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* sdla_x25.h    Sangoma X.25 firmware API definitions.
* Author:       Nenad Corbic    <>
* Copyright:    (c) 1995-2000 Sangoma Technologies Inc.
*               This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
*               modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
*               as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
                2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* ============================================================================
* Feb 28, 2000  Nenad Corbic    Updated for socket based x25api
* Dec 13, 1996  Gene Kozin      Initial version

#ifndef _SDLA_X25_H
#define _SDLA_X25_H

 * Notes:
 * ------
 * 1. All structures defined in this file are byte-alined.  
 *      Compiler        Platform       
 *      --------        --------
 *      GNU C           Linux

#ifndef PACKED
#       define  PACKED  __attribute__((packed))
#endif  /* PACKED */

/****** CONSTANTS DEFINITIONS ***********************************************/

#define X25_MAX_CHAN    255     /* max number of open X.25 circuits */
#define X25_MAX_DATA    1024    /* max length of X.25 data buffer */
 * X.25 shared memory layout.

#define X25_MBOX_OFFS   0x16B0  /* general mailbox block */
#define X25_RXMBOX_OFFS 0x1AD0  /* receive mailbox */
#define X25_STATUS_OFFS 0x1EF0  /* X.25 status structure */
#define X25_MB_VECTOR   0xE000  /* S514 mailbox window vecotr */
#define X25_MISC_HDLC_BITS 0x1F00 /*X.25 miscallaneous HDLC bits */

/* code levels */
#define HDLC_LEVEL 0x01
#define X25_LEVEL  0x02
#define X25_AND_HDLC_LEVEL 0x03

/****** DATA STRUCTURES *****************************************************/

 * X.25 Command Block.

typedef struct X25Cmd
        unsigned char command   PACKED; /* command code */
        unsigned short length   PACKED; /* transfer data length */
        unsigned char result    PACKED; /* return code */
        unsigned char pf        PACKED; /* P/F bit */
        unsigned short lcn      PACKED; /* logical channel */
        unsigned char qdm       PACKED; /* Q/D/M bits */
        unsigned char cause     PACKED; /* cause field */
        unsigned char diagn     PACKED; /* diagnostics */
        unsigned char pktType   PACKED; /* packet type */
        unsigned char resrv[4]  PACKED; /* reserved */
} TX25Cmd;

 * Defines for the 'command' field.

/*----- General commands --------------*/
#define X25_SET_GLOBAL_VARS     0x0B    /* set global variables */
#define X25_READ_MODEM_STATUS   0x0C    /* read modem status */
#define X25_READ_CODE_VERSION   0x15    /* read firmware version number */
#define X25_TRACE_CONFIGURE     0x14    /* configure trace facility */
#define X25_READ_TRACE_DATA     0x16    /* read trace data */
#define X25_SET_INTERRUPT_MODE  0x17    /* set interrupt generation mode */
#define X25_READ_INTERRUPT_MODE 0x18    /* read interrupt generation mode */
/*----- HDLC-level commands -----------*/
#define X25_HDLC_LINK_CONFIGURE 0x01    /* configure HDLC link level */  
#define X25_HDLC_LINK_OPEN      0x02    /* open HDLC link */            
#define X25_HDLC_LINK_CLOSE     0x03    /* close HDLC link */
#define X25_HDLC_LINK_SETUP     0x04    /* set up HDLC link */
#define X25_HDLC_LINK_DISC      0x05    /* disconnect DHLC link */
#define X25_HDLC_LINK_STATUS    0x06    /* read DHLC link status */
#define X25_HDLC_READ_STATS     0x07    /* read operational statistics */
#define X25_HDLC_FLUSH_STATS    0x08    /* flush operational statistics */
#define X25_HDLC_READ_COMM_ERR  0x09    /* read error statistics */
#define X25_HDLC_FLUSH_COMM_ERR 0x0A    /* flush error statistics */
#define X25_HDLC_FLUSH_BUFFERS  0x0D    /* flush HDLC-level data buffers */
#define X25_HDLC_SPRVS_CNT_STAT 0x0F    /* read surervisory count status */
#define X25_HDLC_SEND_UI_FRAME  0x10    /* send unnumbered information frame */
#define X25_HDLC_WRITE          0x11    /* send HDLC information frame */
#define X25_HDLC_READ           0x21    /* read HDLC information frame */
#define X25_HDLC_READ_CONFIG    0x12    /* read HDLC configuration */
#define X25_HDLC_SET_CONFIG     0x13    /* set HDLC configuration */
#define SET_PROTOCOL_LEVEL      0x1F    /* set protocol level */
/*----- X.25-level commands -----------*/
#define X25_READ                0x22    /* read X.25 packet */
#define X25_WRITE               0x23    /* send X.25 packet */
#define X25_PLACE_CALL          0x30    /* place a call on SVC */
#define X25_ACCEPT_CALL         0x31    /* accept incomming call */
#define X25_CLEAR_CALL          0x32    /* clear call */
#define X25_CLEAR_CONFRM        0x33    /* send clear confirmation packet */
#define X25_RESET               0x34    /* send reset request packet */
#define X25_RESET_CONFRM        0x35    /* send reset confirmation packet */
#define X25_RESTART             0x36    /* send restart request packet */
#define X25_RESTART_CONFRM      0x37    /* send restart confirmation packet */
#define X25_INTERRUPT           0x38    /* send interrupt request packet */
#define X25_INTERRUPT_CONFRM    0x39    /* send interrupt confirmation pkt */
#define X25_REGISTRATION_RQST   0x3A    /* send registration request packet */
#define X25_REGISTRATION_CONFRM 0x3B    /* send registration confirmation */
#define X25_IS_DATA_AVAILABLE   0x40    /* querry receive queue */
#define X25_INCOMMING_CALL_CTL  0x41    /* select incomming call options */
#define X25_CONFIGURE_PVC       0x42    /* configure PVC */
#define X25_GET_ACTIVE_CHANNELS 0x43    /* get a list of active circuits */
#define X25_READ_CHANNEL_CONFIG 0x44    /* read virt. circuit configuration */
#define X25_FLUSH_DATA_BUFFERS  0x45    /* flush X.25-level data buffers */
#define X25_READ_HISTORY_TABLE  0x46    /* read asynchronous event log */
#define X25_HISTORY_TABLE_CTL   0x47    /* control asynchronous event log */
#define X25_GET_TX_D_BIT_STATUS 0x48    /* is packet with D-bit acknowleged */
#define X25_READ_STATISTICS     0x49    /* read X.25-level statistics */
#define X25_FLUSH_STATISTICS    0x4A    /* flush X.25-level statistics */
#define X25_READ_CONFIGURATION  0x50    /* read HDLC & X.25 configuration */
#define X25_SET_CONFIGURATION   0x51    /* set HDLC & X.25 configuration */

 * Defines for the 'result' field.

/*----- General results ---------------*/
#define X25RES_OK               0x00
#define X25RES_ERROR            0x01
#define X25RES_LINK_NOT_IN_ABM  0x02    /* link is not in ABM mode */
#define X25RES_LINK_CLOSED      0x03
#define X25RES_INVAL_LENGTH     0x04
#define X25RES_INVAL_CMD        0x05
#define X25RES_UNNUMBERED_FRAME 0x06    /* unnunbered frame received */
#define X25RES_FRM_REJECT_MODE  0x07    /* link is in Frame Reject mode */
#define X25RES_MODEM_FAILURE    0x08    /* DCD and/or CTS dropped */
#define X25RES_N2_RETRY_LIMIT   0x09    /* N2 retry limit has been exceeded */
#define X25RES_INVAL_LCN        0x30    /* invalid logical channel number */
#define X25RES_INVAL_STATE      0x31    /* channel is not in data xfer mode */
#define X25RES_INVAL_DATA_LEN   0x32    /* invalid data length */
#define X25RES_NOT_READY        0x33    /* no data available / buffers full */
#define X25RES_NETWORK_DOWN     0x34
#define X25RES_CHANNEL_IN_USE   0x35    /* there is data queued on this LCN */
#define X25RES_REGST_NOT_SUPPRT 0x36    /* registration not supported */
#define X25RES_INVAL_FORMAT     0x37    /* invalid packet format */
#define X25RES_D_BIT_NOT_SUPPRT 0x38    /* D-bit pragmatics not supported */
#define X25RES_FACIL_NOT_SUPPRT 0x39    /* Call facility not supported */
#define X25RES_INVAL_CALL_ARG   0x3A    /* errorneous call arguments */
#define X25RES_INVAL_CALL_DATA  0x3B    /* errorneous call user data */
#define X25RES_ASYNC_PACKET     0x40    /* asynchronous packet received */
#define X25RES_PROTO_VIOLATION  0x41    /* protocol violation occurred */
#define X25RES_PKT_TIMEOUT      0x42    /* X.25 packet time out */
#define X25RES_PKT_RETRY_LIMIT  0x43    /* X.25 packet retry limit exceeded */
/*----- Command-dependent results -----*/
#define X25RES_LINK_DISC        0x00    /* HDLC_LINK_STATUS */
#define X25RES_LINK_IN_ABM      0x01    /* HDLC_LINK_STATUS */
#define X25RES_NO_DATA          0x01    /* HDLC_READ/READ_TRACE_DATA*/
#define X25RES_TRACE_INACTIVE   0x02    /* READ_TRACE_DATA */
#define X25RES_LINK_IS_OPEN     0x01    /* HDLC_LINK_OPEN */
#define X25RES_LINK_IS_DISC     0x02    /* HDLC_LINK_DISC */
#define X25RES_LINK_IS_CLOSED   0x03    /* HDLC_LINK_CLOSE */
#define X25RES_INVAL_PARAM      0x31    /* INCOMMING_CALL_CTL */
#define X25RES_INVAL_CONFIG     0x35    /* REGISTR_RQST/CONFRM */

 * Defines for the 'qdm_bits' field.

#define X25CMD_Q_BIT_MASK       0x04
#define X25CMD_D_BIT_MASK       0x02
#define X25CMD_M_BIT_MASK       0x01

 * Defines for the 'pkt_type' field.

/*----- Asynchronous events ------*/
#define ASE_CLEAR_RQST          0x02
#define ASE_RESET_RQST          0x04
#define ASE_RESTART_RQST        0x08
#define ASE_INTERRUPT           0x10
#define ASE_DTE_REGISTR_RQST    0x20
#define ASE_CALL_RQST           0x30
#define ASE_CALL_ACCEPTED       0x31
#define ASE_CLEAR_CONFRM        0x32
#define ASE_RESET_CONFRM        0x33
#define ASE_RESTART_CONFRM      0x34
#define ASE_INTERRUPT_CONFRM    0x35
#define ASE_DIAGNOSTIC          0x37
#define ASE_CALL_AUTO_CLEAR     0x38
#define AUTO_RESPONSE_FLAG      0x80
/*----- Time-Out events ----------*/
#define TOE_RESTART_RQST        0x03
#define TOE_CALL_RQST           0x05
#define TOE_CLEAR_RQST          0x08
#define TOE_RESET_RQST          0x0A
/*----- Protocol Violation events */
#define PVE_CLEAR_RQST          0x32
#define PVE_RESET_RQST          0x33
#define PVE_RESTART_RQST        0x34
#define PVE_DIAGNOSTIC          0x37

#define INTR_ON_RX_FRAME            0x01
#define INTR_ON_TX_FRAME            0x02
#define INTR_ON_TIMER               0x40
#define DIRECT_RX_INTR_USAGE        0x80

#define NO_INTR_PENDING                 0x00
#define RX_INTR_PENDING                 0x01   
#define TX_INTR_PENDING                 0x02
#define MODEM_INTR_PENDING              0x04
#define X25_ASY_TRANS_INTR_PENDING      0x10
#define TIMER_INTR_PENDING              0x40

 * X.25 Mailbox.
 *      This structure is located at offsets X25_MBOX_OFFS and X25_RXMBOX_OFFS
 *      into shared memory window.

typedef struct X25Mbox
        unsigned char opflag    PACKED; /* 00h: execution flag */
        TX25Cmd cmd             PACKED; /* 01h: command block */
        unsigned char data[1]   PACKED; /* 10h: data buffer */
} TX25Mbox;

 * X.25 Time Stamp Structure.

typedef struct X25TimeStamp
        unsigned char month     PACKED;
        unsigned char date      PACKED;
        unsigned char sec       PACKED;
        unsigned char min       PACKED;
        unsigned char hour      PACKED;
} TX25TimeStamp;

 * X.25 Status Block.
 *      This structure is located at offset X25_STATUS_OFF into shared memory
 *      window.

typedef struct X25Status
        unsigned short pvc_map  PACKED; /* 00h: PVC map */
        unsigned short icc_map  PACKED; /* 02h: Incomming Chan. map */
        unsigned short twc_map  PACKED; /* 04h: Two-way Cnan. map */
        unsigned short ogc_map  PACKED; /* 06h: Outgoing Chan. map */
        TX25TimeStamp tstamp    PACKED; /* 08h: timestamp (BCD) */
        unsigned char iflags    PACKED; /* 0Dh: interrupt flags */
        unsigned char imask     PACKED; /* 0Eh: interrupt mask  */
        unsigned char resrv     PACKED; /* 0Eh: */
        unsigned char gflags    PACKED; /* 10h: misc. HDLC/X25 flags */
        unsigned char cflags[X25_MAX_CHAN] PACKED; /* channel status bytes */
} TX25Status;

 * Bitmasks for the 'iflags' field.

#define X25_RX_INTR     0x01    /* receive interrupt */
#define X25_TX_INTR     0x02    /* transmit interrupt */
#define X25_MODEM_INTR  0x04    /* modem status interrupt (CTS/DCD) */
#define X25_EVENT_INTR  0x10    /* asyncronous event encountered */
#define X25_CMD_INTR    0x08    /* interface command complete */

 * Bitmasks for the 'gflags' field.

#define X25_HDLC_ABM    0x01    /* HDLC is in ABM mode */
#define X25_RX_READY    0x02    /* X.25 data available */
#define X25_TRACE_READY 0x08    /* trace data available */
#define X25_EVENT_IND   0x20    /* asynchronous event indicator */
#define X25_TX_READY    0x40    /* space is available in Tx buf.*/

 * Bitmasks for the 'cflags' field.

#define X25_XFER_MODE   0x80    /* channel is in data transfer mode */
#define X25_TXWIN_OPEN  0x40    /* transmit window open */
#define X25_RXBUF_MASK  0x3F    /* number of data buffers available */

 * Following definitions structurize contents of the field for
 * different X.25 interface commands.

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * X25_SET_GLOBAL_VARS Command.

typedef struct X25GlobalVars
        unsigned char resrv     PACKED; /* 00h: reserved */
        unsigned char dtrCtl    PACKED; /* 01h: DTR control code */
        unsigned char resErr    PACKED; /* 01h: '1' - reset modem error */
} TX25GlobalVars;

 * Defines for the 'dtrCtl' field.

#define X25_RAISE_DTR   0x01
#define X25_DROP_DTR    0x02

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

typedef struct X25ModemStatus
        unsigned char   status  PACKED;         /* 00h: modem status */
} TX25ModemStatus;

 * Defines for the 'status' field.

#define X25_CTS_MASK    0x20
#define X25_DCD_MASK    0x08

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * X25_HDLC_LINK_STATUS Command.

typedef struct X25LinkStatus
        unsigned char txQueued  PACKED; /* 00h: queued Tx I-frames*/
        unsigned char rxQueued  PACKED; /* 01h: queued Rx I-frames*/
        unsigned char station   PACKED; /* 02h: DTE/DCE config. */
        unsigned char reserved  PACKED; /* 03h: reserved */
        unsigned char sfTally   PACKED; /* 04h: supervisory frame tally */
} TX25LinkStatus;

 * Defines for the 'station' field.

#define X25_STATION_DTE 0x01    /* station configured as DTE */
#define X25_STATION_DCE 0x02    /* station configured as DCE */

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * X25_HDLC_READ_STATS Command.

typedef struct HdlcStats
{                                               /*      a number of ... */
        unsigned short rxIFrames        PACKED; /* 00h: ready Rx I-frames */
        unsigned short rxNoseq          PACKED; /* 02h: frms out-of-sequence */
        unsigned short rxNodata         PACKED; /* 04h: I-frms without data */
        unsigned short rxDiscarded      PACKED; /* 06h: discarded frames */
        unsigned short rxTooLong        PACKED; /* 08h: frames too long */
        unsigned short rxBadAddr        PACKED; /* 0Ah: frms with inval.addr*/
        unsigned short txAcked          PACKED; /* 0Ch: acknowledged I-frms */
        unsigned short txRetransm       PACKED; /* 0Eh: re-transmit. I-frms */
        unsigned short t1Timeout        PACKED; /* 10h: T1 timeouts */
        unsigned short rxSABM           PACKED; /* 12h: received SABM frames */
        unsigned short rxDISC           PACKED; /* 14h: received DISC frames */
        unsigned short rxDM             PACKED; /* 16h: received DM frames */
        unsigned short rxFRMR           PACKED; /* 18h: FRMR frames received */
        unsigned short txSABM           PACKED; /* 1Ah: transm. SABM frames*/
        unsigned short txDISC           PACKED; /* 1Ch: transm. DISC frames*/
        unsigned short txDM             PACKED; /* 1Eh: transm. DM frames */
        unsigned short txFRMR           PACKED; /* 20h: transm. FRMR frames*/
} THdlcStats;

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * X25_HDLC_READ_COMM_ERR Command.

typedef struct HdlcCommErr
{                                               /*      a number of ... */
        unsigned char rxOverrun         PACKED; /* 00h: Rx overrun errors */
        unsigned char rxBadCrc          PACKED; /* 01h: Rx CRC errors */
        unsigned char rxAborted         PACKED; /* 02h: Rx aborted frames */
        unsigned char rxDropped         PACKED; /* 03h: frames lost */
        unsigned char txAborted         PACKED; /* 04h: Tx aborted frames */
        unsigned char txUnderrun        PACKED; /* 05h: Tx underrun errors */
        unsigned char txMissIntr        PACKED; /* 06h: missed underrun ints */
        unsigned char reserved          PACKED; /* 07h: reserved */
        unsigned char droppedDCD        PACKED; /* 08h: times DCD dropped */
        unsigned char droppedCTS        PACKED; /* 09h: times CTS dropped */
} THdlcCommErr;

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

typedef struct X25Config
unsigned char baudRate          PACKED; /* 00h:  */
        unsigned char t1                PACKED; /* 01h:  */
        unsigned char t2                PACKED; /* 02h:  */
        unsigned char n2                PACKED; /* 03h:  */
        unsigned short hdlcMTU          PACKED; /* 04h:  */
        unsigned char hdlcWindow        PACKED; /* 06h:  */
        unsigned char t4                PACKED; /* 07h:  */
        unsigned char autoModem         PACKED; /* 08h:  */
        unsigned char autoHdlc          PACKED; /* 09h:  */
        unsigned char hdlcOptions       PACKED; /* 0Ah:  */
        unsigned char station           PACKED; /* 0Bh:  */
        unsigned char pktWindow         PACKED; /* 0Ch:  */
        unsigned short defPktSize       PACKED; /* 0Dh:  */
        unsigned short pktMTU           PACKED; /* 0Fh:  */
        unsigned short loPVC            PACKED; /* 11h:  */
        unsigned short hiPVC            PACKED; /* 13h:  */
        unsigned short loIncommingSVC   PACKED; /* 15h:  */
        unsigned short hiIncommingSVC   PACKED; /* 17h:  */
        unsigned short loTwoWaySVC      PACKED; /* 19h:  */
        unsigned short hiTwoWaySVC      PACKED; /* 1Bh:  */
        unsigned short loOutgoingSVC    PACKED; /* 1Dh:  */
        unsigned short hiOutgoingSVC    PACKED; /* 1Fh:  */
        unsigned short options          PACKED; /* 21h:  */
        unsigned char responseOpt       PACKED; /* 23h:  */
        unsigned short facil1           PACKED; /* 24h:  */
        unsigned short facil2           PACKED; /* 26h:  */
        unsigned short ccittFacil       PACKED; /* 28h:  */
        unsigned short otherFacil       PACKED; /* 2Ah:  */
        unsigned short ccittCompat      PACKED; /* 2Ch:  */
        unsigned char t10t20            PACKED; /* 2Eh:  */
        unsigned char t11t21            PACKED; /* 2Fh:  */
        unsigned char t12t22            PACKED; /* 30h:  */
        unsigned char t13t23            PACKED; /* 31h:  */
        unsigned char t16t26            PACKED; /* 32H:  */
        unsigned char t28               PACKED; /* 33h:  */
        unsigned char r10r20            PACKED; /* 34h:  */
        unsigned char r12r22            PACKED; /* 35h:  */
        unsigned char r13r23            PACKED; /* 36h:  */
} TX25Config;

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

typedef struct X25ChanAlloc                     /*----- Channel allocation -*/
        unsigned short loPVC            PACKED; /* 00h: lowest PVC number */
        unsigned short hiPVC            PACKED; /* 02h: highest PVC number */
        unsigned short loIncommingSVC   PACKED; /* 04h: lowest incoming SVC */
        unsigned short hiIncommingSVC   PACKED; /* 06h: highest incoming SVC */
        unsigned short loTwoWaySVC      PACKED; /* 08h: lowest two-way SVC */
        unsigned short hiTwoWaySVC      PACKED; /* 0Ah: highest two-way SVC */
        unsigned short loOutgoingSVC    PACKED; /* 0Ch: lowest outgoing SVC */
        unsigned short hiOutgoingSVC    PACKED; /* 0Eh: highest outgoing SVC */
} TX25ChanAlloc;

typedef struct X25ChanCfg               /*------ Channel configuration -----*/
        unsigned char type      PACKED; /* 00h: channel type */
        unsigned char txConf    PACKED; /* 01h: Tx packet and window sizes */
        unsigned char rxConf    PACKED; /* 01h: Rx packet and window sizes */
} TX25ChanCfg;

 * Defines for the 'type' field.

#define X25_PVC         0x01    /* PVC */
#define X25_SVC_IN      0x03    /* Incoming SVC */
#define X25_SVC_TWOWAY  0x07    /* Two-way SVC */
#define X25_SVC_OUT     0x0B    /* Outgoing SVC */


typedef struct X25Stats
{                                               /* number of packets Tx/Rx'ed */
        unsigned short txRestartRqst    PACKED; /* 00h: Restart Request */
        unsigned short rxRestartRqst    PACKED; /* 02h: Restart Request */
        unsigned short txRestartConf    PACKED; /* 04h: Restart Confirmation */
        unsigned short rxRestartConf    PACKED; /* 06h: Restart Confirmation */
        unsigned short txResetRqst      PACKED; /* 08h: Reset Request */
        unsigned short rxResetRqst      PACKED; /* 0Ah: Reset Request */
        unsigned short txResetConf      PACKED; /* 0Ch: Reset Confirmation */
        unsigned short rxResetConf      PACKED; /* 0Eh: Reset Confirmation */
        unsigned short txCallRequest    PACKED; /* 10h: Call Request */
        unsigned short rxCallRequest    PACKED; /* 12h: Call Request */
        unsigned short txCallAccept     PACKED; /* 14h: Call Accept */
        unsigned short rxCallAccept     PACKED; /* 16h: Call Accept */
        unsigned short txClearRqst      PACKED; /* 18h: Clear Request */
        unsigned short rxClearRqst      PACKED; /* 1Ah: Clear Request */
        unsigned short txClearConf      PACKED; /* 1Ch: Clear Confirmation */
        unsigned short rxClearConf      PACKED; /* 1Eh: Clear Confirmation */
        unsigned short txDiagnostic     PACKED; /* 20h: Diagnostic */
        unsigned short rxDiagnostic     PACKED; /* 22h: Diagnostic */
        unsigned short txRegRqst        PACKED; /* 24h: Registration Request */
        unsigned short rxRegRqst        PACKED; /* 26h: Registration Request */
        unsigned short txRegConf        PACKED; /* 28h: Registration Confirm.*/
        unsigned short rxRegConf        PACKED; /* 2Ah: Registration Confirm.*/
        unsigned short txInterrupt      PACKED; /* 2Ch: Interrupt */
        unsigned short rxInterrupt      PACKED; /* 2Eh: Interrupt */
        unsigned short txIntrConf       PACKED; /* 30h: Interrupt Confirm. */
        unsigned short rxIntrConf       PACKED; /* 32h: Interrupt Confirm. */
        unsigned short txData           PACKED; /* 34h: Data */
        unsigned short rxData           PACKED; /* 36h: Data */
        unsigned short txRR             PACKED; /* 38h: RR */
        unsigned short rxRR             PACKED; /* 3Ah: RR */
        unsigned short txRNR            PACKED; /* 3Ch: RNR */
        unsigned short rxRNR            PACKED; /* 3Eh: RNR */
} TX25Stats;


typedef struct X25EventLog
        unsigned char   type    PACKED; /* 00h: transaction type */
        unsigned short  lcn     PACKED; /* 01h: logical channel num */
        unsigned char   packet  PACKED; /* 03h: async packet type */
        unsigned char   cause   PACKED; /* 04h: X.25 cause field */
        unsigned char   diag    PACKED; /* 05h: X.25 diag field */
        TX25TimeStamp   ts      PACKED; /* 06h: time stamp */
} TX25EventLog;

 * Defines for the 'type' field.

#define X25LOG_INCOMMING        0x00
#define X25LOG_APPLICATION      0x01
#define X25LOG_AUTOMATIC        0x02
#define X25LOG_ERROR            0x04
#define X25LOG_TIMEOUT          0x08
#define X25LOG_RECOVERY         0x10

 * Defines for the 'packet' field.

#define X25LOG_CALL_RQST        0x0B
#define X25LOG_CALL_ACCEPTED    0x0F
#define X25LOG_CLEAR_RQST       0x13
#define X25LOG_CLEAR_CONFRM     0x17
#define X25LOG_RESET_RQST       0x1B
#define X25LOG_RESET_CONFRM     0x1F
#define X25LOG_RESTART_RQST     0xFB
#define X25LOG_DIAGNOSTIC       0xF1
#define X25LOG_DTE_REG_RQST     0xF3
#define X25LOG_DTE_REG_COMFRM   0xF7

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

typedef struct X25TraceCfg
        unsigned char flags     PACKED; /* 00h: trace configuration flags */
        unsigned char timeout   PACKED; /* 01h: timeout for trace delay mode*/
} TX25TraceCfg;

 * Defines for the 'flags' field.

#define X25_TRC_ENABLE          0x01    /* bit0: '1' - trace enabled */
#define X25_TRC_TIMESTAMP       0x02    /* bit1: '1' - time stamping enabled*/
#define X25_TRC_DELAY           0x04    /* bit2: '1' - trace delay enabled */
#define X25_TRC_DATA            0x08    /* bit3: '1' - trace data packets */
#define X25_TRC_SUPERVISORY     0x10    /* bit4: '1' - trace suprvisory pkts*/
#define X25_TRC_ASYNCHRONOUS    0x20    /* bit5: '1' - trace asynch. packets*/
#define X25_TRC_HDLC            0x40    /* bit6: '1' - trace all packets */
#define X25_TRC_READ            0x80    /* bit7: '1' - get current config. */

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * X25_READ_TRACE_DATA Command.

typedef struct X25Trace                 /*----- Trace data structure -------*/
        unsigned short length   PACKED; /* 00h: trace data length */
        unsigned char type      PACKED; /* 02h: trace type */
        unsigned char lost_cnt  PACKED; /* 03h: N of traces lost */
        TX25TimeStamp tstamp    PACKED; /* 04h: mon/date/sec/min/hour */
        unsigned short millisec PACKED; /* 09h: ms time stamp */
        unsigned char data[0]   PACKED; /* 0Bh: traced frame */
} TX25Trace;

 * Defines for the 'type' field.

#define X25_TRC_TYPE_MASK       0x0F    /* bits 0..3: trace type */
#define X25_TRC_TYPE_RX_FRAME   0x00    /* received frame trace */
#define X25_TRC_TYPE_TX_FRAME   0x01    /* transmitted frame */
#define X25_TRC_TYPE_ERR_FRAME  0x02    /* error frame */

#define X25_TRC_ERROR_MASK      0xF0    /* bits 4..7: error code */
#define X25_TRCERR_RX_ABORT     0x10    /* receive abort error */
#define X25_TRCERR_RX_BADCRC    0x20    /* receive CRC error */
#define X25_TRCERR_RX_OVERRUN   0x30    /* receiver overrun error */
#define X25_TRCERR_RX_TOO_LONG  0x40    /* excessive frame length error */
#define X25_TRCERR_TX_ABORT     0x70    /* aborted frame transmittion error */
#define X25_TRCERR_TX_UNDERRUN  0x80    /* transmit underrun error */

 * Following definitions describe HDLC frame and X.25 packet formats.

typedef struct HDLCFrame                /*----- DHLC Frame Format ----------*/
        unsigned char addr      PACKED; /* address field */
        unsigned char cntl      PACKED; /* control field */
        unsigned char data[0]   PACKED;
} THDLCFrame;

typedef struct X25Pkt                   /*----- X.25 Paket Format ----------*/
        unsigned char lcn_hi    PACKED; /* 4 MSB of Logical Channel Number */
        unsigned char lcn_lo    PACKED; /* 8 LSB of Logical Channel Number */
        unsigned char type      PACKED;
        unsigned char data[0]   PACKED;
} TX25Pkt;

 * Defines for the 'lcn_hi' field.

#define X25_Q_BIT_MASK          0x80    /* Data Qualifier Bit mask */
#define X25_D_BIT_MASK          0x40    /* Delivery Confirmation Bit mask */
#define X25_M_BITS_MASK         0x30    /* Modulo Bits mask */
#define X25_LCN_MSB_MASK        0x0F    /* LCN most significant bits mask */

 * Defines for the 'type' field.

#define X25PKT_DATA             0x01    /* Data packet mask */
#define X25PKT_SUPERVISORY      0x02    /* Supervisory packet mask */
#define X25PKT_CALL_RQST        0x0B    /* Call Request/Incoming */
#define X25PKT_CALL_ACCEPTED    0x0F    /* Call Accepted/Connected */
#define X25PKT_CLEAR_RQST       0x13    /* Clear Request/Indication */
#define X25PKT_CLEAR_CONFRM     0x17    /* Clear Confirmation */
#define X25PKT_RESET_RQST       0x1B    /* Reset Request/Indication */
#define X25PKT_RESET_CONFRM     0x1F    /* Reset Confirmation */
#define X25PKT_RESTART_RQST     0xFB    /* Restart Request/Indication */
#define X25PKT_RESTART_CONFRM   0xFF    /* Restart Confirmation */
#define X25PKT_INTERRUPT        0x23    /* Interrupt */
#define X25PKT_INTERRUPT_CONFRM 0x27    /* Interrupt Confirmation */
#define X25PKT_DIAGNOSTIC       0xF1    /* Diagnostic */
#define X25PKT_REGISTR_RQST     0xF3    /* Registration Request */
#define X25PKT_REGISTR_CONFRM   0xF7    /* Registration Confirmation */
#define X25PKT_RR_MASKED        0x01    /* Receive Ready packet after masking */
#define X25PKT_RNR_MASKED       0x05    /* Receive Not Ready after masking  */

typedef struct {
        TX25Cmd cmd             PACKED;
        char data[X25_MAX_DATA] PACKED;
} mbox_cmd_t;

typedef struct {
        unsigned char  qdm      PACKED; /* Q/D/M bits */
        unsigned char  cause    PACKED; /* cause field */
        unsigned char  diagn    PACKED; /* diagnostics */
        unsigned char  pktType  PACKED;
        unsigned short length   PACKED;
        unsigned char  result   PACKED;
        unsigned short lcn      PACKED;
        char reserved[7]        PACKED;

typedef struct {
        x25api_hdr_t hdr        PACKED;
        char data[X25_MAX_DATA] PACKED;

 * XPIPEMON Definitions

/* valid ip_protocol for UDP management */

/* values for request/reply byte */
#define UDPMGMT_REQUEST 0x01
#define UDPMGMT_REPLY   0x02
#define UDP_OFFSET      12

typedef struct {
        unsigned char opp_flag  PACKED; /* the opp flag */
        unsigned char command   PACKED; /* command code */
        unsigned short length   PACKED; /* transfer data length */
        unsigned char result    PACKED; /* return code */
        unsigned char pf        PACKED; /* P/F bit */
        unsigned short lcn      PACKED; /* logical channel */
        unsigned char qdm       PACKED; /* Q/D/M bits */
        unsigned char cause     PACKED; /* cause field */
        unsigned char diagn     PACKED; /* diagnostics */
        unsigned char pktType   PACKED; /* packet type */
        unsigned char resrv[4]  PACKED; /* reserved */
} cblock_t;

typedef struct {
        ip_pkt_t                ip_pkt          PACKED;
        udp_pkt_t               udp_pkt         PACKED;
        wp_mgmt_t               wp_mgmt         PACKED;
        cblock_t                cblock          PACKED;
        unsigned char           data[4080]      PACKED;
} x25_udp_pkt_t;

typedef struct read_hdlc_stat {
        unsigned short inf_frames_rx_ok PACKED;
        unsigned short inf_frames_rx_out_of_seq PACKED;
        unsigned short inf_frames_rx_no_data PACKED;
        unsigned short inf_frames_rx_dropped PACKED;
        unsigned short inf_frames_rx_data_too_long PACKED;
        unsigned short inf_frames_rx_invalid_addr PACKED;
        unsigned short inf_frames_tx_ok PACKED;
        unsigned short inf_frames_tx_retransmit PACKED;
        unsigned short T1_timeouts PACKED;
        unsigned short SABM_frames_rx PACKED;
        unsigned short DISC_frames_rx PACKED;
        unsigned short DM_frames_rx PACKED;
        unsigned short FRMR_frames_rx PACKED;
        unsigned short SABM_frames_tx PACKED;
        unsigned short DISC_frames_tx PACKED;
        unsigned short DM_frames_tx PACKED;
        unsigned short FRMR_frames_tx PACKED;
} read_hdlc_stat_t;

typedef struct read_comms_err_stats{
        unsigned char overrun_err_rx PACKED;
        unsigned char CRC_err PACKED;
        unsigned char abort_frames_rx PACKED;
        unsigned char frames_dropped_buf_full PACKED;
        unsigned char abort_frames_tx PACKED;
        unsigned char transmit_underruns PACKED;
        unsigned char missed_tx_underruns_intr PACKED;
        unsigned char reserved PACKED;
        unsigned char DCD_drop PACKED;
        unsigned char CTS_drop PACKED;
} read_comms_err_stats_t;

typedef struct trace_data {
        unsigned short length PACKED;
        unsigned char  type PACKED;
        unsigned char  trace_dropped PACKED;
        unsigned char  reserved[5] PACKED;
        unsigned short timestamp PACKED;
        unsigned char  data PACKED;
} trace_data_t;


#define XPIPE_ENABLE_TRACING                    0x14
#define XPIPE_DISABLE_TRACING                   0x14
#define XPIPE_GET_TRACE_INFO                    0x16
#define XPIPE_FT1_READ_STATUS                   0x74
#define XPIPE_DRIVER_STAT_IFSEND                0x75
#define XPIPE_DRIVER_STAT_INTR                  0x76
#define XPIPE_DRIVER_STAT_GEN                   0x77
#define XPIPE_FLUSH_DRIVER_STATS                0x78
#define XPIPE_ROUTER_UP_TIME                    0x79        
#define XPIPE_SET_FT1_MODE                      0x81
#define XPIPE_FT1_STATUS_CTRL                   0x80

/* error messages */
#define NO_BUFFS_OR_CLOSED_WIN  0x33
#define DATA_LENGTH_TOO_BIG     0x32
#define NO_DATA_AVAILABLE       0x33
#define Z80_TIMEOUT_ERROR       0x0a  
#define NO_BUFFS                0x08

/* Trace options */
#define TRACE_DEFAULT           0x03
#define TRACE_ASYNC_FRMS        0x20
#define TRACE_ALL_HDLC_FRMS     0x40
#define TRACE_DATA_FRMS         0x08

#endif  /* _SDLA_X25_H */