Feb 15, 2008
- New technical manager. See the peole page.
Nov 14, 2007
- New S.Ha.R.K. version 1.5.4 available here, now runs on virtual machines like QEmu and VirtualBox.
Jan 17, 2007
- New S.Ha.R.K. version 1.5.3 available here, now fully GPL compatible.
Aug 21, 2006
- CiberMouse competition library for S.Ha.R.K. available here (RTSS 2006).
Jul 18, 2006
- New Tracer manual draft released; documentation section restyled; experimental txt and html manual versions. See here.
Jul 17, 2006
The S.Ha.R.K. News Page
Nov 14, 2007
- New S.Ha.R.K. version 1.5.4 available here, now runs on virtual machines
like QEmu and VirtualBox.
Jan 17, 2007
- New S.Ha.R.K. version 1.5.3 available here, now fully GPL compatible.
Oct 26, 2006
- New S.Ha.R.K. version available here.
Sep 20, 2006
- New S.Ha.R.K. version 1.5.2 compatible with gcc 4x available here.
Aug 21, 2006
- CiberMouse competition library for S.Ha.R.K. available here (RTSS 2006).
Jul 25, 2006
- S.Ha.R.K. 1.5.1 available for download here.
Jul 18, 2006
- New Tracer manual draft released; documentation section restyled; experimental txt and html manual versions. See here.
Jul 17, 2006
Jun 29, 2006
- The S.Ha.R.K. Forum is constantly growing; quick link to the Forum added to homepage.
Mar 01, 2006
Feb 14, 2006
Jan 24, 2006
- The SHaRK 1.5 bootdisk CD-ROM ISO is now available.
Jan 16, 2006
- SHaRK 1.5 is out!!! It includes good support for exit(), endcycle as a cancellation point, new scheduling module directories, and many cleanups!
Jan 18, 2005
Jan 6, 2005
- The SHaRK FAQs are now online under the Forum website!!!
Jan 5, 2005
Dec 16, 2004
- Beta of the SHaRK 1.4 Manuals !!!
- REALLY COOL demo of applications made with shark available under
the demos section!
Jun 21, 2004
- SHaRK 1.4 Final is out !!!
- Kernel final adjustments.
- New important changes !!!
To know all the version 1.4 details, check this page
May 31, 2004
- SHaRK 1.4 RC 1 is out.
- BTTV Fixed.
- Bugs removed.
- New important changes !!!
To know all the version 1.4 details, check this page
May 21, 2004
May 12, 2004
- SHaRK 1.4 BETA 3 is out.
- BTTV Ready.
- CPUFREQ Ready.
- New important changes !!!
To know all the version 1.4 details, check this page
May 05, 2004
- SHaRK 1.4 BETA 2 is out, problem with DJGPP solved.
- New package MINDJ333.ZIP, for correct Shark cross-compiling
under DJGPP.
- New important changes !!!
To know all the version 1.4 details, check this page
Apr 26, 2004
- SHaRK 1.4 BETA 1 is out, revolution is coming !
- New important changes !!!
To know all the version 1.4 details, check this page
Jan 17, 2004
- SHaRK 1.22 is out !
- Bugs Removed (printk, gcc 3.3.2 support)
- Servo Control Library, release of stable version (Look at Servo Library
- Joystick Driver
- S.Ha.R.K. Website Restyled. Added the new Projects section.
Nov 19, 2003
- SHaRK 1.21 is out !
- Dangerous bug removed in task_kill !
- APIC Support for more precise timer events managment
- TSC timer functions optimized (90 ns to read the system time on
a Pentium 2 GHz)
- ./shark.cfg: Edit this file to setup shark new stuffs (APIC,
Oct 22, 2003
- SHaRK 1.2 is out !
- A lot of bugs removed (especially a nasty one inside the network
- New calibration routine for TSC
- TFTP client for UDP file transfer
- SERVO motor library (a specific web page will be ready soon)
- New demos: Software oscilloscope with PCI6024E, TFTP demo
Jun 11, 2003
- SHaRK 1.1 is out !
- New framegrabber support (BTTV, inherited from the BTTV driver
for Linux)
- New framegrabber demo BTTVDEMO
- New Demos (Biliardo, Astro, Autostrada, Telesco)
- Bug fixes (TSC support, Network dellocation, VESA SVGALib)
- Portuguese version of Install.txt (leiame.txt, thanks to Antonio Pedro Mariano Junior)
Jul 10, 2003
- New papers about S.Ha.R.K. (from Italy and from Brasil) are
available for download on the download page!
- A new mailing list for italian users (mainly intended for
students) is available!
Jun 11, 2003
- New framegrabber support (BTTV, inherited from the BTTV driver
for Linux)
- New framegrabber demo BTTVDEMO
- New Demos (Biliardo, Astro, Autostrada, Telesco)
- Bug fixes (TSC support, Network dellocation, VESA SVGALib)
- Portuguese version of Install.txt (leiame.txt, thanks to Antonio Pedro Mariano Junior)
May 16, 2003
The slides on the web site have been updated with the newest
presentation I did (and I will do) at the University of Pavia, at the
University of Catania (Enna Branch of the Engineering faculty), and at
the University of Siena in May 2003. Moreover,some links have been
May 5, 2003
Shark 1.0 released! You can find it in the download page... It
- O.C.E.R.A. Memory Manager
- Advanced Timer (TSC and CMOS support)
- Svgalib VESA and NEOMAGIC card support
- MESA 3D libraries can now compile under DOS
- New demos
- Updated documentation
- and... a lot of bugs removed!
Mar 27, 2003
The Shark CVS Repository is now available to everyone with an
anonymous account. Checkout instructions can be found in the download
Mar 26, 2003
The Shark Bugzilla project on lancelot is now visible
also from people that are not registered in it (excuse me for this
mess)... Moreover, it seems that there are some problems in the
Bugzilla registration. In particular, a lot of people are registering
into the Bugzilla server but they are not getting back the password for
logging in. If you log in and you do not receive your password by a few
minutes, please send me an e-mail and
I'll fix it!
Mar 24, 2003
A new mailing list is available to discuss about all the S.Ha.R.K.
development issues... Check it out here!!!
Mar 21, 2003
A new preview snapshot has been released. It includes a few bugfix
on S.Ha.R.K. version 0.4, a PNG and a ZLib libraries that can be useful
to load textured to be used with the Mesa 3D library.As usual, in the
download page!
Mar 17, 2003
A new preview snapshot has been released. It is not really stable
yet, but includes a lot of new features like new hardware support, the
new OSLib, MESA 3D graphics, SVGALib, ... You can find it on the
download page!!!
Jan 17, 2003
A Bugzilla server
has been activated at the ReTiS Lab with an active project called
S.Ha.R.K. All the informations about bugs and feature requests can be
found and should be posted there...
Moreover, I decided to add some meaningful version numbers to the
project. You can find them in the download page ;-)
Jan 8, 2003
A new preview Snapshot is out! This includes:
- New scheduling modules interface implemented (it basically
follows the 16 Dec 2002 proposal);
- TASK_MODEL: level numbers now separated from pclass;
- set_exchandler_grx() and set_exchandler_txt() removed;
- task_delay(), task_endcycle() removed;
- ll_gettime now remapped into kern_gettime();
- event_delete now remapped in kern_event_delete();
- scheduler code often used into the kernel now included in a
- request_time removed from the task descriptor;
- include/modules/code.h removed.
Please note that the old scheduling modules interface is no more
supported. Please try to use the new one ;-)... A step-by-step porting
to the new scheduling module interface is also available in the
download page!!!
S.Ha.R.K. manuals also updated (they now include internal
This is still a development version, please check it out and find
some remaining bugs ;-) ... The "stable" snapshot is still the Easter
Finally, into the download section, you will find from now on a
"RFC" section that contains all the known problems of the system... Of
everyone can contribute!
Dec 16, 2002
Proposal on the new shark scheduling module interface updated.
Please send all the comments you have on that proposal before
Christmas. After that date, we will probably start implementing it!
Dec 2, 2002
A first proposal for the new shark scheduling module interface is
out!!! Check it into the download page (RFC section)...
Nov 21, 2002
It is maybe the time to modify and simplify the internal scheduling
module interface.
Here is a Request
for comments ... Often when writing a scheduling module, a lot of
problems are encountered due sometimes to the cryptic S.Ha.R.K.
All the people that used S.Ha.R.K. to write a scheduling module are
strongly encouraged to give some hints reporting the problems they had,
giving suggestions for changing (cleaning) the internal scheduling
module interface.
Any help is appreciated (and of course you will be listed into the
people web page ;-) )
Nov 11, 2002
A beta version of the next S.Ha.R.K. Snapshot is out! This
- Updated demos (especially demos/base, demos/block,
- Parallel port driver.
- Some modifications into the internal scheduling modules
interface (IQUEUE support, QUEUE and QQUEUE removed, task_delay removed
(use nanosleep instead!), UNVALID constants now are INVALID ;-) ).
- UDP Tracer, updated support for JTracer.
- Updated documentation: added Volume 5 (Tracer).
This is still a development version, please check it out and find some
bugs ;-) ... The "stable" snapshot is still the Easter Snapshot :-)
Oct 1, 2002
After a long time we are back with:
- The Shark CVS browsable online (look at the Download page)...
- An updated S.Ha.R.K. Demos Snapshots... that includes a few new
games and the IST FIRST Project D-OS2 deliverable...
- The demos distribution does no more include the documentation
files, that can be downloaded separately from the Demos
web page...
May 20, 2002
New S.Ha.R.K. slides available! Moreover, it is now possible to
compile S.Ha.R.K. under DJGPP and Windows staying in Windows mode!
Check it out the files in the download page...
April 5, 2002
Sorry, all the ReTiS Lab is moving to Pontedera, a little city 20
km from Pisa, Italy. Since also our "glorious" server gandalf.sssup.it
will be moved, expect some problems with the network: that is, The
server will not be reachable for a few days starting from Monday the
Easter 2002
- New (Easter) S.Ha.R.K. snapshot available for download! This
snapshot includes a series of small bug fixes on the network layer, on
signal handling and some other small stuffs...
- Also another demo (simcity) is now available for download!
Dec 20, 2001
Oct 23, 2001
- New S.Ha.R.K. snapshot available for download! This snapshot
includes also some bug fixes that appear sometimes at system
- New demos available! (check the demos directory for them!)
Oct 16, 2001
Aug 29, 2001
The S.Ha.R.K. Manual is now available for download in the download
It is now composed by 4 volumes, and it explains all the things you
wanted to know abou the Kernel! (I hope O:-) )
Aug 29, 2001
S.Ha.R.K. first public snapshot Birthday :-)
Jul 18, 2001
Thanks to Andrea Francia, University of Pavia, Italy, a driver for the
rtl8139 network card is now available for download on the download page
name is Patch2; diffs also availables...).
Jul 3, 2001
Thanks to Marco Ziglioli, University of Pavia, Italy, a driver for the National Instruments PCI6025E
is now available for download on the download page (its name is
Jun 27, 2001
We updated the boot disk with a new image that have both GRUB and
FreeDOS+X: In that way, you can put the image on the floppy and you can
boot without relying on any Operating System on your PC...
X 5.0 has been released!!! (you can find it in the Dos utilities
RAWRITE is now available in a local mirror!
Fixed the DOS installation package (Yesterday I forgot the DOS
utilities package!)
Jun 26, 2001
New S.Ha.R.K. Snapshot released! It includes the latest OSLib version,
the demos available for the 26 April Snapshot and some bug fixes... The
Snapshot can be found on the download page...
Jun 22, 2001
S.Ha.R.K. pre-release now available! This version is the evolution of
the unstable snapshot. In a few days we will distribute a new snapshot!
The pre-release
can be found in the download page...
Jun 6, 2001
New Scheduling Module available!!! It is very similar to the EDF Module
distributed with the kernel sources, except that:
- It does not support hard sporadic tasks
- It does not raise a deadline exception
- It does not raise a wcet violation exception
- Instead of raising an exception, the module simply COUNTS
misses and wcet exaustions..
Since a large part of the applications use only periodic tasks, this
Module can be a great improvement because the application will not hang
up at the
first exception!!! (and this happens frequently when switching to a
PC :-( )
You can find the Module into patch 5, available for download in the
Jun 4, 2001
- A demo that explains how to use DOS_fXXX functions is now
- Modified the default exception handler; now it works correctly
also with graphic applications! (see the FAQs for an explanation of
how it works now...)
- FAQs updated!!!
- We forgot to distribute the myapp package into the 26 April
snapshot. Now,You can find it correctly (We hope :-) )
You can find all the new features into patch 4, available for download
the download page...
May 22, 2001
- Fixed a strange behaviour of sem_wait()
- Fixed a little bug in asynchronous task cancellation
These bugs are corrected into the Patch 3 available for download...
2 is not available anymore, and its contents were moved to Patch 3.
May 22, 2001
- DOS_fwrite bug corrected
- Another small demo available...
- Please do not print more than 500 bytes with kern_printf :-)
These bugs are corrected into the Patch 2 available for download...
1 is not available anymore, and its contents were moved to Patch 2.
May 21, 2001
- Found a little bug into sys_abort() (exit functions with
did not work :-( )
- Two new small demos available...
- Fixed description into the install.bat of sharkdos.zip (to
the old sharkdos.zip simply type something like install C:\SHARK ...)
- Also found a little bug into DOS_fwrite ... it will be fixed
as soon as possible!
The two demos and the sys_abort patch are available for download into
download page...
In any case, please send all the problems you have at
May 16, 2001
To ease the configuration and installation of S.Ha.R.K.
under MS-DOS systems, we prepared a single ZIP file with a nice (we
hope) script. Try it, it's on the download page!!!
May 4, 2001
Development news:
- Claudio Melita from
of Pavia started the porting of the FreeBSD sound drivers under
- An A/D converter driver has been written, it will be available
... all these drivers will be available soon with the new S.Ha.R.K.
April 30, 2001
Due to some disc space problems, old snapshots has been
from the web site. If you need one of them, please send me an e-mail.
April 26, 2001
- Another S.Ha.R.K. Snapshot released :-)
- A patch to move from the snapshot of April 19, to the snapshot
of April, 26 is also available!
- Updated FAQs!
- A set of 150 Slides are now available for download. The Slides
were used in a Course in the University of Pavia to teach S.Ha.R.K.
to some students... You can use them to teach S.Ha.R.K. to other
or to learn S.Ha.R.K. yourself!
- A new mailing list has been created to create a feedback between
S.Ha.R.K. developers and users!
April 19, 2001
- New S.Ha.R.K. Snapshot released :-)
- An unstable snapshot with the latest version of OSLib is also
available for download!
- A new compile howto has been written, with another new template
- A copy of the OSLib 0.1 manual is also online!!!
March 5, 2001
The S.Ha.R.K. paper is now available in the download
February 27, 2001
New S.Ha.R.K. Snapshot Released! This snapshot is
a repackaging and cleaning of the previous snapshot... Moreover, some
are now distributed as separate template applications. Finally, we have
many headers in the source files and we have included the 16 Jan 01
February 13, 2001
A S.Ha.R.K. paper is accepted on the 13th Euromicro
Conference on Real-Time Systems!!!!
February 12, 2001
S.Ha.R.K. user manual updated (but it is not complete
February 10, 2001
If You don't know who is the man in the S.Ha.R.K. logo,
click here!
February 8, 2001
Updated the S.Ha.R.K. FAQs!!!
February 5, 2001
Added shark-announce, the S.Ha.R.K. Mailing list!
February 5, 2001
Kernel Overview Updated (chapter 4 fixed).
February 2, 2001
A draft of the S.Ha.R.K. user manual is now available in
download page!
January 16, 2001
- Source patch available: fixed a little bug in the boot and in
the network code;
- GRUB bootdisk image now available (GRUB version 0.5.95, newer
versions may not work :-( );
- Old snapshots removed.
January 8, 2001
A quick reference guide (called S.Ha.R.K. compendium) is
available from Tomas Lennvall... You can download it in the download
January 8, 2001
Here a little todo list for the next 2 months... I hope to
fix it as soon as possible...
- C++ header compatibility (extern "C" for now... maybe in a later
future also the C++ libraries will come...);
- Header substitution (now many header files are marked with names
are inherited from older projects);
- New Scheduling Modules should arrive soon;
- The Documentation writing is in progress... we plan to prepare
also a User Manual similar to that of the Hartik Kernel, and a Quick
reference guide will also be published in a few days;
- a BootDisk image for Linux users will be available soon;
- We plan to switch soon to the new version of OSLib.
January 8, 2001
Since a few days we are listed on FreeOS!!! We wish thank them for
their hospitality :-)
December 11, 2000
Kernel Overview Updated (chapter 3 and 5 fixed).
December 6, 2000
Fixed the "How to Compile" link in the download page.
December 5, 2000
In a few days we will release a version of the
documentation that will comprend a few other chapters checked... and a
photo gallery about the eternal fight between Sharks and its
November 16, 2000
Kernel Overview Updated (we checked the first two
November 15, 2000
We are not sleeping :-) ... Just correcting the buggiest
of the world, and preparing a new version with C++ support, new
modules and so on...
October 23, 2000
Fixed the CASH Scheduling Module, added the CBS_FT
Scheduling Module by Marco
October 18, 2000
Fixed a little bug in the source patch; added FAQs...
October 6, 2000
Fixed a little bug in the documentation of the
level_guarantee Level Call...
October 4, 2000
Added a few primitives to allow tasks to be created in
group. These primitives can be useful to implement a guarantee
algorithm that can choose which task should be accepted and which
rejected in an atomic way (before, the tasks were guaranteed one after
another). Look at the Download page for
September 20, 2000
Rewritten the Download and the people page; added the
guide; removed the bin directory from the source package and added the
September 4, 2000
Added Massimiliano Giorgi's Master Thesis...
August 29, 2000
First S.Ha.R.K. Snapshot!!!