Feb 15, 2008
- New technical manager. See the peole page.
Nov 14, 2007
- New S.Ha.R.K. version 1.5.4 available here, now runs on virtual machines like QEmu and VirtualBox.
Jan 17, 2007
- New S.Ha.R.K. version 1.5.3 available here, now fully GPL compatible.
Aug 21, 2006
- CiberMouse competition library for S.Ha.R.K. available here (RTSS 2006).
Jul 18, 2006
- New Tracer manual draft released; documentation section restyled; experimental txt and html manual versions. See here.
Jul 17, 2006
S.Ha.R.K. Modules
Models and Modules
One of the goals of the S.Ha.R.K. Kernel is to allow the user to easily
implement and test novel scheduling algorithms. These requirements are useful
if a comparison between similar algorithms has to be done; in fact, this
independence allows the user to configure and test applications without
recompile them, only relinking them.
Independence between applications and scheduling algorithms is achieved by
introducing the concept of model. Each task asks the system to be scheduled
according to a given Quality of Service (QoS) specified by a model. In other
words, a model is the entity used by Lego to separate the scheduling
parameters from the QoS parameters required by each task. In this way,
the kernel provides a common interface to isolate the task QoS requirements
from the real scheduler implementation.
Models are required to make the generic kernel independent from the
implemented scheduling algorithms: since the kernel does not implement any
algorithm, it does not know how to serve a task but invokes a service request
to scheduling entities realized as external modules. Hence, the generic
kernel does not interpret the models, but just passes them to the modules;
each module, reading the common part of the model, can understand whether
the task can be served or not.
In this way an application, that uses models, remain indipendent from the
modules used into the system, that implements the scheduling algorithms and
give the requested QoS.
There are two types of Modules in the S.Ha.R.K. Kernel:
- Scheduling Modules, that implements Scheduling Algorithms and Aperiodic Servers;
- Resource Modules, that implements Shared Resource Access protocols.
The current distribution of the Kernel includes a set of scheduling and resource Modules. In the next paragraphs the implemented Modules are listed:
Scheduling Modules
Scheduling Algorithms
- POSIX - The POSIX priority scheduler
- RM - Rate Monotonic implementation for periodic and sporadic tasks with
guarantee based on the used bandwidth
- EDF - Earliest Deadline First implementation for periodic and sporadic
tasks with guarantee based on the used bandwidth
- EDFACT - EDF with pending activations and less exception raising (available in the demos/edfact directory)
- RR - The classic Round Robin scheduler
- RRSOFT - A Round Robin for Soft and Hard Task (useful for Scheduling Algorithms comparison)
- RR2 - Round Robin with Pending Activations
- SLSH - The Slot Shifting Algorithm (Module written by Tomas Lennvall)
- DUMMY - A simple dummy task
- STATIC - static scheduling (available in the demos/static directory)
- Hyerarchical Scheduling - available in the demos/first directory, with documentation.
Aperiodic Servers
- PS - Polling Server implementation
- DS - Deferrable Server implementation
- SS - Sporadic Server implementation (Module written by
Marco Gigante)
- CBS - Constant Bandwidth Server implementation
- CASH - CASH Server implementation (Module written by Marco Caccamo)
- CBS_FT - Fault Tolerant CBS implementation (Module written by Marco Caccamo; it can be found in the Module Repository section of the Download Page)
Resource Modules
Mutex and Semaphores Modules
- NOP - No Protocol Mutex Handling (this protocol simply works as a classic semaphore)
- NOPM - No Protocol Mutex Handling with multiple locks (similar to the NOP Module, it allows multiple locks/unlock on the same mutex) (Module written by Massimiliano Giorgi)
- PI - Priority Inheritance Protocol
- PC - Priority Ceiling Protocol
- SRP - Stack Resource Protocol
- NPP - Non Preemptive Protocol (when a mutex is locked the task become non-preemptable)
- SEM - Classical Counting Semaphores
The S.Ha.R.K. Tracer Modules
S.Ha.R.K. can use a modular custom tracer. It is full documented (see the download page), and provides different ways to log events, using a fixed or circular queues, and writing results using the DOSFS filesystem, the FAT16 Filesystem and the Network (using UDP). Full working demos are also provided!
The File System Scheduling Modules
(Modules written by Massimiliano Giorgi)
- TRACE - The S.Ha.R.K. Kernel Tracer
- BD_EDF - The EDF algorithm
- BD_PSCAN - The Priority SCAN algorithm
- ... and other algorithms (FCFS, SSTF, LOOK, CLOOK) implemented directly into the file system without Kernel Modules
Other Resource Modules
- HARTPORT - Old hartik Communication Ports (POSIX Message queues also available)
- CABS - Cyclic Asynchronous Buffers