has no ISA interface */
                goto ERROR0 ;

        if (!i2c_check_functionality(adapter,
                                        I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_BYTE_DATA)) {
                /* We need to be able to do byte I/O */
                goto ERROR0 ;

        /* OK. For now, we presume we have a valid client. We now create the
           client structure, even though we cannot fill it completely yet.
           But it allows us to access lm85_{read,write}_value. */

        if (!(new_client = kmalloc((sizeof(struct i2c_client)) +
                                    sizeof(struct lm85_data),
                                    GFP_KERNEL))) {
                err = -ENOMEM;
                goto ERROR0;

        memset(new_client, 0, sizeof(struct i2c_client) +
                              sizeof(struct lm85_data));
        data = (struct lm85_data *) (new_client + 1);
        i2c_set_clientdata(new_client, data);
        new_client->addr = address;
        new_client->adapter = adapter;
        new_client->driver = &lm85_driver;
        new_client->flags = 0;

        /* Now, we do the remaining detection. */

        company = lm85_read_value(new_client, LM85_REG_COMPANY);
        verstep = lm85_read_value(new_client, LM85_REG_VERSTEP);

        if (lm85debug) {
                printk("lm85: Detecting device at %d,0x%02x with"
                " COMPANY: 0x%02x and VERSTEP: 0x%02x\n",
                i2c_adapter_id(new_client->adapter), new_client->addr,
                company, verstep);

        /* If auto-detecting, Determine the chip type. */
        if (kind <= 0) {
                if (lm85debug) {
                        printk("lm85: Autodetecting device at %d,0x%02x ...\n",
                        i2c_adapter_id(adapter), address );
                if( company == LM85_COMPANY_NATIONAL
                    && verstep == LM85_VERSTEP_LM85C ) {
                        kind = lm85c ;
                } else if( company == LM85_COMPANY_NATIONAL
                    && verstep == LM85_VERSTEP_LM85B ) {
                        kind = lm85b ;
                } else if( company == LM85_COMPANY_NATIONAL
                    && (verstep & 0xf0) == LM85_VERSTEP_GENERIC ) {
                        printk("lm85: Unrecgonized version/stepping 0x%02x"
                            " Defaulting to LM85.\n", verstep );
                        kind = any_chip ;
                } else if( company == LM85_COMPANY_ANALOG_DEV
                    && verstep == LM85_VERSTEP_ADM1027 ) {
                        kind = adm1027 ;
                } else if( company == LM85_COMPANY_ANALOG_DEV
                    && verstep == LM85_VERSTEP_ADT7463 ) {
                        kind = adt7463 ;
                } else if( company == LM85_COMPANY_ANALOG_DEV
                    && (verstep & 0xf0) == LM85_VERSTEP_GENERIC ) {
                        printk("lm85: Unrecgonized version/stepping 0x%02x"
                            " Defaulting to ADM1027.\n", verstep );
                        kind = adm1027 ;
                } else if( kind == 0 && (verstep & 0xf0) == 0x60) {
                        printk("lm85: Generic LM85 Version 6 detected\n");
                        /* Leave kind as "any_chip" */
                } else {
                        if (lm85debug) {
                                printk("lm85: Autodetection failed\n");
                        /* Not an LM85 ... */
                        if( kind == 0 ) {  /* User used force=x,y */
                            printk("lm85: Generic LM85 Version 6 not"
                                " found at %d,0x%02x. Try force_lm85c.\n",
                                i2c_adapter_id(adapter), address );
                        err = 0 ;
                        goto ERROR1;

        /* Fill in the chip specific driver values */
        if ( kind == any_chip ) {
                type_name = "lm85";
        } else if ( kind == lm85b ) {
                type_name = "lm85b";
        } else if ( kind == lm85c ) {
                type_name = "lm85c";
        } else if ( kind == adm1027 ) {
                type_name = "adm1027";
        } else if ( kind == adt7463 ) {
                type_name = "adt7463";
        } else {
                dev_dbg(&adapter->dev, "Internal error, invalid kind (%d)!", kind);
                err = -EFAULT ;
                goto ERROR1;
        strlcpy(new_client->name, type_name, I2C_NAME_SIZE);

        /* Fill in the remaining client fields */
        new_client->id = lm85_id++;
        data->type = kind;
        data->valid = 0;

        if (lm85debug) {
                printk("lm85: Assigning ID %d to %s at %d,0x%02x\n",
                new_client->id, new_client->name,

        /* Tell the I2C layer a new client has arrived */
        if ((err = i2c_attach_client(new_client)))
                goto ERROR1;

        /* Set the VRM version */
        data->vrm = LM85_INIT_VRM ;

        /* Initialize the LM85 chip */

        /* Register sysfs hooks */
        device_create_file(&new_client->dev, &dev_attr_fan_input1);
        device_create_file(&new_client->dev, &dev_attr_fan_input2);
        device_create_file(&new_client->dev, &dev_attr_fan_input3);
        device_create_file(&new_client->dev, &dev_attr_fan_input4);
        device_create_file(&new_client->dev, &dev_attr_fan_min1);
        device_create_file(&new_client->dev, &dev_attr_fan_min2);
        device_create_file(&new_client->dev, &dev_attr_fan_min3);
        device_create_file(&new_client->dev, &dev_attr_fan_min4);
        device_create_file(&new_client->dev, &dev_attr_pwm1);
        device_create_file(&new_client->dev, &dev_attr_pwm2);
        device_create_file(&new_client->dev, &dev_attr_pwm3);
        device_create_file(&new_client->dev, &dev_attr_pwm_enable1);
        device_create_file(&new_client->dev, &dev_attr_pwm_enable2);
        device_create_file(&new_client->dev, &dev_attr_pwm_enable3);
        device_create_file(&new_client->dev, &dev_attr_in_input0);
        device_create_file(&new_client->dev, &dev_attr_in_input1);
        device_create_file(&new_client->dev, &dev_attr_in_input2);
        device_create_file(&new_client->dev, &dev_attr_in_input3);
        device_create_file(&new_client->dev, &dev_attr_in_input4);
        device_create_file(&new_client->dev, &dev_attr_in_min0);
        device_create_file(&new_client->dev, &dev_attr_in_min1);
        device_create_file(&new_client->dev, &dev_attr_in_min2);
        device_create_file(&new_client->dev, &dev_attr_in_min3);
        device_create_file(&new_client->dev, &dev_attr_in_min4);
        device_create_file(&new_client->dev, &dev_attr_in_max0);
        device_create_file(&new_client->dev, &dev_attr_in_max1);
        device_create_file(&new_client->dev, &dev_attr_in_max2);
        device_create_file(&new_client->dev, &dev_attr_in_max3);
        device_create_file(&new_client->dev, &dev_attr_in_max4);
        device_create_file(&new_client->dev, &dev_attr_temp_input1);
        device_create_file(&new_client->dev, &dev_attr_temp_input2);
        device_create_file(&new_client->dev, &dev_attr_temp_input3);
        device_create_file(&new_client->dev, &dev_attr_temp_min1);
        device_create_file(&new_client->dev, &dev_attr_temp_min2);
        device_create_file(&new_client->dev, &dev_attr_temp_min3);
        device_create_file(&new_client->dev, &dev_attr_temp_max1);
        device_create_file(&new_client->dev, &dev_attr_temp_max2);
        device_create_file(&new_client->dev, &dev_attr_temp_max3);
        device_create_file(&new_client->dev, &dev_attr_vrm);
        device_create_file(&new_client->dev, &dev_attr_vid);
        device_create_file(&new_client->dev, &dev_attr_alarms);

        return 0;

        /* Error out and cleanup code */
        return err;

int lm85_detach_client(struct i2c_client *client)
        return 0;

int lm85_read_value(struct i2c_client *client, u8 reg)
        int res;

        /* What size location is it? */
        switch( reg ) {
        case LM85_REG_FAN(0) :  /* Read WORD data */
        case LM85_REG_FAN(1) :
        case LM85_REG_FAN(2) :
        case LM85_REG_FAN(3) :
        case LM85_REG_FAN_MIN(0) :
        case LM85_REG_FAN_MIN(1) :
        case LM85_REG_FAN_MIN(2) :
        case LM85_REG_FAN_MIN(3) :
        case LM85_REG_ALARM1 :  /* Read both bytes at once */
        case ADM1027_REG_EXTEND_ADC1 :  /* Read two bytes at once */
                res = i2c_smbus_read_byte_data(client, reg) & 0xff ;
                res |= i2c_smbus_read_byte_data(client, reg+1) << 8 ;
                break ;
        case ADT7463_REG_TMIN_CTL1 :  /* Read WORD MSB, LSB */
                res = i2c_smbus_read_byte_data(client, reg) << 8 ;
                res |= i2c_smbus_read_byte_data(client, reg+1) & 0xff ;
                break ;
        default:        /* Read BYTE data */
                res = i2c_smbus_read_byte_data(client, reg);
                break ;

        return res ;

int lm85_write_value(struct i2c_client *client, u8 reg, int value)
        int res ;

        switch( reg ) {
        case LM85_REG_FAN(0) :  /* Write WORD data */
        case LM85_REG_FAN(1) :
        case LM85_REG_FAN(2) :
        case LM85_REG_FAN(3) :
        case LM85_REG_FAN_MIN(0) :
        case LM85_REG_FAN_MIN(1) :
        case LM85_REG_FAN_MIN(2) :
        case LM85_REG_FAN_MIN(3) :
        /* NOTE: ALARM is read only, so not included here */
                res = i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(client, reg, value & 0xff) ;
                res |= i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(client, reg+1, (value>>8) & 0xff) ;
                break ;
        case ADT7463_REG_TMIN_CTL1 :  /* Write WORD MSB, LSB */
                res = i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(client, reg, (value>>8) & 0xff);
                res |= i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(client, reg+1, value & 0xff) ;
                break ;
        default:        /* Write BYTE data */
                res = i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(client, reg, value);
                break ;

        return res ;

void lm85_init_client(struct i2c_client *client)
        int value;
        struct lm85_data *data = i2c_get_clientdata(client);

        if (lm85debug) {
                printk("lm85(%d): Initializing device\n", client->id);

        /* Warn if part was not "READY" */
        value = lm85_read_value(client, LM85_REG_CONFIG);
        if (lm85debug) {
                printk("lm85(%d): LM85_REG_CONFIG is: 0x%02x\n", client->id, value );
        if( value & 0x02 ) {
                printk("lm85(%d): Client (%d,0x%02x) config is locked.\n",
                            i2c_adapter_id(client->adapter), client->addr );
        if( ! (value & 0x04) ) {
                printk("lm85(%d): Client (%d,0x%02x) is not ready.\n",
                            i2c_adapter_id(client->adapter), client->addr );
        if( value & 0x10
            && ( data->type == adm1027
                || data->type == adt7463 ) ) {
                printk("lm85(%d): Client (%d,0x%02x) VxI mode is set.  "
                        "Please report this to the lm85 maintainer.\n",
                            i2c_adapter_id(client->adapter), client->addr );

        /* WE INTENTIONALLY make no changes to the limits,
         *   offsets, pwms, fans and zones.  If they were
         *   configured, we don't want to mess with them.
         *   If they weren't, the default is 100% PWM, no
         *   control and will suffice until 'sensors -s'
         *   can be run by the user.

        /* Start monitoring */
        value = lm85_read_value(client, LM85_REG_CONFIG);
        /* Try to clear LOCK, Set START, save everything else */
        value = (value & ~ 0x02) | 0x01 ;
        if (lm85debug) {
                printk("lm85(%d): Setting CONFIG to: 0x%02x\n", client->id, value );
        lm85_write_value(client, LM85_REG_CONFIG, value);


void lm85_update_client(struct i2c_client *client)
        struct lm85_data *data = i2c_get_clientdata(client);
        int i;


        if ( !data->valid ||
             (jiffies - data->last_reading > LM85_DATA_INTERVAL ) ) {
                /* Things that change quickly */

                if (lm85debug) {
                        printk("lm85(%d): Reading sensor values\n", client->id);
                /* Have to read extended bits first to "freeze" the
                 * more significant bits that are read later.

                if ( (data->type == adm1027) || (data->type == adt7463) ) {
                        data->extend_adc =
                            lm85_read_value(client, ADM1027_REG_EXTEND_ADC1);

                for (i = 0; i <= 4; ++i) {
                        data->in[i] =
                            lm85_read_value(client, LM85_REG_IN(i));

                for (i = 0; i <= 3; ++i) {
                        data->fan[i] =
                            lm85_read_value(client, LM85_REG_FAN(i));

                for (i = 0; i <= 2; ++i) {
                        data->temp[i] =
                            lm85_read_value(client, LM85_REG_TEMP(i));

                for (i = 0; i <= 2; ++i) {
                        data->pwm[i] =
                            lm85_read_value(client, LM85_REG_PWM(i));

                if ( data->type == adt7463 ) {
                        if( data->therm_total < ULONG_MAX - 256 ) {
                            data->therm_total +=
                                lm85_read_value(client, ADT7463_REG_THERM );

                data->alarms = lm85_read_value(client, LM85_REG_ALARM1);

                data->last_reading = jiffies ;
        };  /* last_reading */

        if ( !data->valid ||
             (jiffies - data->last_config > LM85_CONFIG_INTERVAL) ) {
                /* Things that don't change often */

                if (lm85debug) {
                        printk("lm85(%d): Reading config values\n", client->id);
                for (i = 0; i <= 4; ++i) {
                        data->in_min[i] =
                            lm85_read_value(client, LM85_REG_IN_MIN(i));
                        data->in_max[i] =
                            lm85_read_value(client, LM85_REG_IN_MAX(i));

                for (i = 0; i <= 3; ++i) {
                        data->fan_min[i] =
                            lm85_read_value(client, LM85_REG_FAN_MIN(i));

                for (i = 0; i <= 2; ++i) {
                        data->temp_min[i] =
                            lm85_read_value(client, LM85_REG_TEMP_MIN(i));
                        data->temp_max[i] =
                            lm85_read_value(client, LM85_REG_TEMP_MAX(i));

                data->vid = lm85_read_value(client, LM85_REG_VID);

                for (i = 0; i <= 2; ++i) {
                        int val ;
                        data->autofan[i].config =
                            lm85_read_value(client, LM85_REG_AFAN_CONFIG(i));
                        val = lm85_read_value(client, LM85_REG_AFAN_RANGE(i));
                        data->autofan[i].freq = val & 0x07 ;
                        data->zone[i].range = (val >> 4) & 0x0f ;
                        data->autofan[i].min_pwm =
                            lm85_read_value(client, LM85_REG_AFAN_MINPWM(i));
                        data->zone[i].limit =
                            lm85_read_value(client, LM85_REG_AFAN_LIMIT(i));
                        data->zone[i].critical =
                            lm85_read_value(client, LM85_REG_AFAN_CRITICAL(i));

                i = lm85_read_value(client, LM85_REG_AFAN_SPIKE1);
                data->smooth[0] = i & 0x0f ;
                data->syncpwm3 = i & 0x10 ;  /* Save PWM3 config */
                data->autofan[0].min_off = (i & 0x20) != 0 ;
                data->autofan[1].min_off = (i & 0x40) != 0 ;
                data->autofan[2].min_off = (i & 0x80) != 0 ;
                i = lm85_read_value(client, LM85_REG_AFAN_SPIKE2);
                data->smooth[1] = (i>>4) & 0x0f ;
                data->smooth[2] = i & 0x0f ;

                i = lm85_read_value(client, LM85_REG_AFAN_HYST1);
                data->zone[0].hyst = (i>>4) & 0x0f ;
                data->zone[1].hyst = i & 0x0f ;

                i = lm85_read_value(client, LM85_REG_AFAN_HYST2);
                data->zone[2].hyst = (i>>4) & 0x0f ;

                if ( (data->type == lm85b) || (data->type == lm85c) ) {
                        data->tach_mode = lm85_read_value(client,
                                LM85_REG_TACH_MODE );
                        data->spinup_ctl = lm85_read_value(client,
                                LM85_REG_SPINUP_CTL );
                } else if ( (data->type == adt7463) || (data->type == adm1027) ) {
                        if ( data->type == adt7463 ) {
                                for (i = 0; i <= 2; ++i) {
                                    data->oppoint[i] = lm85_read_value(client,
                                        ADT7463_REG_OPPOINT(i) );
                                data->tmin_ctl = lm85_read_value(client,
                                        ADT7463_REG_TMIN_CTL1 );
                                data->therm_limit = lm85_read_value(client,
                                        ADT7463_REG_THERM_LIMIT );
                        for (i = 0; i <= 2; ++i) {
                            data->temp_offset[i] = lm85_read_value(client,
                                ADM1027_REG_TEMP_OFFSET(i) );
                        data->tach_mode = lm85_read_value(client,
                                ADM1027_REG_CONFIG3 );
                        data->fan_ppr = lm85_read_value(client,
                                ADM1027_REG_FAN_PPR );
                data->last_config = jiffies;
        };  /* last_config */

        data->valid = 1;


static int __init sm_lm85_init(void)
        return i2c_add_driver(&lm85_driver);

static void  __exit sm_lm85_exit(void)

/* Thanks to Richard Barrington for adding the LM85 to sensors-detect.
 * Thanks to Margit Schubert-While <> for help with
 *     post 2.7.0 CVS changes

MODULE_AUTHOR("Philip Pokorny <>, Margit Schubert-While <>");
MODULE_PARM(lm85debug, "i");
MODULE_PARM_DESC(lm85debug, "Enable debugging statements");
