
Feb 15, 2008

  • New technical manager. See the peole page.

Nov 14, 2007

  • New S.Ha.R.K. version 1.5.4 available here, now runs on virtual machines like QEmu and VirtualBox.

Jan 17, 2007

  • New S.Ha.R.K. version 1.5.3 available here, now fully GPL compatible.

Aug 21, 2006

  • CiberMouse competition library for S.Ha.R.K. available here (RTSS 2006).

Jul 18, 2006

  • New Tracer manual draft released; documentation section restyled; experimental txt and html manual versions. See here.

Jul 17, 2006

S.Ha.R.K. User Manual

Volume V

*** DRAFT ***

The S.Ha.R.K. New Tracer

Written by

Tullio Facchinetti (




Scuola Superiore di Studi e Perfezionamento S. Anna


Via Carducci, 40 - 56100 Pisa


Chapter 1
The S.Ha.R.K. tracer

The S.Ha.R.K. new Tracer is a powerful tool to understand what happens while a S.Ha.R.K. application is executed. The Tracer logs a set of events corresponding with the most important activities within the kernel, such as preemptions, interrupt activations, mutexes blocks and releases, and much more.

During the execution, the kernel logs the sequence of events in memory; such events are then written to disk or sent through the network, typically at the end of the application execution. Each event is made by: a high resolution timestamp (TSC, Time Stamp Counter) corresponding to the instant at which the event has been logged; the event type; 2 optional parameters to add additional information to the event.

The Tracer can also be used to log custom events, since it reserves a number of free event types for user events.

To use the features made available by the Tracer, the Tracer functions must be enabled into the kernel by specifying




into the shark.cfg configuration file. The S.Ha.R.K. kernel must be built with this option set.

Chapter 2

2.1 FTrace_enable

int FTrace_enable();


Enable the Tracer. When this function is called, the Tracer starts the event logging.

2.2 FTrace_disable

int FTrace_disable();


Disable the Tracer. When this function is called, the Tracer stops the event logging.

2.3 FTrace_chunk_create

int FTrace_chunk_create(int normal_size, int emergency_size, FTrace_flags flags);


Create a new chunk.

2.4 FTrace_chunk_delete

int FTrace_chunk_delete(int number);


Delete a Chunk.

2.5 FTrace_set_chunk_flags

int FTrace_set_chunk_flags(int number, FTrace_flags flags);


Set the chunk flags.

2.6 FTrace_get_chunk_flags

int FTrace_get_chunk_flags(int number, FTrace_flags *flags);


Returns chunk flags.

2.7 FTrace_actual_chunk_select

int FTrace_actual_chunk_select(int number);


Select the actual chunk.

2.8 FTrace_chunk_link

int FTrace_chunk_link(int chunk_A, int chunk_B);


Link two chunks.

2.9 FTrace_get_first_chunk

int FTrace_get_first_chunk(FTrace_flags flags);


Find the first chunk with specific flags.

2.10 FTrace_get_chunk_table

FTrace_Chunk_Ptr *FTrace_get_chunk_table();


Get one chunks status.

2.11 FTrace_compress_chunk

int FTrace_compress_chunk(int number, FTrace_flags new_flags);


Create a new memory region where the compressed data are stored.

2.12 FTrace_send_chunk

int FTrace_send_chunk(int number, int osd_flags, FTrace_flags new_flags);


Send the chunk out from the memory.

2.13 FTrace_init_disk_writer

int FTrace_init_disk_writer(char *fname, int flag, char *l_ip, char *t_ip);


Initialize the disk Tracer chunk dumper. It sets the internal chunk sender to the function that writes chunks on disk. It initializes the filename that will be used to open the file for saving chunks.

2.14 FTrace_disk_writer

void FTrace_disk_writer(FTrace_Chunk_Ptr c);


This function is called by the application when it asks to write chunk c on disk. It saves the chunk data into the chunk_to_disk array. At the runlevel after the exit, all the saved chunks will be written to disk.

2.15 FTrace_OSD_init_udp

int FTrace_OSD_init_udp(int flag, char *l_ip, char *t_ip);


Initialize the Tracer chunk network sender using the UDP protocol supported by S.Ha.R.K. If flag = 1 initializes the network driver, otherwise it considers that the network layer has already been initialized. It also sets the internal chunk sender to the function that initializes the task for sending the chunk.

2.16 FTrace_set_filter

void FTrace_set_filter(BYTE family, int status);


Set the filter for a specific family of events (see Table 3.13 for a list of all the event families) . When the filter is enabled for a given family of events, all the events belonging to that family are not logged.

While status set to 1 enables the filter, status set to 0 disables the filter.




Stores a new event of type type into the current chunk, together with the 2 parameters par1 (2 bytes) and par2 (4 bytes).

Chapter 3
Event types description

This Chapter reports all the available event type codes currently supported by S.Ha.R.K.

Name CodeParameter 1Parameter 2

FTrace_EVT_empty 0x00 . .

FTrace_EVT_cycles_per_msec0x10 . [clk/msec]

FTrace_EVT_trace_start 0x20 . .

FTrace_EVT_trace_stop 0x30 . .

FTrace_EVT_blackout_start 0x40 . .

FTrace_EVT_blackout_end 0x50 . .

FTrace_EVT_id 0x60 context pid

FTrace_EVT_numevents 0x70 . .

Table 3.1: General trace events.

Name CodeParameter 1Parameter 2

FTrace_EVT_ipoint0x01 number .

Table 3.2: Lightweight tracing events.

Name Code Parameter 1 Parameter 2

FTrace_EVT_task_create 0x02 context pid

FTrace_EVT_task_activate 0x12 context .

FTrace_EVT_task_dispatch 0x22 . .

FTrace_EVT_task_epilogue 0x32 . .

FTrace_EVT_task_end 0x42 context pid

FTrace_EVT_task_begin_cycle 0x52 . .

FTrace_EVT_task_end_cycle 0x62 context level

FTrace_EVT_task_sleep 0x72 . .

FTrace_EVT_task_schedule 0x82exec_shadow.contextexec.context

FTrace_EVT_task_timer 0x92 context level

FTrace_EVT_task_disable 0xA2 . .

FTrace_EVT_task_deadline_miss 0xB2 context .

FTrace_EVT_task_wcet_violation0xC2 context .

Table 3.3: Task related events.

Name CodeParameter 1 Parameter 2

FTrace_EVT_interrupt_start 0x03 int .

FTrace_EVT_interrupt_end 0x13 int .

FTrace_EVT_interrupt_hit 0x23
Instant where interrupt was hit (no end)

Number of interrupts raised since last interrupt_count

Table 3.4: Interrupt events, even more lightweight than ipoints.

Name CodeParameter 1Parameter 2

FTrace_EVT_to_real_mode 0x04 . .

FTrace_EVT_to_protected_mode0x14 . .

FTrace_EVT_CLI 0x24 . .

FTrace_EVT_STI 0x34 . .

Table 3.5: Other CPU specific events.

Name Code Parameter 1 Parameter 2

FTrace_EVT_set_priority 0x05 . .

FTrace_EVT_context_switch0x15 context .

FTrace_EVT_inheritance 0x25exec_shadow.contextexec.context

Table 3.6: Changes on task attributes and state.

Name CodeParameter 1Parameter 2

FTrace_EVT_set_mutex_create 0x06 . .

FTrace_EVT_set_mutex_lock 0x16 context mutex

FTrace_EVT_set_mutex_inherit0x26 . .

FTrace_EVT_set_mutex_unlock0x43 context mutex

FTrace_EVT_set_mutex_wait 0x46 context mutex

FTrace_EVT_set_mutex_post 0x56 context mutex

Table 3.7: Mutex events.

Name CodeParameter 1Parameter 2

FTrace_EVT_signal0x07 . .

Table 3.8: Signal events.

Name CodeParameter 1Parameter 2

FTrace_EVT_server_create 0x08 . server

FTrace_EVT_server_replenish 0x18 . server

FTrace_EVT_server_exhaust 0x28 . server

FTrace_EVT_server_reclaiming0x38 . server

FTrace_EVT_server_remove 0x48 . server

FTrace_EVT_server_active 0x58 . server

FTrace_EVT_server_using_rec0x68 reclaiming server

Table 3.9: Specific server events.

Name CodeParameter 1Parameter 2

FTrace_EVT_user_event_0 0x09 free free

FTrace_EVT_user_event_1 0x19 free free

FTrace_EVT_user_event_2 0x29 free free

FTrace_EVT_user_event_3 0x39 free free

FTrace_EVT_user_event_4 0x49 free free

FTrace_EVT_user_event_5 0x59 free free

FTrace_EVT_user_event_6 0x69 free free

FTrace_EVT_user_event_7 0x79 free free

FTrace_EVT_user_event_8 0x89 free free

FTrace_EVT_user_event_9 0x99 free free

FTrace_EVT_user_event_100xA9 free free

FTrace_EVT_user_event_110xB9 free free

FTrace_EVT_user_event_120xC9 free free

FTrace_EVT_user_event_130xD9 free free

FTrace_EVT_user_event_140xE9 free free

Table 3.10: User defined events.

Name CodeParameter 1Parameter 2

FTrace_EVT_timer_post 0x0B . .

FTrace_EVT_timer_delete 0x1B . .

FTrace_EVT_timer_wakeup_start0x2B . .

FTrace_EVT_timer_wakeup_end 0x3B context .

Table 3.11: Timer events.

Name CodeParameter 1 Parameter 2

holds a pointer of data from

FTrace_EVT_next_chunk 0xFF
previous event

Table 3.12: Generic data events.

Name Code


FTrace_filter_ipoint 0xF1

FTrace_filter_task 0xF2

FTrace_filter_interrupt 0xF3

FTrace_filter_CPU 0xF4

FTrace_filter_priority 0xF5

FTrace_filter_mutex 0xF6

FTrace_filter_signal 0xF7

FTrace_filter_server 0xF8

FTrace_filter_user 0xF9

FTrace_filter_data 0xFA

FTrace_filter_timer 0xFB

FTrace_family_mask 0x0F

Table 3.13: Filter management.

Chapter 4
Example of Tracer usage

/** Declarations */

int a,b,c;



/** Create 3 chunks for storing the tracer events. */

a = FTrace_chunk_create(1000000, 1000000, FTRACE_CHUNK_FLAG_FREE | FTRACE_CHUNK_FLAG_CYC);

b = FTrace_chunk_create(1000000, 1000000, FTRACE_CHUNK_FLAG_FREE | FTRACE_CHUNK_FLAG_JTN);

c = FTrace_chunk_create(1000000, 1000000, FTRACE_CHUNK_FLAG_FREE | FTRACE_CHUNK_FLAG_CYC);




/** Select the first chunk for saving the events. */



/** Start the tracer. */



/** Enable filtering for timer related events. */

FTrace_set_filter(FTrace_filter_timer, 1);


for (i=0;i<10;i++)

if (proc_table[i].context != 0) TRACER_LOGEVENT(FTrace_EVT_id, (unsigned short int)proc_table[i].context,i);


// *** do something ***


/** Enable filtering for timer related events. */

FTrace_set_filter(FTrace_filter_timer, 0);


/** Change the chunk where the events are stored. */





// *** do something ***


/** Store a TFrace stop event. */



/** Stop the tracer. */



/** Initialize the network for remotely saving the trace. */

FTrace_OSD_init_udp(1, "", "");



* If want to save the events to disk, simply change

* the network initialization instruction with the following line:


* FTrace_init_disk_writer("trace.dat", 0, NULL, NULL);




/** Save the chunk. */


Algorithm 1: Example of Tracer usage.

Chapter 5
Tracer output

When the trace is saved, locally or remotely, into a file, the resulting binary file appears as a sequence of bytes where each event stored within the trace output file is 16 bytes long. The format of each single event is depicted in Table 5.1.

The fields have the following meaning:

  • the Code represent the event type (see Chapter 3 for the full list);
  • Parameter 1 and 2 are the parameters used when TRACER_LOGEVENT is invoked;
  • TSC is the Time Stamp Counter associated with the event;

If prt points to the first byte of an event, the correct TSC value can be obtained with the following instructions:

unsigned long long tsc_value;

tsc_value = (unsigned long long)(*(unsigned int *)(ptr + 4)) << 32;

tsc_value += (unsigned long long)(*(unsigned int *)(ptr + 8));

Code Parameter 1TSC (high part)TSC (low part)Parameter 2

2 bytes 2 bytes 4 bytes 4 bytes 4 bytes

Table 5.1: Event output file format.

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