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<TITLE>FFTW - Calling FFTW from Fortran</TITLE>
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<H1><A NAME="SEC62">Calling FFTW from Fortran</A></H1>

<A NAME="IDX290"></A>
The standard FFTW libraries include special wrapper functions that allow
Fortran programs to call FFTW subroutines.  This chapter describes how
those functions may be employed to use FFTW from Fortran.  We assume
here that the reader is already familiar with the usage of FFTW in C, as
described elsewhere in this manual.

In general, it is not possible to call C functions directly from
Fortran, due to Fortran's inability to pass arguments by value and also
because Fortran compilers typically expect identifiers to be mangled
<A NAME="IDX291"></A>
somehow for linking.  However, if C functions are written in a special
way, they <EM>are</EM> callable from Fortran, and we have employed this
technique to create Fortran-callable "wrapper" functions around the
main FFTW routines.  These wrapper functions are included in the FFTW
libraries by default, unless a Fortran compiler isn't found on your
system or <CODE>--disable-fortran</CODE> is included in the <CODE>configure</CODE>

As a result, calling FFTW from Fortran requires little more than
appending <SAMP>`<CODE>_f77</CODE>'</SAMP> to the function names and then linking
normally with the FFTW libraries.  There are a few wrinkles, however, as
we shall discuss below.

<H2><A NAME="SEC63">Wrapper Routines</A></H2>

All of the uniprocessor and multi-threaded transform routines have
Fortran-callable wrappers, except for the wisdom import/export functions
(since it is not possible to exchange string and file arguments portably
with Fortran).  The name of the wrapper routine is the same as that of
the corresponding C routine, but with <CODE>fftw/fftwnd/rfftw/rfftwnd</CODE>
replaced by <CODE>fftw_f77/fftwnd_f77/rfftw_f77/rfftwnd_f77</CODE>.  For
example, in Fortran, instead of calling <CODE>fftw_one</CODE> you would call
<CODE>fftw_f77_one</CODE>.<A NAME="DOCF8" HREF="fftw_foot.html#FOOT8">(8)</A>
<A NAME="IDX292"></A>
For the most part, all of the arguments to the functions are the same,
with the following exceptions:



Any function that returns a value (e.g. <CODE>fftw_create_plan</CODE>) is
converted into a subroutine.  The return value is converted into an
additional (first) parameter of the wrapper subroutine.  (The reason for
this is that some Fortran implementations seem to have trouble with C
function return values.)


<A NAME="IDX293"></A>
When performing one-dimensional <CODE>FFTW_IN_PLACE</CODE> transforms, you
don't have the option of passing <CODE>NULL</CODE> for the <CODE>out</CODE> argument
(since there is no way to pass <CODE>NULL</CODE> from Fortran).  Therefore,
when performing such transforms, you <EM>must</EM> allocate and pass a
contiguous scratch array of the same size as the transform.  Note that
for in-place multi-dimensional (<CODE>(r)fftwnd</CODE>) transforms, the
<CODE>out</CODE> argument is ignored, so you can pass anything for that


<A NAME="IDX294"></A>
The wrapper routines expect multi-dimensional arrays to be in
column-major order, which is the ordinary format of Fortran arrays.
They do this transparently and costlessly simply by reversing the order
of the dimensions passed to FFTW, but this has one important consequence
for multi-dimensional real-complex transforms, discussed below.


<CODE>plan</CODE> variables (what would be of type <CODE>fftw_plan</CODE>,
<CODE>rfftwnd_plan</CODE>, etcetera, in C), must be declared as a type that is
the same size as a pointer (address) on your machine.  (Fortran has no
generic pointer type.)  The Fortran <CODE>integer</CODE> type is usually the
same size as a pointer, but you need to be wary (especially on 64-bit
machines).  (You could also use <CODE>integer*4</CODE> on a 32-bit machine and
<CODE>integer*8</CODE> on a 64-bit machine.)  Ugh.  (<CODE>g77</CODE> has a special
type, <CODE>integer(kind=7)</CODE>, that is defined to be the same size as a


<A NAME="IDX295"></A>
In general, you should take care to use Fortran data types that
correspond to (i.e. are the same size as) the C types used by FFTW.  If
your C and Fortran compilers are made by the same vendor, the
correspondence is usually straightforward (i.e. <CODE>integer</CODE>
corresponds to <CODE>int</CODE>, <CODE>real</CODE> corresponds to <CODE>float</CODE>,
etcetera).  Such simple correspondences are assumed in the examples
below.  The examples also assume that FFTW was compiled in
double precision (the default).

<H2><A NAME="SEC64">FFTW Constants in Fortran</A></H2>

When creating plans in FFTW, a number of constants are used to specify
same constants must be used with the wrapper routines, but of course the
C header files where the constants are defined can't be incorporated
directly into Fortran code.

Instead, we have placed Fortran equivalents of the FFTW constant
definitions in the file <CODE>fortran/fftw_f77.i</CODE> of the FFTW package.
If your Fortran compiler supports a preprocessor, you can use that to
incorporate this file into your code whenever you need to call FFTW.
Otherwise, you will have to paste the constant definitions in directly.
They are:

      parameter (FFTW_FORWARD=-1,FFTW_BACKWARD=1)


      parameter (FFTW_ESTIMATE=0,FFTW_MEASURE=1)

      parameter (FFTW_OUT_OF_PLACE=0)
      parameter (FFTW_IN_PLACE=8,FFTW_USE_WISDOM=16)

      integer FFTW_THREADSAFE
      parameter (FFTW_THREADSAFE=128)

<A NAME="IDX296"></A>
In C, you combine different flags (like <CODE>FFTW_USE_WISDOM</CODE> and
<CODE>FFTW_MEASURE</CODE>) using the <SAMP>`<CODE>|</CODE>'</SAMP> operator; in Fortran you
should just use <SAMP>`<CODE>+</CODE>'</SAMP>.

<H2><A NAME="SEC65">Fortran Examples</A></H2>

In C you might have something like the following to transform a
one-dimensional complex array:

        fftw_complex in[N], *out[N];
        fftw_plan plan;

        plan = fftw_create_plan(N,FFTW_FORWARD,FFTW_ESTIMATE);

In Fortran, you use the following to accomplish the same thing:

        double complex in, out
        dimension in(N), out(N)
        integer plan

        call fftw_f77_create_plan(plan,N,FFTW_FORWARD,FFTW_ESTIMATE)
        call fftw_f77_one(plan,in,out)
        call fftw_f77_destroy_plan(plan)

<A NAME="IDX297"></A>
<A NAME="IDX298"></A>
<A NAME="IDX299"></A>

Notice how all routines are called as Fortran subroutines, and the plan
is returned via the first argument to <CODE>fftw_f77_create_plan</CODE>.  To
do the same thing, but using 8 threads in parallel
(see Section <A HREF="fftw_4.html#SEC48">Multi-threaded FFTW</A>), you would simply replace the call to
<CODE>fftw_f77_one</CODE> with:

        call fftw_f77_threads_one(8,plan,in,out)

<A NAME="IDX300"></A>

To transform a three-dimensional array in-place with C, you might do:

        fftw_complex arr[L][M][N];
        fftwnd_plan plan;
        int n[3] = {L,M,N};

        plan = fftwnd_create_plan(3,n,FFTW_FORWARD,
                                  FFTW_ESTIMATE | FFTW_IN_PLACE);
        fftwnd_one(plan, arr, 0);

In Fortran, you would use this instead:

        double complex arr
        dimension arr(L,M,N)
        integer n
        dimension n(3)
        integer plan

        n(1) = L
        n(2) = M
        n(3) = N
        call fftwnd_f77_create_plan(plan,3,n,FFTW_FORWARD,
       +                            FFTW_ESTIMATE + FFTW_IN_PLACE)
        call fftwnd_f77_one(plan, arr, 0)
        call fftwnd_f77_destroy_plan(plan)

<A NAME="IDX301"></A>
<A NAME="IDX302"></A>
<A NAME="IDX303"></A>

Instead of calling <CODE>fftwnd_f77_create_plan(plan,3,n,...)</CODE>, we could
also have called <CODE>fftw3d_f77_create_plan(plan,L,M,N,...)</CODE>.
<A NAME="IDX304"></A>

Note that we pass the array dimensions in the "natural" order; also
note that the last argument to <CODE>fftwnd_f77</CODE> is ignored since the
transform is <CODE>FFTW_IN_PLACE</CODE>.

To transform a one-dimensional real array in Fortran, you might do:

        double precision in, out
        dimension in(N), out(N)
        integer plan

        call rfftw_f77_create_plan(plan,N,FFTW_REAL_TO_COMPLEX,
       +                           FFTW_ESTIMATE)
        call rfftw_f77_one(plan,in,out)
        call rfftw_f77_destroy_plan(plan)

<A NAME="IDX305"></A>
<A NAME="IDX306"></A>
<A NAME="IDX307"></A>

To transform a two-dimensional real array, out of place, you might use
the following:

        double precision in
        double complex out
        dimension in(M,N), out(M/2 + 1, N)
        integer plan

        call rfftw2d_f77_create_plan(plan,M,N,FFTW_REAL_TO_COMPLEX,
       +                             FFTW_ESTIMATE)
        call rfftwnd_f77_one_real_to_complex(plan, in, out)
        call rfftwnd_f77_destroy_plan(plan)

<A NAME="IDX308"></A>
<A NAME="IDX309"></A>
<A NAME="IDX310"></A>

<B>Important:</B> Notice that it is the <EM>first</EM> dimension of the
complex output array that is cut in half in Fortran, rather than the
last dimension as in C.  This is a consequence of the wrapper routines
reversing the order of the array dimensions passed to FFTW so that the
Fortran program can use its ordinary column-major order.
<A NAME="IDX311"></A>
<A NAME="IDX312"></A>

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