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* sdla_fr.h     Sangoma frame relay firmware API definitions.
* Author:       Gideon Hack    
*               Nenad Corbic <>      
* Copyright:    (c) 1995-2000 Sangoma Technologies Inc.
*               This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
*               modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
*               as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
*               2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* ============================================================================
* Oct 04, 1999  Gideon Hack     Updated API structures
* Jun 02, 1999  Gideon Hack     Modifications for S514 support
* Oct 12, 1997  Jaspreet Singh  Added FR_READ_DLCI_IB_MAPPING
* Jul 21, 1997  Jaspreet Singh  Changed FRRES_TOO_LONG and FRRES_TOO_MANY to
*                               0x05 and 0x06 respectively.
* Dec 23, 1996  Gene Kozin      v2.0
* Apr 29, 1996  Gene Kozin      v1.0 (merged version S502 & S508 definitions).
* Sep 26, 1995  Gene Kozin      Initial version.

#ifndef _SDLA_FR_H
#define _SDLA_FR_H

 * Notes:
 * ------
 * 1. All structures defined in this file are byte-alined.  
 *      Compiler        Platform
 *      --------        --------
 *      GNU C           Linux

#ifndef PACKED
#    define     PACKED  __attribute__((packed))
#endif  /* PACKED */

/* Adapter memory layout */
#define FR_MB_VECTOR    0xE000  /* mailbox window vector */
#define FR502_RX_VECTOR 0xA000  /* S502 direct receive window vector */
#define FR502_MBOX_OFFS 0xF60   /* S502 mailbox offset */
#define FR508_MBOX_OFFS 0       /* S508 mailbox offset */
#define FR502_FLAG_OFFS 0x1FF0  /* S502 status flags offset */
#define FR508_FLAG_OFFS 0x1000  /* S508 status flags offset */
#define FR502_RXMB_OFFS 0x900   /* S502 direct receive mailbox offset */
#define FR508_TXBC_OFFS 0x1100  /* S508 Tx buffer info offset */
#define FR508_RXBC_OFFS 0x1120  /* S508 Rx buffer info offset */

/* Important constants */
#define FR502_MAX_DATA  4096    /* maximum data buffer length */
#define FR508_MAX_DATA  4080    /* maximum data buffer length */
#define MIN_LGTH_FR_DATA_CFG         300     /* min Information frame length
(for configuration purposes) */
#define FR_MAX_NO_DATA_BYTES_IN_FRAME  15354    /* max Information frame length */
#define HIGHEST_VALID_DLCI      991

/****** Data Structures *****************************************************/

 * Frame relay command block.

typedef struct fr_cmd
        unsigned char  command  PACKED; /* command code */
        unsigned short length   PACKED; /* length of data buffer */
        unsigned char  result   PACKED; /* return code */
        unsigned short dlci     PACKED; /* DLCI number */
        unsigned char  attr     PACKED; /* FECN, BECN, DE and C/R bits */
        unsigned short rxlost1  PACKED; /* frames discarded at int. level */
        unsigned long  rxlost2  PACKED; /* frames discarded at app. level */
        unsigned char  rsrv[2]  PACKED; /* reserved for future use */
} fr_cmd_t;

/* 'command' field defines */
#define FR_WRITE                0x01
#define FR_READ                 0x02
#define FR_ISSUE_IS_FRAME       0x03
#define FR_SET_CONFIG           0x10
#define FR_READ_CONFIG          0x11
#define FR_COMM_DISABLE         0x12
#define FR_COMM_ENABLE          0x13
#define FR_READ_STATUS          0x14
#define FR_READ_STATISTICS      0x15
#define FR_FLUSH_STATISTICS     0x16
#define FR_LIST_ACTIVE_DLCI     0x17
#define FR_FLUSH_DATA_BUFFERS   0x18
#define FR_READ_ADD_DLC_STATS   0x19
#define FR_ADD_DLCI             0x20
#define FR_DELETE_DLCI          0x21
#define FR_ACTIVATE_DLCI        0x22
#define FR_DEACTIVATE_DLCI      0x22
#define FR_READ_MODEM_STATUS    0x30
#define FR_SET_MODEM_STATUS     0x31
#define FR_READ_ERROR_STATS     0x32
#define FR_FLUSH_ERROR_STATS    0x33
#define FR_READ_CODE_VERSION    0x40
#define FR_SET_INTR_MODE        0x50
#define FR_READ_INTR_MODE       0x51
#define FR_SET_TRACE_CONFIG     0x60
#define FR_FT1_STATUS_CTRL      0x80
#define FR_SET_FT1_MODE         0x81

/* Special UDP drivers management commands */
#define FPIPE_ENABLE_TRACING            0x41
#define FPIPE_DISABLE_TRACING           0x42
#define FPIPE_GET_TRACE_INFO            0x43
#define FPIPE_FT1_READ_STATUS           0x44
#define FPIPE_DRIVER_STAT_IFSEND        0x45
#define FPIPE_DRIVER_STAT_INTR          0x46
#define FPIPE_DRIVER_STAT_GEN           0x47
#define FPIPE_FLUSH_DRIVER_STATS        0x48
#define FPIPE_ROUTER_UP_TIME            0x49

/* 'result' field defines */
#define FRRES_OK                0x00    /* command executed successfully */
#define FRRES_DISABLED          0x01    /* communications not enabled */
#define FRRES_INOPERATIVE       0x02    /* channel inoperative */
#define FRRES_DLCI_INACTIVE     0x03    /* DLCI is inactive */
#define FRRES_DLCI_INVALID      0x04    /* DLCI is not configured */
#define FRRES_TOO_LONG          0x05
#define FRRES_TOO_MANY          0x06
#define FRRES_CIR_OVERFLOW      0x07    /* Tx throughput has exceeded CIR */
#define FRRES_MODEM_FAILURE     0x10    /* DCD and/or CTS dropped */
#define FRRES_CHANNEL_DOWN      0x11    /* channel became inoperative */
#define FRRES_CHANNEL_UP        0x12    /* channel became operative */
#define FRRES_DLCI_CHANGE       0x13    /* DLCI status (or number) changed */
#define FRRES_DLCI_MISMATCH     0x14
#define FRRES_INVALID_CMD       0x1F    /* invalid command */

/* 'attr' field defines */
#define FRATTR_

 * Frame relay mailbox.
 *      This structure is located at offset FR50?_MBOX_OFFS into FR_MB_VECTOR.
 *      For S502 it is also located at offset FR502_RXMB_OFFS into
 *      FR502_RX_VECTOR.

typedef struct fr_mbox
        unsigned char opflag    PACKED; /* 00h: execution flag */
        fr_cmd_t cmd            PACKED; /* 01h: command block */
        unsigned char data[1]   PACKED; /* 10h: variable length data buffer */
} fr_mbox_t;

 * S502 frame relay status flags.
 *      This structure is located at offset FR502_FLAG_OFFS into FR_MB_VECTOR.

typedef struct  fr502_flags
        unsigned char rsrv1[1]  PACKED; /* 00h: */
        unsigned char tx_ready  PACKED; /* 01h: Tx buffer available */
        unsigned char rx_ready  PACKED; /* 02h: Rx frame available */
        unsigned char event     PACKED; /* 03h: asynchronous event */
        unsigned char mstatus   PACKED; /* 04h: modem status */
        unsigned char rsrv2[8]  PACKED; /* 05h: */
        unsigned char iflag     PACKED; /* 0Dh: interrupt flag */
        unsigned char imask     PACKED; /* 0Eh: interrupt mask */
} fr502_flags_t;

 * S508 frame relay status flags.
 *      This structure is located at offset FR508_FLAG_OFFS into FR_MB_VECTOR.

typedef struct  fr508_flags
        unsigned char rsrv1[3]  PACKED; /* 00h: reserved */
        unsigned char event     PACKED; /* 03h: asynchronous event */
        unsigned char mstatus   PACKED; /* 04h: modem status */
        unsigned char rsrv2[11] PACKED; /* 05h: reserved */
        unsigned char iflag     PACKED; /* 10h: interrupt flag */
        unsigned char imask     PACKED; /* 11h: interrupt mask */
        unsigned long tse_offs  PACKED; /* 12h: Tx status element */
        unsigned short dlci     PACKED; /* 16h: DLCI NUMBER */
} fr508_flags_t;

/* 'event' field defines */
#define FR_EVENT_STATUS         0x01    /* channel status change */
#define FR_EVENT_DLC_STATUS     0x02    /* DLC status change */
#define FR_EVENT_BAD_DLCI       0x04    /* FSR included wrong DLCI */
#define FR_EVENT_LINK_DOWN      0x40    /* DCD or CTS low */

/* 'mstatus' field defines */
#define FR_MDM_DCD              0x08    /* mdm_status: DCD */
#define FR_MDM_CTS              0x20    /* mdm_status: CTS */

/* 'iflag' & 'imask' fields defines */
#define FR_INTR_RXRDY           0x01    /* Rx ready */
#define FR_INTR_TXRDY           0x02    /* Tx ready */
#define FR_INTR_MODEM           0x04    /* modem status change (DCD, CTS) */
#define FR_INTR_READY           0x08    /* interface command completed */
#define FR_INTR_DLC             0x10    /* DLC status change */
#define FR_INTR_TIMER           0x20    /* millisecond timer */
#define FR_INTR_TX_MULT_DLCIs   0x80    /* Tx interrupt on multiple DLCIs */

 * Receive Buffer Configuration Info. S508 only!
 *      This structure is located at offset FR508_RXBC_OFFS into FR_MB_VECTOR.

typedef struct  fr_buf_info
        unsigned short rse_num  PACKED; /* 00h: number of status elements */
        unsigned long rse_base  PACKED; /* 02h: receive status array base */
        unsigned long rse_next  PACKED; /* 06h: next status element */
        unsigned long buf_base  PACKED; /* 0Ah: rotational buffer base */
        unsigned short reserved PACKED; /* 0Eh:  */
        unsigned long buf_top   PACKED; /* 10h: rotational buffer top */
} fr_buf_info_t;

 * Buffer Status Element. S508 only!
 *      Array of structures of this type is located at offset defined by the
 *      'rse_base' field of the frBufInfo_t structure into absolute adapter
 *      memory address space.

typedef struct  fr_rx_buf_ctl
        unsigned char flag      PACKED; /* 00h: ready flag */
        unsigned short length   PACKED; /* 01h: frame length */
        unsigned short dlci     PACKED; /* 03h: DLCI */
        unsigned char attr      PACKED; /* 05h: FECN/BECN/DE/CR */
        unsigned short tmstamp  PACKED; /* 06h: time stamp */
        unsigned short rsrv[2]  PACKED; /* 08h:  */
        unsigned long offset    PACKED; /* 0Ch: buffer absolute address */
} fr_rx_buf_ctl_t;

typedef struct  fr_tx_buf_ctl
        unsigned char flag      PACKED; /* 00h: ready flag */
        unsigned short rsrv0[2] PACKED; /* 01h: */
        unsigned short length   PACKED; /* 05h: frame length */
        unsigned short dlci     PACKED; /* 07h: DLCI */
        unsigned char attr      PACKED; /* 09h: FECN/BECN/DE/CR */
        unsigned short rsrv1    PACKED; /* 0Ah:  */
        unsigned long offset    PACKED; /* 0Ch: buffer absolute address */
} fr_tx_buf_ctl_t;

 * Global Configuration Block. Passed to FR_SET_CONFIG command when dlci == 0.

typedef struct  fr_conf
        unsigned short station  PACKED; /* 00h: CPE/Node */
        unsigned short options  PACKED; /* 02h: configuration options */
        unsigned short kbps     PACKED; /* 04h: baud rate in kbps */
        unsigned short port     PACKED; /* 06h: RS-232/V.35 */
        unsigned short mtu      PACKED; /* 08h: max. transmit length */
        unsigned short t391     PACKED; /* 0Ah:  */
        unsigned short t392     PACKED; /* 0Ch:  */
        unsigned short n391     PACKED; /* 0Eh:  */
        unsigned short n392     PACKED; /* 10h:  */
        unsigned short n393     PACKED; /* 12h:  */
        unsigned short cir_fwd  PACKED; /* 14h:  */
        unsigned short bc_fwd   PACKED; /* 16h:  */
        unsigned short be_fwd   PACKED; /* 18h:  */
        unsigned short cir_bwd  PACKED; /* 1Ah:  */
        unsigned short bc_bwd   PACKED; /* 1Ch:  */
        unsigned short be_bwd   PACKED; /* 1Eh:  */
        unsigned short dlci[0]  PACKED; /* 20h:  */
} fr_conf_t;

/* 'station_type' defines */
#define FRCFG_STATION_CPE       0
#define FRCFG_STATION_NODE      1

/* 'conf_flags' defines */
#define FRCFG_IGNORE_TX_CIR     0x0001
#define FRCFG_IGNORE_RX_CIR     0x0002
#define FRCFG_DONT_RETRANSMIT   0x0004
#define FRCFG_IGNORE_CBS        0x0008
#define FRCFG_THROUGHPUT        0x0010  /* enable throughput calculation */
#define FRCFG_DIRECT_RX         0x0080  /* enable direct receive buffer */
#define FRCFG_AUTO_CONFIG       0x8000  /* enable  auto DLCI configuration */

/* 'baud_rate' defines */
#define FRCFG_BAUD_1200         12
#define FRCFG_BAUD_2400         24
#define FRCFG_BAUD_4800         48
#define FRCFG_BAUD_9600         96
#define FRCFG_BAUD_19200        19
#define FRCFG_BAUD_38400        38
#define FRCFG_BAUD_56000        56
#define FRCFG_BAUD_64000        64
#define FRCFG_BAUD_128000       128

/* 'port_mode' defines */
#define FRCFG_MODE_EXT_CLK      0x0000
#define FRCFG_MODE_INT_CLK      0x0001
#define FRCFG_MODE_V35          0x0000  /* S508 only */
#define FRCFG_MODE_RS232        0x0002  /* S508 only */

/* defines for line tracing */

/* the line trace status element presented by the frame relay code */
typedef struct {
        unsigned char flag      PACKED; /* ready flag */
        unsigned short length   PACKED; /* trace length */
        unsigned char rsrv0[2]  PACKED; /* reserved */
        unsigned char attr      PACKED; /* trace attributes */
        unsigned short tmstamp  PACKED; /* time stamp */
        unsigned char rsrv1[4]  PACKED; /* reserved */
        unsigned long offset    PACKED; /* buffer absolute address */
} fr_trc_el_t;

typedef struct {
        unsigned char status            PACKED; /* status flag */
        unsigned char data_passed       PACKED; /* 0 if no data passed, 1 if */
                                                /* data passed */
        unsigned short length           PACKED; /* frame length */
        unsigned short tmstamp          PACKED; /* time stamp */
} fpipemon_trc_hdr_t;

typedef struct {
        fpipemon_trc_hdr_t fpipemon_trc_hdr                     PACKED;
        unsigned char data[FR_MAX_NO_DATA_BYTES_IN_FRAME]       PACKED;
} fpipemon_trc_t;

/* bit settings for the 'status' byte  - note that bits 1, 2 and 3 are used */
/* for returning the number of frames being passed to fpipemon */
#define TRC_OUTGOING_FRM        0x01
#define TRC_ABORT_ERROR         0x10
#define TRC_CRC_ERROR           0x20
#define TRC_OVERRUN_ERROR       0x40
#define MORE_TRC_DATA           0x80

#define MAX_FRMS_TRACED         0x07

#define NO_TRC_ELEMENTS_OFF             0x9000
#define BASE_TRC_ELEMENTS_OFF           0x9002
#define TRC_ACTIVE                      0x01
#define FLUSH_TRC_BUFFERS               0x02
#define FLUSH_TRC_STATISTICS            0x04
#define TRC_SIGNALLING_FRMS             0x10
#define TRC_INFO_FRMS                   0x20

 * Channel configuration.
 *      This structure is passed to the FR_SET_CONFIG command when dlci != 0.

typedef struct  fr_dlc_conf
        unsigned short conf_flags       PACKED; /* 00h: configuration bits */
        unsigned short cir_fwd          PACKED; /* 02h:  */
        unsigned short bc_fwd           PACKED; /* 04h:  */
        unsigned short be_fwd           PACKED; /* 06h:  */
        unsigned short cir_bwd          PACKED; /* 08h:  */
        unsigned short bc_bwd           PACKED; /* 0Ah:  */
        unsigned short be_bwd           PACKED; /* 0Ch:  */
} fr_dlc_conf_t;

 * S502 interrupt mode control block.
 *      This structure is passed to the FR_SET_INTR_FLAGS and returned by the
 *      FR_READ_INTR_FLAGS commands.

typedef struct fr502_intr_ctl
        unsigned char mode      PACKED; /* 00h: interrupt enable flags */
        unsigned short tx_len   PACKED; /* 01h: required Tx buffer size */
} fr502_intr_ctl_t;

 * S508 interrupt mode control block.
 *      This structure is passed to the FR_SET_INTR_FLAGS and returned by the
 *      FR_READ_INTR_FLAGS commands.

typedef struct fr508_intr_ctl
        unsigned char mode      PACKED; /* 00h: interrupt enable flags */
        unsigned short tx_len   PACKED; /* 01h: required Tx buffer size */
        unsigned char irq       PACKED; /* 03h: IRQ level to activate */
        unsigned char flags     PACKED; /* 04h: ?? */
        unsigned short timeout  PACKED; /* 05h: ms, for timer interrupt */
} fr508_intr_ctl_t;

 * Channel status.
 *      This structure is returned by the FR_READ_STATUS command.

typedef struct  fr_dlc_Status
        unsigned char status            PACKED; /* 00h: link/DLCI status */
                unsigned short dlci     PACKED; /* 01h: DLCI number */
                unsigned char status    PACKED; /* 03h: DLCI status */
        } circuit[1]                    PACKED;
} fr_dlc_status_t;

/* 'status' defines */
#define FR_LINK_INOPER  0x00            /* for global status (DLCI == 0) */
#define FR_LINK_OPER    0x01
#define FR_DLCI_DELETED 0x01            /* for circuit status (DLCI != 0) */
#define FR_DLCI_ACTIVE  0x02
#define FR_DLCI_WAITING 0x04
#define FR_DLCI_NEW     0x08
#define FR_DLCI_REPORT  0x40

 * Global Statistics Block.
 *      This structure is returned by the FR_READ_STATISTICS command when
 *      dcli == 0.

typedef struct  fr_link_stat
        unsigned short rx_too_long      PACKED; /* 00h:  */
        unsigned short rx_dropped       PACKED; /* 02h:  */
        unsigned short rx_dropped2      PACKED; /* 04h:  */
        unsigned short rx_bad_dlci      PACKED; /* 06h:  */
        unsigned short rx_bad_format    PACKED; /* 08h:  */
        unsigned short retransmitted    PACKED; /* 0Ah:  */
        unsigned short cpe_tx_FSE       PACKED; /* 0Ch:  */
        unsigned short cpe_tx_LIV       PACKED; /* 0Eh:  */
        unsigned short cpe_rx_FSR       PACKED; /* 10h:  */
        unsigned short cpe_rx_LIV       PACKED; /* 12h:  */
        unsigned short node_rx_FSE      PACKED; /* 14h:  */
        unsigned short node_rx_LIV      PACKED; /* 16h:  */
        unsigned short node_tx_FSR      PACKED; /* 18h:  */
        unsigned short node_tx_LIV      PACKED; /* 1Ah:  */
        unsigned short rx_ISF_err       PACKED; /* 1Ch:  */
        unsigned short rx_unsolicited   PACKED; /* 1Eh:  */
        unsigned short rx_SSN_err       PACKED; /* 20h:  */
        unsigned short rx_RSN_err       PACKED; /* 22h:  */
        unsigned short T391_timeouts    PACKED; /* 24h:  */
        unsigned short T392_timeouts    PACKED; /* 26h:  */
        unsigned short N392_reached     PACKED; /* 28h:  */
        unsigned short cpe_SSN_RSN      PACKED; /* 2Ah:  */
        unsigned short current_SSN      PACKED; /* 2Ch:  */
        unsigned short current_RSN      PACKED; /* 2Eh:  */
        unsigned short curreny_T391     PACKED; /* 30h:  */
        unsigned short current_T392     PACKED; /* 32h:  */
        unsigned short current_N392     PACKED; /* 34h:  */
        unsigned short current_N393     PACKED; /* 36h:  */
} fr_link_stat_t;

 * DLCI statistics.
 *      This structure is returned by the FR_READ_STATISTICS command when
 *      dlci != 0.

typedef struct  fr_dlci_stat
        unsigned long tx_frames         PACKED; /* 00h:  */
        unsigned long tx_bytes          PACKED; /* 04h:  */
        unsigned long rx_frames         PACKED; /* 08h:  */
        unsigned long rx_bytes          PACKED; /* 0Ch:  */
        unsigned long rx_dropped        PACKED; /* 10h:  */
        unsigned long rx_inactive       PACKED; /* 14h:  */
        unsigned long rx_exceed_CIR     PACKED; /* 18h:  */
        unsigned long rx_DE_set         PACKED; /* 1Ch:  */
        unsigned long tx_throughput     PACKED; /* 20h:  */
        unsigned long tx_calc_timer     PACKED; /* 24h:  */
        unsigned long rx_throughput     PACKED; /* 28h:  */
        unsigned long rx_calc_timer     PACKED; /* 2Ch:  */
} fr_dlci_stat_t;

 * Communications error statistics.
 *      This structure is returned by the FR_READ_ERROR_STATS command.

typedef struct  fr_comm_stat
        unsigned char rx_overruns       PACKED; /* 00h:  */
        unsigned char rx_bad_crc        PACKED; /* 01h:  */
        unsigned char rx_aborts         PACKED; /* 02h:  */
        unsigned char rx_too_long       PACKED; /* 03h:  */
        unsigned char tx_aborts         PACKED; /* 04h:  */
        unsigned char tx_underruns      PACKED; /* 05h:  */
        unsigned char tx_missed_undr    PACKED; /* 06h:  */
        unsigned char dcd_dropped       PACKED; /* 07h:  */
        unsigned char cts_dropped       PACKED; /* 08h:  */
} fr_comm_stat_t;

 * Defines for the FR_ISSUE_IS_FRAME command.

#define FR_ISF_LVE      2               /* issue Link Verification Enquiry */
#define FR_ISF_FSE      3               /* issue Full Status Enquiry */

 * Frame Relay ARP Header -- Used for Dynamic route creation with InvARP

typedef struct arphdr_fr
        unsigned short ar_hrd PACKED;           /* format of hardware addr */
        unsigned short ar_pro PACKED;           /* format of protocol addr */
        unsigned char  ar_hln PACKED;           /* length of hardware addr */  
        unsigned char  ar_pln PACKED;           /* length of protocol addr */
        unsigned short ar_op  PACKED;           /* ARP opcode              */
        unsigned short ar_sha PACKED;           /* Sender DLCI addr 2 bytes */
        unsigned long  ar_sip PACKED;           /* Sender IP   addr 4 bytes */
        unsigned short ar_tha PACKED;           /* Target DLCI addr 2 bytes */
        unsigned long  ar_tip PACKED;           /* Target IP   addr 4 bytes */
        } arphdr_fr_t;

 * Frame Relay RFC 1490 SNAP Header -- Used to check for ARP packets

typedef struct arphdr_1490
        unsigned char control PACKED;           /* UI, etc...  */
        unsigned char pad     PACKED;           /* Pad */
        unsigned char NLPID   PACKED;           /* SNAP */
        unsigned char OUI[3]  PACKED;           /* Ethertype, etc... */
        unsigned short PID    PACKED;           /* ARP, IP, etc... */
        }  arphdr_1490_t;

/* UDP/IP packet (for UDP management) layout */

/* The embedded control block for UDP mgmt
   This is essentially a mailbox structure, without the large data field */

typedef struct {
        unsigned char  opp_flag PACKED; /* the opp flag */
        unsigned char  command  PACKED; /* command code */
        unsigned short length   PACKED; /* length of data buffer */
        unsigned char  result   PACKED; /* return code */
        unsigned short dlci     PACKED; /* DLCI number */
        unsigned char  attr     PACKED; /* FECN, BECN, DE and C/R bits */
        unsigned short rxlost1  PACKED; /* frames discarded at int. level */
        unsigned long  rxlost2  PACKED; /* frames discarded at app. level */
        unsigned char  rsrv[2]  PACKED; /* reserved for future use */
} cblock_t;

/* UDP management packet layout (data area of ip packet) */

typedef struct {
        unsigned char   control                 PACKED;
        unsigned char   NLPID                   PACKED;
} fr_encap_hdr_t;

typedef struct {
//      fr_encap_hdr_t          fr_encap_hdr    PACKED;
        ip_pkt_t                ip_pkt          PACKED;
        udp_pkt_t               udp_pkt         PACKED;
        wp_mgmt_t               wp_mgmt         PACKED;
        cblock_t                cblock          PACKED;
        unsigned char           data[4080]      PACKED;
} fr_udp_pkt_t;

/* valid ip_protocol for UDP management */


/* values for request/reply byte */
#define UDPMGMT_REQUEST 0x01
#define UDPMGMT_REPLY   0x02
#define UDP_OFFSET      12

typedef struct {
        unsigned long if_send_entry;
        unsigned long if_send_skb_null;
        unsigned long if_send_broadcast;
        unsigned long if_send_multicast;
        unsigned long if_send_critical_ISR;
        unsigned long if_send_critical_non_ISR;
        unsigned long if_send_busy;
        unsigned long if_send_busy_timeout;
        unsigned long if_send_DRVSTATS_request;
        unsigned long if_send_FPIPE_request;
        unsigned long if_send_wan_disconnected;
        unsigned long if_send_dlci_disconnected;
        unsigned long if_send_no_bfrs;
        unsigned long if_send_adptr_bfrs_full;
        unsigned long if_send_bfrs_passed_to_adptr;
        unsigned long if_send_consec_send_fail;
} drvstats_if_send_t;

typedef struct {
        unsigned long rx_intr_no_socket;
        unsigned long rx_intr_dev_not_started;
        unsigned long rx_intr_DRVSTATS_request;
        unsigned long rx_intr_FPIPE_request;
        unsigned long rx_intr_bfr_not_passed_to_stack;
        unsigned long rx_intr_bfr_passed_to_stack;
 } drvstats_rx_intr_t;

typedef struct {
        unsigned long UDP_FPIPE_mgmt_kmalloc_err;
        unsigned long UDP_FPIPE_mgmt_direction_err;
        unsigned long UDP_FPIPE_mgmt_adptr_type_err;
        unsigned long UDP_FPIPE_mgmt_adptr_cmnd_OK;
        unsigned long UDP_FPIPE_mgmt_adptr_cmnd_timeout;
        unsigned long UDP_FPIPE_mgmt_adptr_send_passed;
        unsigned long UDP_FPIPE_mgmt_adptr_send_failed;
        unsigned long UDP_FPIPE_mgmt_not_passed_to_stack;
        unsigned long UDP_FPIPE_mgmt_passed_to_stack;
        unsigned long UDP_FPIPE_mgmt_no_socket;
        unsigned long UDP_DRVSTATS_mgmt_kmalloc_err;
        unsigned long UDP_DRVSTATS_mgmt_adptr_cmnd_OK;
        unsigned long UDP_DRVSTATS_mgmt_adptr_cmnd_timeout;
        unsigned long UDP_DRVSTATS_mgmt_adptr_send_passed;
        unsigned long UDP_DRVSTATS_mgmt_adptr_send_failed;
        unsigned long UDP_DRVSTATS_mgmt_not_passed_to_stack;
        unsigned long UDP_DRVSTATS_mgmt_passed_to_stack;
        unsigned long UDP_DRVSTATS_mgmt_no_socket;
} drvstats_gen_t;

typedef struct {
        unsigned char   attr            PACKED;
        unsigned short  time_stamp      PACKED;
        unsigned char   reserved[13]    PACKED;
} api_rx_hdr_t;

typedef struct {
        api_rx_hdr_t    api_rx_hdr      PACKED;
        void *          data            PACKED;
} api_rx_element_t;

typedef struct {
        unsigned char   attr            PACKED;
        unsigned char   reserved[15]    PACKED;
} api_tx_hdr_t;

typedef struct {
        api_tx_hdr_t    api_tx_hdr      PACKED;
        void *          data            PACKED;
} api_tx_element_t;

#ifdef          _MSC_
#  pragma       pack()
#endif  /* _SDLA_FR_H */