
Feb 15, 2008

  • New technical manager. See the peole page.

Nov 14, 2007

  • New S.Ha.R.K. version 1.5.4 available here, now runs on virtual machines like QEmu and VirtualBox.

Jan 17, 2007

  • New S.Ha.R.K. version 1.5.3 available here, now fully GPL compatible.

Aug 21, 2006

  • CiberMouse competition library for S.Ha.R.K. available here (RTSS 2006).

Jul 18, 2006

  • New Tracer manual draft released; documentation section restyled; experimental txt and html manual versions. See here.

Jul 17, 2006

What's related...

Our Laboratory

The S.Ha.R.K. Project is developed into the RETIS Lab of the Scuola Superiore di Studi Universitari e Perfezionamento S. Anna.

Other Universities and research groups that uses S.Ha.R.K.

We moved the list of the Universities using SHaRK here!!!

Other operating systems


  • S.Ha.R.K. includes a porting of the FFTW library. You can find the latest version of that project here.


The S.Ha.R.K. Documentation has been written using LaTex, XFig and Dia.

The Gimp was used to create the S.Ha.R.K. Logo.


Some of the pictures you found in this site were taken in:

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