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Pong demo
Spencer Hoke
James Kim
Tao Luo
CS 324 Real-Time Systems
at The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
with Marco Caccamo
May 5, 2004
MAKEFILE The makefile used to compile the application;
PONG.H Header file containing constants used by both pong and JET
PONG.C Main code
JETCTRL.C Tasks for the JET monitors
(This file is based on the jetctrl.c file from other Shark demos)
INITFILE.C Initializes EDF/CBS scheduling and mutexes
README.TXT This file
- Copy the source files into a folder within the shark/demos and use 'make' to
- Run by typing 'x pong' at the A:\> prompt if using the standard boot disk.
- The purpose of each player is to control the paddle so that the balls bounce
off the paddle and past the other player's paddle.
- Adding new balls is done by pressing the space bar.
- The number of balls can be kept constant by pressing the L key. "Locked"
will be displayed under the number of balls indicating that the number of
balls will be held constant at this number. The countMonitor task adds new
balls whenever one leaves. When L is pressed again, balls that exit will not
be reintroduced.
- The scores for each player are shown in the upper left corner and are
updated whenever a ball reaches the top or bottom of the play area. At this
time, that ball is removed.
- The difficulty of the computer's paddle can be changed by adjusting the
length of each paddle, and constants controlled by keys 0-9.
- You can adjust the length of the paddles or constants at any time.
- It works at 640x480 8 bit colors using the grx interface
- On the left is the main playing area. On the right are the commands and the
JET information. Adjustable parameters are shown above and below the play
- Ball - each ball is a separate task. There can be as many of these as can be
scheduled. Each one stores a position and angle, and updates with a new
position each task cycle, drawing a black circle over its old position and
drawing its new position. The balls also check to make sure that their new
position is not outside the play area or inside of a paddle, in which case
balls will bounce and change angles. If a ball goes past the paddle, it
is removed and the task ends. Ball bounces are done elastically.
- Paddle1 - this is the user-controlled paddle. It uses the keys entered by
the user to update its position during each cycle.
- Paddle2 - this is the computer-controlled paddle. It uses a position
generated by task p2ai and moves toward a new position by applying both
proportional and derivative forces. The paddle's mass and constants kp and
kd are all adjustable at run-time.
- P2ai - this task reads all the current balls in the system that are within
the AI viewing window (adjustable at run-time) and determines the position
that paddle2 should move to in order to hit the next ball. The first ball to
hit is calculated based on the position and angles of the balls, and also
accounts for bouncing
- CountMonitor - if the number of balls is locked, this task checks to see if
the number of balls in the system is at least equal to the min_balls
variable and adds ball tasks if not.
- JetCtrl - updates the table of tasks with their mean/max execution times
- JetDummy - draws the system utilization graph
- JetSlide - draws the utilization bars beside each task listed in the JET
task list.
- Main - after initialization, main reads the keyboard. Reads are blocking,
and the appropriate action is taken after a key is pressed.
- Tasks are scheduled using EDF with a CBS. JET tasks are soft and follow
CBS, while all other tasks are hard and follow EDF scheduling. Parameters for
the tasks are (in ms):
JetCtrl 7.5 met 100 period
JetDummy 0.2 met 100 period
JetSlide 2.1 met 100 period
Balls 0.75 wcet 40 period
CountMon 0.75 wcet 40 period
Paddles 0.25 wcet 40 period
P2ai 0.25 wcet 40 period
- Feel free to change any of the wcet and periods to make it better for
different CPU's. The mean and max execution time of each task can be seen in
the JET display of the program. These numbers were tested on a P3 866 MHz
- The system will not overload with 145 hard balls, which reaches the
maximum number of processes that shark is able to handle. In order to test
overload, the periods of balls, or the radius of the balls could be increased
to increase their utilization.
- The ball and paddle tasks were given the same periods because to ensure that
our speeds were constant across both tasks and to avoid discrepencies between
the positions of the objects. The ai task was also given a period of 40 ms
because it is pointless for it to update the target position of paddle2 more
than once during a paddle2 cycle.
- Decreasing the periods of the paddles would make the movement of the user
paddle more responsive, if desired, because updates are only drawn to the
screen currently every 40 ms.
- We used the proportional and derivative control model, so the force applied
to the paddle at a given point is:
F = kp(distance to target position) - kd(velocity)
Force is divided by mass to give the paddle acceleration.
- The default values shown give some oscillation around the target position.
Increasing kd will decrease the oscillations. Increasing both will make the
computer harder.
- Kp and Kd are limited to values >= 0, mass is limited to values > 0.
- One mutex was used around all calls to the grx functions that write to the
- Another mutex was used for all accesses to the linked list of ball positions
that was used for the p2ai task to determine which ball will hit next.
- Both mutexes use priority inheritance to minimize blocking time of higher
priority tasks.
- Balls currently bounce from their current position once they determine that
their next position will be out of bounds. This could be changed so that the
balls determine the distance to the wall, subtract that distance from their
speed, reflect the path around the wall, and end up at the new position.
- Updating of positions for the balls and the paddles is done based cycles
(once per cycle, the ball moves BALL_SPEED pixels). In a large time
interval, the average speed is equal to this, but the speed in a small
period of a ball might be greater or smaller than BALL_SPEED. This could be
changed so that the exact time is used and during each cycle, the ball might
move slightly more or less than BALL_SPEED pixels. In the current demo, the
updates happen to fast for the user to notice the difference.
- If balls move too fast, they may skip over a paddle and score a point even though the
paddle is in the way, but at this point, the balls are too fast for the user
to respond to them, so the game is not playable.
- Main does keyboard reading in the current program. This could be changed to
using keyboard hooks and having a seperate function for each key. I tried
this implementation, but the numeric keys did not function properly, so I
restored all key reading to main. I do not know if there would be a
performance increase by changing them, but the switch statement would be
removed, which would make it at least slightly more responsive.