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@file Distributed.
// FSF(FIRST Scheduling Framework)
// distributed services functionality
#include "fsf_core.h"
\ingroup distjmodule
This operation sets the network id attribute in the contract
pointed to by parameter contract, to the value specified by
network_id. When a contract is negotiated, if network_id is
FSF_NULL_NETWORK_ID (which is the default value) the contract is
negotiated for the processing capacity of the node making the
call. If network_id represents a valid network identifier, the
negotiation is carried out for the specified network.
@param contract the pointer to the contract object
@param [in] network_id the network identifier
@retval 0 if the operation is succesful
@retval FSF_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT if contract is null or the network
id is not valid.
(fsf_contract_parameters_t *contract,
fsf_network_id_t network_id);
\ingroup distjmodule
This operation puts the network identification
corresponding to the contract parameters object
pointed to by contract in the variable pointed
to by network_id. If the contract is not a network
one and therefore has not a network_id set, it
puts the FSF_NULL_NETWORK_ID constant instead.
@param [in] contract the pointer to the contract object
@param [out] network_id pointer to the variable that will contain
the network identifier
@retval 0 if the operation is succesful
@retval FSF_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT if any of the pointers is null.
(const fsf_contract_parameters_t *contract,
fsf_network_id_t *network_id);
//Transmission services:
\ingroup distjmodule
This operation creates a unidirectional input
data endpoint through which, after the
corresponding binding, it is possible to send
data. network_id identifies the network to use,
receiver specifies the communication protocol
dependent information that is necessary to
address the receiving node, and port specifies
the communication protocol dependent information
that is necessary to get in contact with the
desired destination.
@param [in] network_id the identifier ot the network to use
@param [in] receiver protocol dependent information used
to address the receiving node
@param [in] port protocol dependent information used
to get in contact with the desired destination process
@param [out] endpoint pointer to the variable that will
contain the send endpoint
@retval 0 if the operation is succesful
@retval FSF_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT if endpoint is null, netwok_id
is not valid or if the receiver or the port do not conform
to their expected formats
(fsf_network_id_t network_id,
fsf_node_address_t receiver,
fsf_port_t port,
fsf_send_endpoint_t *endpoint);
\ingroup distjmodule
This operation eliminates any resources reserved
for the referenced endpoint. If the endpoint is
bound to a network server, it is unbound from it
and can not be further used to invoke send
operations on it.
@param endpoint pointer to the endpoint to eliminate
@retval 0 if the operation is succesful
@retval FSF_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT if endpoint is null, or not valid
(fsf_send_endpoint_t *endpoint);
\ingroup distjmodule
This operation returns (except for those NULL
arguments) in the variables pointed to by
network_id, receiver, or port, the corresponding
parameters used in the creation of the given
send endpoint.
@param [in] endpoint pointer to the endpoint
@param [out] network_id pointer to variable the will contain
the network id
@param [out] receiver pointer to variable the will contain
the protocol dependent information used to address the
receiving node
@param [out] port pointer to variable the will contain
the protocol dependent information used to get in contact
with the desired destination process
@retval 0 if the operation is succesful
@retval FSF_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT if endpoint is null, or not valid
or all the other pointers are NULL.
(const fsf_send_endpoint_t *endpoint,
fsf_network_id_t *network_id,
fsf_node_address_t *receiver,
fsf_port_t *port);
\ingroup distjmodule
This operation associates a send endpoint with a
server, which means that messages sent through
that endpoint will consume the server's reserved
bandwidth and its packets will be sent according
to the contract established for that server. If
the endpoint is already bound to another server,
it is effectively unbound from it and bound to
the specified one.
@param [in] server server id
@param endpoint pointer to the endpoint
@retval 0 if the operation is succesful
@retval FSF_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT if endpoint is null, or not valid
or server is not valid.
@retval FSF_ERR_ALREADY_BOUND if the server is already
bound to some other send endpoint
@retval FSF_ERR_WRONG_NETWORK if the server network id
is not the same as the one in the endpoint
(fsf_server_id_t server,
fsf_send_endpoint_t *endpoint);
\ingroup distjmodule
This operation unbinds a send endpoint from a
server. Endpoints with no server associated
cannot be used to send data, and they stay in
that state until they are either eliminated or
bound again.
@param endpoint pointer to the endpoint to unbind
@retval 0 if the operation is succesful
@retval FSF_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT if endpoint is null, or not valid
@retval FSF_ERR_NOT_BOUND if the endpoint has no server
(fsf_send_endpoint_t *endpoint);
\ingroup distjmodule
This operation copies the id of the server that
is bound to the specified send endpoint into the
variable pointed to by server.
@param [in] endpoint pointer to the endpoint
@param [out] server pointer to variable the will contain
the server id
@retval 0 if the operation is succesful
@retval FSF_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT if endpoint is null, or not valid
or server is NULL.
(const fsf_send_endpoint_t *endpoint,
fsf_server_id_t *server);
\ingroup distjmodule
This operation sends a message stored in msg and of length size
through the given endpoint. The operation is non-blocking and
returns immediately. An internal fsf service will schedule the
sending of messages and implement the communications sporadic server
corresponding to the network server bound to the given endpoint.
Messages sent through the same endpoint are received in the same
order in which they were sent
@param endpoint pointer to the endpoint
@param [in] msg pointer to the message
@param [in] size number of bytes to transmitt
@retval 0 if the operation is succesful
@retval FSF_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT if endpoint is null, or not valid
or msg is NULL
@retval FSF_ERR_NOT_BOUND if endpoint is not bound to a valid
@retval FSF_ERR_TOO_LARGE if the message is too large for the
network protocol
@retval FSF_ERR_BUFFER_FULL if the sending queue is full
(const fsf_send_endpoint_t *endpoint,
void *msg,
size_t size);
\ingroup distjmodule
This operation creates a receive endpoint with all the information
that is necessary to receive information from the specified network
and port
@param [in] network_id the identifier ot the network to use
@param [in] port protocol dependent information used
to identify the calling process as an expecting destination
@param [out] endpoint pointer to the variable that will
contain the receive endpoint
@retval 0 if the operation is succesful
@retval FSF_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT if endpoint is null, network_id
is not valid or if port do not conform to the expected format
(fsf_network_id_t network_id,
fsf_port_t port,
fsf_receive_endpoint_t *endpoint);
\ingroup distjmodule
This operation eliminates any resources reserved for the given
endpoint. After callling this operation the endpoint can not be
further used to invoke receive operations on it.
@param endpoint pointer to the endpoint
@retval 0 if the operation is succesful
@retval FSF_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT if endpoint is null, or not valid
(fsf_receive_endpoint_t *endpoint);
\ingroup distjmodule
This operation returns in the variables network_id,
and port, the corresponding parameters used in the
creation of the given receive endpoint.
@param [in] endpoint pointer to the endpoint
@param [out] network_id pointer to variable the will contain
the network id
@param [out] port pointer to variable the will contain
the protocol dependent information used to get in contact
with the desired destination process
@retval 0 if the operation is succesful
@retval FSF_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT if endpoint is null, or not valid
or all the other pointers are NULL.
(fsf_receive_endpoint_t *endpoint,
fsf_network_id_t *network_id,
fsf_port_t *port);
\ingroup distjmodule
If there are no messages available in the specified receive endpoint
this operation blocks the calling thread waiting for a message to be
received. When a message is available, if its size is less than or
equal to the buffersize, the function stores it in the variable
pointed to by buffer and puts the number of bytes received in the
variable pointed to by messagesize. Messages arriving at a receiver
buffer that is full will be silently discarded. The application is
responsible of reading the receive endpoints with appropriate
regularity, or of using a sequence number or some other mechanism
to detect any lost messages.
@param endpoint pointer to the endpoint
@param [out] buffer pointer to the place that will contain
the message received
@param [in] buffersize size of the buffer space
@param [out] messagesize pointer to the variable that will contain
the number of bytes received
@retval 0 if the operation is succesful
@retval FSF_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT if endpoint is null, or not valid
or if buffer or messagesize are NULL.
@retval FSF_ERR_NO_SPACE if the buffersize is too small for the
message received (in which case the message is lost).
(const fsf_receive_endpoint_t *endpoint,
void *buffer,
size_t buffersize,
size_t *messagesize);
\ingroup distjmodule
This operation is the same as fsf_receive, except
that if there are no messages available in the
specified receive endpoint at the time of the call
the operation returns with an error
@param endpoint pointer to the endpoint
@param [out] buffer pointer to the place that will contain
the message received
@param [in] buffersize size of the buffer space
@param [out] messagesize pointer to the variable that will contain
the number of bytes received
@retval 0 if the operation is succesful
@retval FSF_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT if endpoint is null, or not valid
or if buffer or messagesize are NULL.
@retval FSF_ERR_NO_SPACE if the buffersize is too small for the
message received (in which case the message is lost).
@retval FSF_ERR_NO_MESSAGES if there are no messages available
in the specified receive endpoint at the time of the call
(const fsf_receive_endpoint_t *endpoint,
void *buffer,
size_t buffersize,
size_t *messagesize);
\ingroup distjmodule
This operation is used to calculate a budget represented as
a time magnitude, for a specified network. If succesful, the
operation puts in the variable pointed to by budget the
transmission time that it takes to send a packet through the
network designated by network_id, when there is no contention,
but including any network overheads.
@param [in] network_id the identifier ot the network to use
@param [out] budget pointer to the variable tha will contain
the time it takes to transmitt a packet
@retval 0 if the operation is succesful
@retval FSF_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT if network_id is not a valid
network identifier of if budget is a NULL pointer
(fsf_network_id_t network_id,
struct timespec *budget);
\ingroup distjmodule
This operation puts in the variable pointed to by
packet_size the maximum number of bytes that can be sent
in a packet through the network designated by network_id.
It is usually a configuration value and it helps the user
application to calculate the number of packets it will
need to reserve for the periodic transmision of its
messages and prepare the corresponding contracts.
@param [in] network_id the identifier ot the network to use
@param [out] packet_size pointer to the variable tha will contain
the maximum size in bytes of a packet
@retval 0 if the operation is succesful
@retval FSF_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT if network_id is not a valid
network identifier of if packet_size is a NULL pointer
(fsf_network_id_t network_id,
size_t *packet_size);
\ingroup distjmodule
This operation is used to obtain the maximum number of
packets of which a message can be formed, for the
specified network. A message is defined as the piece of
information used in a send operation. Since the value
returned by this operation is measured in packet units,
the effective size can be calculated multiplying this
value by the size of a packet. When the value returned by
this operation is larger than 1 it means the
implementation will make the partition of messages into
packets and its recomposition at the receiving node.
@param [in] network_id the identifier ot the network to use
@param [out] max_msg_size pointer to the variable tha will contain
the maximum number of packets sent in a single send operation
@retval 0 if the operation is succesful
@retval FSF_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT if network_id is not a valid
network identifier of if max_msg_size is a NULL pointer
(fsf_network_id_t network_id,
size_t *max_msg_size);