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// Pong
// Written for CS 324, UIUC
// Spencer Hoke
// James Kim
// Tao Luo
// Last Modified: April 29, 2004
// Initial values for global variables are
// set in function setglobals() in pong.c
#ifndef _PONG_H_
#define _PONG_H_
#include <kernel/kern.h>
#include <kernel/func.h>
#include <kernel/types.h>
#include <kernel/descr.h>
#include <drivers/glib.h>
#include <drivers/keyb.h>
#include <modules/pi.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ll/ll.h>
#include <math.h>
#define JET_ON
#define JET_GROUP 3
#define WCET_JETCTRL 7500
#define WCET_JETDUMMY 200
#define WCET_JETSLIDE 2300
#define PERIOD_JETCTRL 100000
#define PERIOD_JETDUMMY 100000
#define PERIOD_JETSLIDE 100000
#define JET_NTASK 28
#define JET_Y_NAME 240
#define DUMMY_PID 1
#define JET_DUMMY_WIDTH 100
#define JET_DUMMY_X 390
#define JET_DUMMY_Y 160
#define JET_SLIDE_WIDTH 120
#define JET_SLIDE_X 510
#define black 0 // some colors for 8-bit graphics
#define green 2
#define ltblue 3
#define red 4
#define purple 5
#define orange 6
#define gray 7
#define dkgray 8
#define blue 9
#define lime 10
#define bluegreen 11
#define redorange 12
#define magenta 13
#define yellow 14
#define white 15
void init_jetcontrol(); // init functions for jetcontrol
void scenario_jetcontrol();
int P_MASS; // mass of the paddle, should be greater than kp because of how acceleration is implemented
int kp;
int kd; // > sqrt(4*(XMAX - XMIN)* kp)
int AI_VIEWING_RANGE; // how close does the ball needs to be before the AI notices it
#define MAX_BALLS 35
#define XMENU 350 // menu level
#define YMENU 10
#define XMIN 14 // main window area
#define XMAX 330
#define YMIN 50
#define YMAX 450
int num_balls; // number of balls currently in system
int min_balls; // minimum number of balls in the system
int locked; // 1 if #balls kept constant
int ball_spd; // ballspeed (default = 5)
#define ANGMAX 60 // max starting angle
#define ANGMIN 15 // min starting angle
#define RAD 3 // radius of balls
//#define MAX_P 35 // max number of balls
#define BALLGROUP 1
#define BALL_PER 40000 // task period
#define BALL_WCET 750 // task wcet
#define ESC 27 // ASCII code of ESCAPE key
int p_speed; // # pixels to move each keypress
#define P_THICKNESS 3 // pixel thickness of paddles
#define P_DLENGTH 5 // delta length for paddles
int p1_length; // size of the paddles
int p2_length; // size of the paddles
int p1_pos; // x position of left side of paddles
int p2_pos;
int p2_target_pos; // best position for paddle 2
int p1_move; // + to move right, - to move left
#define PGROUP 2
#define P_PER 40000
#define P_WCET 250
int points1; // scores for each side
int points2;
mutex_t draw_mutex; // used for calls to grx functions
mutex_t list_mutex; // used for balllist access
typedef struct ballinfo{
int x, y, theta;
struct ballinfo *prev; // double linked list
struct ballinfo *next;
} ballinfo;
struct ballinfo *balllist; // head of list of balls
#endif /* _PONG_H_ */